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Status Updates posted by Merkaken

  1. Does MPM work without playing /showmcnames again?

  2. Just married no one. I'm so lonely ._.

  3. Can Dark Elves be purple?! Aka can they be Night Elves?!

  4. "You'll never believe what they found hiding in your stomach" Who the **** was in my stomach?

  5. Schreck am mean. Hit my Halfling while he was on a horse :

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Heff


      The village is on the CT island scum

    3. Heff


      The village is on the CT island scum

    4. Merkaken



  6. I'm thinking of taking a tai chi class. can you do tai chu if you're... well, fat?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Breath in deeply and hope for the best.

    3. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      you can actually literally beat some1 the **** up with tai chi. chinese martial art is practiced slowly, but executed switfly.

  7. No clue how to change my avatar and now it's gone ._. what do?

    1. _Stigwig


      If you go to your profile and hover over the avatar space there should be a 'Change' button

    2. Tirenas


      For me, that doesn't work, so if that's the same for you, just put a link to a picture and it'll implement it.

  8. Anyone have an android tablet? I need to know if it's normal for mine to be taking a long time to load and not have much battery life

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Sounds like a dark wizard turned it into an iPad

    2. Rassidic


      ^ Seriously , both my Ipads are dying randomly. A dark wizard is plaguing us all.

    3. Merkaken


      What manner of dark magic is this?!

  9. Sorry, uruks. My laptop decided to be dumb and won't start back up ._.

  10. EH. Gonna go ahead and use a skin that looks like Thrall's from WoW... Fully expect to get dumped upon. Don't care. Too lazy and not good at shading. HURRAY THE SYSTEM WORKS

  11. Bored a bit.

    1. Augor


      Soresan, you're not allowed to be bored. Come talk to your daddy (me) and enjoy a good conversation.

  12. Holy crap where are all the Orcs?

    1. BrandNewKitten


      I saw like four today at cloud temple. Perhaps they are doing their thang on the roads?

    2. L0rdLawyer


      All the uruks are usually on around 7 EST to around 2 EST. Best time to find one of us.

  13. I might be coming back sometime soon. Hurray~

    1. Kardel


      yay, i remember you

    2. Merkaken



    3. ToenailTickler


      No plz. Come back now

  14. Aaaand the maintenance got pushed back and hour (for WoW)... I MUST TRY MY NEW ORC CHARACTER MODEL! I am the dissapoint

    1. Abeam


      im crying atm

  15. New WoW models and patch. Now we wait... Forever...

  16. Can anyone link me all the voting websites that provide minas

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      This should have the links

    2. Merkaken


      Thanks a bunch!

  17. "No, I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious."

    1. gam



  18. Come join the Dread Knight cult! Kill your loved ones! Eat Dread Cake! Have Dread pool parties!

    1. Booklight12


      Will the dread babes be there at this dread pool party that I may hit on?

  19. I am thinking but won't show it so I make a noise

  20. Does the mineworld at CT not work?

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      Mineworld is down due to someone exploiting.

    2. Merkaken


      Crap... Are there iron ore veins outside of it?

    3. ShameJax


      Nope, and I want some magic gems too :( Specifically an aengul gem...

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