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Coal VIP
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Status Replies posted by rukio

  1. Plz change ur pfp I need to identify squak by his 

  2. 1v1 Minesweeper. Who's down?

  3. So ummm... we doing league soon? You've kinda been ghosting me

  4. So ummm... we doing league soon? You've kinda been ghosting me

  5. So ummm... we doing league soon? You've kinda been ghosting me

  6. So ummm... we doing league soon? You've kinda been ghosting me

  7. Please god ban reserved posts its not a restaurant you don't need to reserve a seat

  8. Please god ban reserved posts its not a restaurant you don't need to reserve a seat

  9. you cannot make a convincing argument for activity checks when wars are possible. end the system. stop making lotc a chore.

  10. Hey regardless of all these wars happening, remember that most importantly we’re here to have fun! <3 remember to enjoy the RP!! I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the time of your lives 💕

  11. Also can't believe you're a filthy hacker  . . .explain urself right now

  12. I'm looking for people who want to play a child character 
    My character Daewlin and her partner have had a pure darkelven daughter

    My character Fillia and her partner have had a highelf/woodelf daughter

    I can give more details if interested, just DM me in game or on disc :)


  13. Wake up, Sheeple. Pigeons aren't real. They're spies sent by the Aengudaemons!

  14. Hello again lads and lasses! Do we attempt to bring back Mynebor a fifth time? 

  15. Stay edgy, LotC.

  16. no way you let a radiohead album change your life

  17. No player should have to have a folder called this for LOTC.


  18. Now THAT is an OLD name I ain't seen in a while. Wag1 youngie

  19. Now THAT is an OLD name I ain't seen in a while. Wag1 youngie

  20. talking with a friend about LOTC maps recently. I think Almaris or whatever this current one is called is probably the worst designed map ever.

  21. talking with a friend about LOTC maps recently. I think Almaris or whatever this current one is called is probably the worst designed map ever.

  22. Up ur game shitter ur #3 now 

  23. when your friends messaging you that the muffins report is top 15... XD  

  24. 🟨🟨🟩🟩

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