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Status Updates posted by Merkaken

  1. On 8/30/14, at 11:29 PM, B wrote: > "kill *******, get knights" > -verin > -alexandros > -micheal scot

  2. #KeepThePeopleWhoBrokeTheRulesBannedSwagYoloDKMasterRace

  3. And here I thought someone wanted to talk to me .-.

    1. Porkour.


      Piggeh wants to talk to you

  4. Is there a difference between harvesting crops with your fist insted of a hoe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redbaron™
    3. TeaLulu


      yea i've found you get more seeds with a hoe but i might be crazy

    4. Birdwhisperer


      Hoes of better material get more seeds.

  5. I am dissapoint. So loneleh while everyone's at work and school .-. Damn working night shifts.

    1. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Don't worry friend your good friend Paul is still here :) How r u?

  6. Wow you guys are so lame, I have no friends

  7. Anyone got any good RPG suggestions for Mac (If you say "ew", I've already said it to myself hungreds of times) or xbox 360?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Planescape: Torment. Most certainly that one. Also Baldur's gate, Icewind Dale, and Divine Divinity is supposed to be good. At least according to GoG these are all available on mac. Ofcourse the Witcher games, but I assume you've played those.

    3. JCQuiinn


      Wasteland 1 alongside Divinity: Original sin should also be considered.

    4. Eleatic


      Planescape Torment is not mac. Nor is BG. Nor is Divine Divinity.

  8. Does making salt still destroy your bucket?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      I think that was fixed!

    3. Merkaken
    4. Rassidic


      ive been making salted bread and having them renamed to chocolate dipped donuts. i got the buckets back

  9. Dom clan here I come

  10. New Druidic age should be "Age of Greasy Fish and Pumpkin Justice".

  11. Nevermind, everyone get in!! *opens the bunker* QUICKLY!

  12. *Hides in bunker* EVERYONE HIDE! The spam statuses are a' comin'!

    1. Joe_Blackman
    2. Merkaken


      *peaks head out*... Huh. Nevermind!

  13. Why are the wilds regioned?

    1. Rassidic


      Because it's where


      the wild things are

  14. Why are Orc's skin green/various other colors? How did that happen?

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Apparently Ibless has a weird fire that turns white people Green. That's basically the entire lore on why Orcs are green.

  15. I want to applaud the staff who took so much time making little hidden secret places and animals, different special flora and fauna. It really gives people a reason to go out and explore a little, perhaps even stumble upon something that develops your character. Cheers, you guys!

  16. Someone needs to write down all the words in the "One word story" and see what ungodly story we have made. Heck, I might just do it.

    1. Anderssn


      I had the same idea, but cba.

  17. On 8/20/14, at 1:16 PM, zach211w wrote: > thank you science person > i now know that dishes some times twerk in my dishwasher

    1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



      why no why

      no get out why

      post Skype things no why

    2. Merkaken



    3. Kim


      -bows- Don't listen to Zachy he's very modest. We're just doing our jobs :')

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken


      friya ur devilahpur u shld no (It's from changing your persona too early, says something along the lines of "You have a 30 minue wait before changing personas)

    3. Neri


      I don't make plugins. I will get that fixed tyhough.

    4. Merkaken


      I was just teasin, Freya :P wasn't being serious in the first sentance

  18. How old would an Orc be if they were 5 years old late Asulon (Roughly)? I put 165 but I think that might be too young perhaps. Anyone have a good guess?

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      That's about right?..

  19. How old would an Orc be if they were 5 years old late Asulon (Roughly)? I put 165 but I think that might be too young perhaps. Anyone have a good guess?

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