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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Pinochet

  1. two more teaser pictures of the animation! http://gyazo.com/372dabea5a22c528931512fd05aa19f2 http://gyazo.com/e99ca12293152cd47b76cecd3b2786bc Had to change up on the outfit. I think this is much better. :)

  2. Person Reported: Alakabam People involved: Wolfkite1 (me), Alakabam Rules Broken: No rp kill x 5 Situation: I went to fight the dirte hax0r named Alakabam and he turned on his nasty no rp killing attitude and rekt me with a diamond sword with like sharpness X. Screenshots: Who needs these. Proof you tried to solve the situation: He dirte hax0r, he gets no rights.

  3. Most attractive celebrity?

  4. i have decided to put my trolling days behind me. may you never be forgotten, young soul.

  5. buying oak logs and hardened clay contact me: nickofwar

  6. i need to buy a horse, i lost my other one.

  7. Can't help but notice more people in Cerulin now that the Red Lotus is closed.

  8. who here likes tupac

  9. please, criticize me as cruelly as you can


  11. "HOW DO YOU FORGET TO EAT THE RICE!?" - Kai Hui 2k15

  12. Was just offered a job as a builder receptionist for $22.50 a hour.

  13. 113 members of LOTC have decided to boycott and refuse to follow VA rules so far.

  14. If we role back to the fringe.... :D

  15. Why isn't the orc who fucked a ten year old getting banned.

  16. ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ

  17. Anthos was fine, Athera isnt.

  18. ew fkin black people are disgusting lets send them back to africa >:^[ grrrrrr

  19. what in the living **** happened while i was gon

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