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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. so cool how ST finds time to stop 40 player RP but can’t find time to finish the loregames

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. NightcastorKitty


      Guns haven't been allowed ever and if you still don't know that when being a veteran on this server, that's your own problem. Despite what people think of the ST, that still doesn't give anyone permission to suddenly start rping what ever they want. 

    3. frill


      Is this still going? You're not going to achieve anything by continuing to flame after chomping at the bit to take bait.

    4. seannie


      2 hours ago, NightcastorKitty said:

      Guns haven't been allowed ever and if you still don't know that when being a veteran on this server, that's your own problem. Despite what people think of the ST, that still doesn't give anyone permission to suddenly start rping what ever they want. 

      We had gun powder cannons though. I personally find it boring that we’ve been stuck on the same technological level for the past 6 or so years, and that the people who are the most adamantly opposed to any sort of progression, are magic cliques, or small elven niche players.

  2. That LIBERTY shall not PERISH from the EARTH – Abraham Lincoln

  3. Which clown locked that thread it’s hilarious

  4. vote for anthos here



  5. give me anthos or give me death

    1. Heero


      we tried you kept avoiding it

  6. Make an Adunian Today!

  7. wtf did they gut planetminecraft's skin database where am i supposed to rip **** from now

  8. is lotc worth comming back to? should i remake adunia? where's the rp

    1. Publius


      Hanrahan, join the Knights Errants in the Yatl Wastes as we drive wraiths into the wall friendo

    2. Skylez


      Belvitz is pretty booming for human/peasant rp.

    3. rukio


      nomore adunia

  9. Anyone got an Anthos save?

  10. free dewper you lot

  11. Who are the techs?

  12. is it true the Hou-Zhi are getting land but marna  had to fight for it...

    1. oblivionsbane


      The hou-zi shouldn't be around next map

    2. Skylez


      Hou-zi should stay on Axios, we don't need more inactive bloat races.


      Also I'm going to go chimp (no pun intended) if Hou-zi are getting land..............................................

  13. give marna nation status or give it death

  14. don't forget to vote on that gunpowder post!!

  15. maybe we wouldnt have so much toxicity if we didn't have an admin and dev team that said 4 votes of 75%+ didn't represent the players interets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      there was a dev post like a week or two back saying we're keeping dia armour and other nexus pvp elements, despite numerous polls showing the vast majority of the playerbase wanted vanilla iron armour iron sword pvp

    3. Telanir


      The main issue with diamond armor being the strength or the weight of it?

      As I was told, diamond armor has, or will have, the same strength as iron armor—with the exception of lasting longer (higher durability).

  16. mein kampf it's been like 3 months since the damn poll tell us if you think our primitive monkey brains are ready for the techlock or not

  17. > has a vote overwhelmingly in favor of removing techlock
    > debates in private admin skype chats for months about it???

    1. _Jandy_


      The players aren't in charge of the server and the popular opinion is not always the correct one.

    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Then why even have a vote in the first place?


      Sure, the player's might always not have the best ideas for the server, but to make a poll and then ignore it is just stupid.

  18. heres an idea we pick commanders from all factions and then we fight in total war warhammer...

    1. Jachnun


      what movie is that from?

    2. AmK


      card jutsu

    3. Freischarler


      it would be too easy tbh id win

  19. 123 people on and all the national capitals can't boast more then 20 people together wtf is this

  20. Let the best lore win

    1. Flugal


      Can the Devs please fix the server?

  21. #OrcLivesMatter#GasBadGMs

  22. hohoho travellers

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