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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Dear Mr. Sanvello, Your offer is heartily received. I shall make my preparations and be happy to recieve you and your folks in the old Redenwald Farm with due haste. My thanks, C. Dograce.
  2. C. Dograce senses a labour conflict incoming.
  3. To The Monks, It is a well known fact that by the ‘good’ grace of the monks, persons who make offerings to the Skygod may receive the gift of both bread and potatoes. I write this letter to you fellows in PROTEST of this policy. Providing the descendant folks food and whatnot may SOUND like a fair and moral policy, it is a most VILLAINOUS and DASTARDLY system that beggars and throes into poverty all the gentleman farmers of our proud nation. My name is Curley Dograce, and I’ve been a farmer in the Redenford area for twenty one years. I grow pumpkins, oats, potatoes, and carrots on my fields, of which I have four - and a pasture with ten head of woolies. As well, I have a coop to my name with six lovely feathered ladies. And every last bit of it is all for naught. YOUR policy of supplying people with labour-free food, magick’d into their pockets has reduced my livelihood to nothing. Not one fellow, madame, child, or elfe purchases farm goods! Mutton goes unsold. Pumpkins rot on the fields. Oats go bad in the silos, and even my eggs go funny. There’s no life to be had in the countryside, and it’s all your bloody fault. I beg of you to rethink your policy, as many of my countrymen across the Empire share in my plight to be sure. We want to do an honest days work, and get an honest days pay from it. Your potato and bread policy is the ruin of us all. Sincerely, C. Dograce.
  4. Citizens of the Empire Celebrating c. 1824
  5. then why does any lore have rules dude what the hell
  6. 2265 rep and counting

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I can't wait until I hit 5k rep

    2. seannie


      han in da club with his rep points

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      rep ratio weaker than the average orenian's jawline

  7. did... did u read the rules i proposed t_t
  8. That's a good point, but I still disagree with it. I don't think infantilizing the playerbase like that helps, considering it's so incredibly diverse. The wants of, for lack of a better term, 'the gun lobby', are varied. I think by far the most of us who are in favour are in it for flavour. We don't want to powergame, we don't want to "get and edge". We make up a large percentage of the playerbase, according to previous polls, roughly half the server. While there will always be a few cheeky goons, they shouldn't speak for all of us. There's bad magic players, there's bad knight players, there'll be bad gunpowder players. I'm here for roleplaying a flavour I want, with people I want. I understand lots of folks don't want that - but I'd hope that they understand lots of folks do want it. LOTC, as you said, is a complicated system of lore and stories and properties. We should be free to create and storytell things that we want to, as long as it doesn't negatively affect other people. When bad things do happen, target the individual, not the gropu. The ST, the GMs, the LT have always existed to prevent lore abuse, slippery slopes, and all that. The fact the LT can ban folks for months at the drop of a hat for lore break proves that no amount of rules-lawyering will put us in a situation with gatling guns and Apache Helicopters. That's why you're here! You exist to prevent that! I don't want to see anyone abused over this matter, I just want folks to have the ability to have some more freedom in the flavour that they want to see in their roleplay/community/environment. I'm not sure how we "Prove" our competency, and I think that's a negative way of looking at it with foggy goalposts that can't ever be achieved. I say this; Try it out, see what happens. You can always say no later. You have that power. You've done it before.
  9. legit im in favour of this kind of thing i want to see communities embrace (or not!!) them!! flavour them how u like!! have fun with it :)
  10. that would be a named crossbow!
  11. Gunpowder and Musket Rules By Harren, (Hanrahan#4886) Preface: Frankly, I don’t believe we should have specialized lore for these things. Just as we do not have lore for steel swords, wooden bows, or chainmail armour, I believe that they should be introduced as a vanilla item that anyone can access. This is because when the lore is tailored to lotc, or, more accurately, a faction on lotc, it becomes a clique item that is hoarded or culturally coded to one specific group (Medesculators). If someone wishes to change ‘the basics’, (Which I will lay out here), they will have to submit lore to the LT who may accept, or reject it as is their purview and always has been. Everything written here is subject to change at the wishes of the LT. Gun Lore: Muskets had long been worked on within, and even without the Empire. As Boomsteel was re-discovered, and cannons proliferated, many minds quickly sought to reduce the size of these powerful weapons, making them handheld. Made out of wood and iron, the mechanical fabrication of muskets is, while not ‘easy’, still accessible to any capable blacksmith, woodworker, and clockmaker. They fire lead, pewter, or stone balls varying in diameter, the smallest around 45 Calibre, and the largest at around 55 Calibre. Muskets of course, require gunpowder to function. Muskets! How do they work? I propose three systems, which the LT may choose at their leisure to accept or deny. Mechanical Rules For the purposes of the Mechanical aspect - Crossbows will be Muskets. If a Plugin or a Command structure can be implemented, ideally an Enchanted Crossbow with increased damage but slow reload. If possible, Gunpowder or Fire-Charge ammunition requirement. The main purpose of the mechanical aspect is to ensure a logical PVP provision with high damage and slow reload - by what method, may the techs figure that one out. (Subject to change based on plugin/Mechanical restrictions.) Roleplay Rules 1 All Musket Weapons (Rifle, Pistol) must be built In-Game via Roleplay by a Gunsmith (A Role that can be handled via application.) who will generate a Named and ET/GM certified item. (Like this) To Roleplay using a gun, you Must have the MC Item or the RP will not be considered Valid. Preloading is a red-line, and any who enter into Gunpowder Roleplay with a preloaded weapon may be subject to powergaming or RP void. Musket Rifles may pierce plate armour. Musket Pistols may not. Just as a crossbow may damage a person enough to ‘essentially’ one shot them, so too may muskets. While one-shot emotes are not tolerated on lotc, the practical nature of the weapon system may allow for severe wounds. Musket Roleplay Steps 1. Withdraw a Cartridge, and Bite the tail off. Half Cock the Musket, Open the pan and pour half the powder charge in. Shut the pan. 2. Lay the Musket upwards, (Rifle Butt on the Ground, Pistol up into the air) and pour another powder charge down the barrel. 3. Insert the Bullet into the Barrel. Push the Cartridge Paper into the Barrel. 4. Remove the Ramrod and push the Bullet and Paper into the breach. Put the Ramrod back. Lift the Musket, and pull back on the Flint and... Fire! When you fire a Gunpowder weapon, you must announce over #s [!] A Gunshot echoes over the Landscape. [!] Musket Rollplay Steps As RP isn’t perfect, and a verdict cannot always be agreed upon - There is a system of Rollplay to fall back on if an agreement can’t be made. If the Shooter is 10+ Blocks away, roll for Accuracy. 0-10 is a Miss. 10-15 is a Hit. 15-19 is an accurate hit. 20 is a Critical hit. If the Target is at close Range, 2 Blocks away or less, you do not need to roll to hit. Instead, Roll for damage. 0-10, normal damage. 10-19, high damage. 20 is Critical damage. When you fire a Gunpowder weapon, you must announce over #s [!] A Gunshot echoes over the Landscape. [!] Musket Roleplay Steps 2 - THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT READ THIS PART PLEASE. While the former ruleset relies on Gunpowder weapons being introduced with an expanded and distinct ruleset, I have constructed an alternate based on consentual flavouring of weaponry. This would allow for people who want to RP a Pistol duel to do so without being banned, but prevent people from forcing unwanted gunpowder roleplay onto those who do not want to see it. Step 1: Ask the player if they want to roleplay a Crossbow or a Musket. Step 2: If yes, use the existing Crossbow rules with Gunpowder flavour text. Step 3: If no, use the existing Crossbow rules with Crossbow text. This is a system of consensual gunpowder roleplay. It is understood that not everyone wishes to see gunpowder weapons in LOTC. This would allow for both parties to have their fun, with a ‘Defender default system’. If someone does not wish to see Gunpowder flavour, they may state that and the instigator will use Crossbow coded words instead of Gunpowder coded words (Draws back the String vs. ***** the Hammer). This system would also ensure that no powergaming, or unfair advantage is given to those who wish to partake in handheld gunpowder roleplay.
  13. man while i was very wroth in the moment this is the best way to handle it, apologize, explain the mistake, then lay out a concrete and open plan about how you will fix it in the future we love to see it :)
  14. man these mouse ppl are cute i love redwall

  15. man tbh theres literally no reason not too its not like you can even use a submarine in a combat way it'd be just for events and like "wow lets look at these cool underwater ruins or dungeons" like yeesh going to pvp on a submarine build i think not
  16. "It truly is amazing the extent to which ancient enemies will band together to defeat an imaginary monster." Edward Napier would comment sardonically. "How many men of Helena died to repel the AIS from the walls of Reza? My Grandfather bled there, as a man foreign to Haense, yet fought for it. Now the same PAGAN men who once wished to tear down the walls, and assault the people of Haense and their CHURCH find an ally in it. A tragedy, forsooth, when the Brotherhood of St. Karl aims to fight with PAGAN NONHUMANS against CANONIST HUMANS for the petty desires of foreign lords."
  17. Edward Napier snorts in disgust. "I have seen those two nations work together before - when they were trying to conquer Haense. Now Haense, a Canonist nation finds allies and solace in heathen, non-human nations with claims on Human land? A tragedy to witness."
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