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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Pinochet

  1. Ask not for whom the memes toll.

  2. The council of reaping shadows shall stand strong! Death to the orcs! Let the rains fall upon their halls!

  3. LOL! They finally did it! They finally banned the word edgy! They are finally standing up to all of the bad conduct!

  4. LOL! They finally did it! They finally banned the word edgy! They are finally standing up to all of the bad conduct!

  5. I support the bombing and total removal of 'Edgy' from the server outright.

  6. social justice is a meme

  7. i am having an uncontrollable urge to smoke weed everyday

  8. just DO IT

  9. You are all lovely people and I'm glad I get to spend time with you all.

  10. My lord and savior Jesus Christ forgives those who give themselves up to him.

  11. Anyone recommend a good movie to watch that are out in the theaters right now?

  12. Feed me memes! Yes!

  13. People need to stop posting at 2:30 am.


  15. memes killed the internet

  16. The Squideesi has come to Westeros

  17. Boy I hope the GM's ask the Nation leaders what they want in the new map instead on designing it on their own!

  18. can i put blushing and eyes from anime on my sig or will that traumatize the 400 thirteen year olds on this site

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