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Status Updates posted by Aptrotta

  1. What time is the 3.0 release for players that play pacific time? ( Pacific time California)

    1. Aiden


      It tells you EST, so minus three hours from that

    2. Aptrotta


      Ahh. Sorry, I did not notice that. Thankyoy

  2. Why was there a grave in Asulons cloud temple

    1. Pnoynoy


      What grave are you speaking of?

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      There is several dedicated to players who have passed away IRL.

  3. Zippy de do

    1. Aptrotta


      Da, zippy de day. My oh my wht a wonderful day

    2. ayresalex


      r u dun yet

  4. Are we allowed to advertise for LOTC? I mean get a bigger playerbase by using some of our own players to recruit others?

    1. Kaiser


      Is it stopped? no, but don't do it.

    2. JCQuiinn
  5. Need help coming up with a last name for my halfling character named Bartley. I would love suggestions. Please be serious about this

  6. Can someone please pm me a few links to some good skinning and shading tutorials please?

    1. Shorsand


      I personally use Dodge/Burn tool on GIMP to do it.

    2. Aptrotta


      Does it work well? Like actually look shaded? Can you send me a skin that you have used that for please?

  7. Has the new mpm come out yet?

    1. Princeton
    2. Haelphon


      Anything exciting in the new MPM?

  8. Aptrotta For those who answered my previos statues (Thanks by the way), I would like you to know they will not turn into worgen. Just have same culture, architecture, accents, and style. Regular humans with Gilnean beliefs. Its going to be awesome. No Worgenness at all. Any ideas for the name of the Subrace? I want it to sound british, and also start with a G becuase of the place they live. (They live in Greymarsh) what should they be called?

    1. Aptrotta


      Please help with coming up with a name

    2. Timmeh!


      I got this....I GOT THIS, you ready?:

      FANG PEOPLE!!!!

  9. So I am writing lore finally. But for some reason I am writing in role play sense. Do most do this? Does it make more sense if it is in OOC writing

    1. NomadGaia


      Nope, I find it works best when its in Rp and Has an Ooc explanation as well

    2. Tethras


      Whatever really works for you. Either way if you have fun with it, then it's all good.

  10. Okay, writing a story for an in game rp thing. What genre should it be and what should it be about?

    1. TeaLulu



    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom


  11. MPM is now so cool. It had me swimming. My minecraft guy was laying on the ground on his stomach and as he moved his arms would go back and forth like they were army crawling or swimming. Only wish I knew how to go back to that

    1. Elfen_


      Double tap crouch

    2. TeaLulu


      Other people can, unfortunatel, not see the crawling, lol.

  12. Aptrotta What do you think of Marshes? Trying to decide having Gallmore be marshy, rocky, coastal, holly, a a happy meduim of all. One side be marshy then another forms a rocky cliff then another forms a nice beach with a dock . What should I Do?

    1. Shorsand


      The latter one.

    2. Aptrotta


      Okay:) that is what will be done!

  13. Cant make a spoiler, dang it. How do I make one again?

  14. Really wants to make Gallmorian propaganda

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Come for the Chickling Theatre!

    2. Aptrotta
  15. Think I would make a good FM, please check out my FM app and maybe drop a support? Don't think I would do do well as a FM, please drop on down there and tell me why

  16. Don't have computer today, why not write out my chars story an develop him? Urara, any tips to help a current char?

    1. Urahra


      I'll have to try to think of some. :D

    2. Aptrotta
  17. Your page seemed lonely, so here. ENJOY THIS!

    1. Aptrotta


      *Shoves a cookie on to the page*

    2. Nano


      D'aww, thanks

  18. Wants to make a LOTC Guild called DDoS. The Dark Dragons of Salvus

  19. Who wants to play WoW?

    1. shiftnative


      Play Vanilla WoW - play the game it was meant to be! ;p

    2. Aptrotta
  20. Trying to figure out hot to make a small carriage in game to sit out font of the manor in Gemglade

    1. Norman


      Noice noice.

    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      What bout dis:

  21. Taxation edict writing time.... Oh yeah, this will be fun. Question: How does one write an edict properly?

    1. Haelphon



  22. Is the war between dwarves and humans still going on?

  23. Geminines and friends, snorting that Sug' back at the Gemglade keep. Fun RP

    1. Augor


      I knew the Geminines before it was cool.

    2. SkyyoBee
  24. Joined Teamspeak. Been in lobby for an hour. Dont know what channel to join...

    1. Space


      Join a guild and join that.

    2. Aptrotta



  25. Come back soon! I miss rp'ing with you

    1. Dawn


      Hi Aptrotta, I hope to see you soon, once life slows down a bit :)

    2. Aptrotta


      :) Yay! Can't wait.

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