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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Discord Name; Hanrahan4886 Nation of Choice (and why?); Mexico! I know a good deal about the historical background, as well as the geography, layout, culture, and political scene of this time period. Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); Already discussed? Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Socialist-Democratic, Carranza – Emiliano Zapata Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; Nupe Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); 80k Soldiers, 15m People, 15k Miles of Railway, 130,000,000 worth of Exports Did you read all the information?; Yep Suggestions or feedback?; All good!
  2. Application Discord Name; Hanrahan4886 Nation of Choice (and why?); China, because it’s BIG. Nation’s historical background leading up to 1912 (Would like a paragraph + here giving a full account of your nation's state at the moment. Particularly important if you want to apply for one of the Greater Powers); Fill me in on that **** l8r Nation’s Government Type and Leader/Party; Socialistic, One Party Martial Dictatorship... Any special characters you made and want to introduce?; I’ll tell you later Nation’s relative army/navy statistics (If you can’t find any pm me); Tell you later Did you read all the information?; ye Suggestions or feedback?;no
  3. vote for anthos here



  4. no because that would require good writing and vigilant upkeep and the admin couldn't hold up an ice cream cone Gosh sky you're so right, Lore Admins ruin everything like that. I get'cha there, 100%. @Sky
  5. I mean yeah I get it Sky but like, C'mon, either have none of that bullshit or all of it! It's super shitty to cherry-pick this stupid high fantasy concept and not have the other.
  6. give me anthos or give me death

    1. Heero


      we tried you kept avoiding it

  7. Xassa Eranshahr Imperial Actions IMPERIAL FOREIGN AFFAIRS After the disastrous breakdown of the Greek States pact, Persian diplomats move quickly and assume Suzerainty over Ionia, now to be reinvented as the classic kingdom of Lydia, under Persian Protection and finance. The MASS CALL of the Persian Grand Army would be sounded, and troops would begin to marshal at Antioch, the entirety of the Persian Army. Trade Relations Trade with the Kingdom of Judea Trade with the Kingdom of Lydia Trade with the Kingdom of Arabia Trade with the village of At-Talifeh Trade with Venice Political Relations Guarantor of Judea’s Independence Non Aggression pact with the Kingdom of Arabia Non Aggression Pact with the Village of At-Talifeh Overlord of the Kingdom of Lydia IMPERIAL MENU Leader: Shahanshah Anushiruwan Achmaenes (+4 Base AP) Capital: Imperial Capital, Susa. (+4 AP) Population: 3450000 + 7% = 3,949,905 (+6 AP) Trade Relations: 4 (+4 AP) Technology Level: A Cities: 4 = 4 (+4 AP) Resources: 1 (1 AP) Action Points per turn: 24 Armed Forces Light Infantry: 4,000 Medium Infantry: 3,000 Heavy Infantry: 2,000 Archers: 5,000 Light Cavalry: 500 AP USAGE: Construction is complete upon the (University) (25/25 AP)(COMPLETE) +1 RP Silk road investments finalize! (Business) (25/25 AP) (COMPLETE) +2 AP Babylonian Irrigation is complete! (Agriculture) (20/20 AP) (COMPLETE) +1% Growth Reparations paid to the Venetian King. (2 AP) Gift given to the Newly Christened Lydian King. (2 AP) 24 out of 24 AP used. Research Points: 12/30 into Medium Cavalry technology.
  8. LA BELLE EPOQUE 1885 La Belle Epoque is an FRP set in 1885, in the peak of the European domination, splendor and power. The world, although settled, is in constant flux between the great Empires of the world. New powers are rising, the regional United States, the German Empire, and possibly Japan. . . Invention and Artistry fill the halls of European civilization, the automobile and motorcycle are invented by Karl Benz, Louis Pasteur develops the Rabies Vaccine, Dr. Pepper is first released to the public, and the Statue of Liberty is erected in New York Harbor. Chester Nimitz and George Patton are born. The Indian National Congress gathers for the first time, the first wave of Prussian Jewish deportations occurs, the Berlin conference wraps up the precarious state of Africa, and the Northwest Rebellion in Canada rises to its climax. Victor Hugo, Ulysses S. Grant, George McClellan and Charles Gordon die. This setting is entirely vanilla at the start, there is no alternate history. You decide where this world goes. Map The map will be constantly updated with every turn, unless no territorial changes occur. Turns and Game Systems Turns will be 2 months long, unless specifically noted as a War Turn which will require an update to the original posting (Post the initial movement, then mod/opponent response, then your secondary movement.) Mod Posts will (God Willing) be weekly, most likely on Fridays or Weekend days. Technology will be ranked and put into national census data. War Rules Battle maps will be made by both players (Unless attacking an NPC), then submitted to the mod. From there, I'll calculate results based on Battle Maps + Descriptions of the movements and engagement plans. I suggest using Paint.net + Google Map screen-caps for battle maps.
  9. how can we have a fun time if i don't let my personal friends get all the good picks
  10. LA BELLE EPOQUE 1885 La Belle Epoque is an FRP set in 1885, in the peak of the European domination, splendor and power. The world, although settled, is in constant flux between the great Empires of the world. New powers are rising, the regional United States, the German Empire, and possibly Japan. . . Invention and Artistry fill the halls of European civilization, the automobile and motorcycle are invented by Karl Benz, Louis Pasteur develops the Rabies Vaccine, Dr. Pepper is first released to the public, and the Statue of Liberty is erected in New York Harbor. Chester Nimitz and George Patton are born. The Indian National Congress gathers for the first time, the first wave of Prussian Jewish deportations occurs, the Berlin conference wraps up the precarious state of Africa, and the Northwest Rebellion in Canada rises to its climax. Victor Hugo, Ulysses S. Grant, George McClellan and Charles Gordon die. This setting is entirely vanilla at the start, there is no alternate history. You decide where this world goes. All Nations are free to be chosen, but Major powers will require a strong application. Majors are as follows; The British Empire The German Empire The French Empire The Russian Empire Qing China Austro-Hungarian Empire Japan The United States Map The map will be constantly updated with every turn, unless no territorial changes occur. Turns and Game Systems Turns will be 2 months long, unless specifically noted as a War Turn which will require an update to the original posting (Post the initial movement, then mod/opponent response, then your secondary movement.) Mod Posts will (God Willing) be weekly, most likely on Fridays or Weekend days. Technology will be ranked and put into national census data. War Rules Battle maps will be made by both players (Unless attacking an NPC), then submitted to the mod. From there, I'll calculate results based on Battle Maps + Descriptions of the movements and engagement plans. I suggest using Paint.net + Google Map screen-caps for battle maps. Application Nation: Leader’s History (Research your Monarch!) : Nation’s Recent History: Discord: Taken Nations German Empire: Vetren54 United States of America: Pyrodude
  11. Make an Adunian Today!

  12. wtf did they gut planetminecraft's skin database where am i supposed to rip **** from now

  13. the 17th times the charm G U N P O W D E R AND C A N N O N AND THEIR EFFECT UPON THE B A T T L E F I E L D FIRST PUBLISHED AT MARNA MDCXLII BY THE RENOWNED M A R Q U I S E L AN D E O U S T M A R S [[ O O C P R E F A C E ]] I shall be writing this lore post in an in-game style, as to reflect the effort of the characters involved in rediscovering the methods and rationale in allowing this to happen once again. We all know that this is not my first posting on the topic, and certainly not the first posting in general.Vive la Victoire! Accompanying the RP post shall be a mechanical post, detailing how the gunpowder weaponry shall operate both IN-CHARACTER and MECHANICALLY. C O N T E N T S THE LOST ART OF CASTING THE ADDITION OF BORECRAFT THE COMBUSTIVE PROPERTIES OF SALTS THE SCIENCE OF CALIBRE INTRODUCTION THE Act of forging and gunsmithing is, although popularly lost to time, not a dead art. The most recent practitioners of this have been the DWED, with their forging of RUNECANNONS. The Lore Cannons have been known to the four races before, until one of the key sources of ignition was lost due to geographical movement and little raw nitrate ore could be found within the new continents. The lack of the chief ingredient of the explosive powder forced a stop to most artillery production, as a cannon without propellant was of no use at all. However, in the late 17th century it made a startling comeback in a most unexpected source. Throughout the centuries, peasant farmers used a roundabout way of manufacturing the craved ingredient that the world has long forgotten about, at least in scientific circles. Over the course of a year in a peasant household, a large tub in a separate cellar from the house would be filled with the feces of both human and animal residents. By the month's end, it would be an extremely foul mess of decaying and composting material - which would then be dumped piecemeal into another large bin of boiling water. Left over the course of a few days with a dumping of wood shavings, a thin white crystalline scum would form overtop, and be siphoned off. This substance called ‘Calfgut’ would then be stored and used as meat preservation, a substitute for brine where none could be had. Little did the average peasant know however, that this ‘Calfgut’ was in fact the Nitre of old Asulon and Aegis, and of incredible value as a principal part of the manufacture of powder. The exact discovery of this occurred in the late 17th century, a chemist finally made the connection between Nitre and Calfgut, and seized upon it. Most of the 13th century scrolls of the manufacture had however not been preserved, due to the utter lack of need for their recipes with the absence of Nitre, thus the method of mixing had to be rediscovered. This so far was the largest hitch in the rediscovery of the powder - mixing it with every alchemical substance they could find, from iron fillings to bark to thanium powder to vegetable dust. Eventually, the exhaustive list of substances were ruled down to a smaller list, involving sulphur, Nitre and charcoal. The ratios were another lost puzzle piece, and it took a great deal of funding, explosions and time to rediscover a sensible ratio - the powder being mostly Nitre, to keep the more volatile ingredients from exploding from static contact, pressure or heat. Once that puzzle piece fit in, it was time to learn how to cast cannons, which would be another issue entirely. The basic concept was of course there, that much had not been lost, but the finicky techniques of keeping the cannon together was a mystery to be solved. Inspirations were taken from Manna cannons, at least in form - but the forges of the Empire had not been equipped or built to deal with casting for anything larger than a suit of armour. Clearly, larger industry was needed. Of course with most mould casting, a divot in rock or hardened clay is made with the molten metal poured into it, then cooled and refined into whatever it may be, an arrowhead or a spear point. For the casting of one-piece cannons, a different method would have to be found. A number of methods were tried, with mixed success, until a clever man by the name of [Placeholder reference name] invented a casting method of clay and sand casting, making a hollow mould, that with sufficient reinforcement and size could carry the weight of a cannon. The Mechanics Mechanically we have two different fields here, cannons for sieges and battles, and muskets and pistols for day to day useage. Cannons on the battlefield are a simpler beast to deal with, both in RP and PVP mechanically. I have always thought there is extremely little difference between a cannon and a catapult in LotC due to the mechanics of how we use them. A GM reads a code as to how to ‘play’ the cannon, and once operated successfully by a crew, the GM would then ‘fire’ the cannon, and based upon the pre-written code, do damage accordingly. The code will be as follows. Firstly, a cannon must be built to specification. 4 Blocks of Gold long 2 Iron Grates on the ‘Scary’ end. One button on the back. Once the cannon is properly built, a team of men will have to go through the proper emotes as to work it before it can fire, as any other piece of LotC siege machinery. A man must take a powder charge and stuff it in the barrel. A man must then load a stone ball shot. Ram the shot in. Lock the wheels in place if on land, push it forward if on sea. Punch a needle through the ignition hole. Apply the the fire via smouldering stick. Fire the cannon. Swab the cannon. Repeat. Now, the actual effects of the cannon will depend on the substance being fired upon. For anti-infantry attacks, I would suggest a firecharge be thrown launched from a dispenser that could sit on the front of the cannon. As for siege mechanics, that’s a different animal altogether, but not so difficult to tackle, I reckon. It would depend on two factors - the size of the cannon, and the material and size of the wall. Should the cannon be a 1x4 barrel culverin, one block may be removed if the substance the target hits is wooden, or a wall of stone 1 block deep. Should the cannon be a large barrel bombard of 1x1x5 it will do five to six blocks worth of damage to a wooden structure, or stone structure of one blocks depth. Should a stone wall be more than one block in depth, it will do one or two block’s damage to the structure. Muskets With Cannons done, I would now like to move onto the matchlock rifle and pistol. The deep seated fear in the community is that the weapons will be overpowered, overused, and abused like any other incredibly powerful magic or tool. My idea is to mostly circumnavigate this by implementing a physical, mechanical series of weapons using the old Anthos staff model. This would work to the servers benefit in two ways. To Refresh, in Anthos, there were charged staves that shot out a line of fire that upon hitting someone did a large amount of damage and did minor knockback. Essentially, an arrow that didn’t drop down, but travelled straight. Coupled with a long reload time, you essentially have a mechanical PVP rifle. Long reload? Check. Ammunition in the form of Emeralds? Check. Straight fire shooting and little skill to use? Check. Because of the complexity, and let’s face it - the danger of powergaming, nobody wants to see every old peasant whip out a preloaded matchlock and sock a bullet into the Emperor’s chest - I would mandate that to rp using a pistol or musket, you must have the MC item on your person as well, or the RP is considered void. In order to build these muskets and handguns, I believe the best way to regulate it would to either put it behind a fairly skillful tinkerer and smith - for the parts and assembly, of course, make it a multi-skill build, or have GMs name the item as someone in RP builds it. Both would make the process slow, and give rarity to the items. The obtaining of gunpowder could remain as it is in Nexus crafting, or it could be edited to reflect the methods of which it’s gathered - which would take some plugin crafting. I would suggest a drop of poop when you kill cows, then you put the poop into a cauldron and boil it into Nitre/Gunpowder, or go the extra mile and make them combine it with charcoal and ‘Sulphur’ (Possibly a drop of magma powder while mining), then combine all of that into gunpowder. Mechanically, they would work like the staffs of Anthos did. Slow reload, five to ten seconds. Consumable ammunition, a firework charge. Incredibly high damage output - enough to pop a man in full iron armour. As for the RP useage of the matchlock weapons, that is another can of worms entirely. Like every other form of RP, it is susceptible to idiocy, and unfortunately we cannot make a rule against that. However, we can try our best with clear, concise guidelines. It’s too heavy handed to write every single rule for these, but here are a series of guidelines that might have a go at reducing the abuse these weapons might face. As with all weaponry of a ranged variety, it cannot be a one shot weapon. Due to the burning wick nature of the matchlock, the fuse must be lit as an RP action before use. If it is raining and outdoors, make sure you notice this. The gun will not work. Although a gun, it is by no means a modern weapon. Wounds are eminently survivable, and no more dangerous than a crossbow bolt or arrow. In some cases, less damaging. Muskets can be carried preloaded, but the pan must still be filled with ignition powder and the wick must be lit before they are fired. Now, because of the nature of people (inherently noob), a roll system would be the best way to settle disputes before they happen with range and accuracy citations and all that garbage we see with crossbows. If it is not raining, the shooter must roll for a successful ignition, and score 5+/20. (Roll over 5 to fire your musket.) If the shooter rolls under a 5, they must emote putting powder into the pan of their musket again. Instead of the shooter rolling for accuracy, the target will roll for it instead. To not be hit, the person being shot at must roll above 15/20. (Roll over 15 to not get hit by a musket.) Any shot that lands (the victim rolls below 15/20) will translate into a wound, with the lower number increasing the severity and accuracy. Should a man fire, and the shot victim rolls a 1, the shot would find it’s mark and be as damaging as possible. (The closer your roll is to 1, the more injured you are.) At extremely close ranges - two blocks or less, (I.E. execution-type scenarios where the target is not moving very fast or immobilized.), the shooter will roll for ignition, like any other scenario. The target, however, will be hit no matter what. When you fire the weapon, you must announce over shout: [!] A Gunshot echoes over the landscape. [!] sorry for the formatting but thats lotc forums ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. is lotc worth comming back to? should i remake adunia? where's the rp

    1. Publius


      Hanrahan, join the Knights Errants in the Yatl Wastes as we drive wraiths into the wall friendo

    2. Skylez


      Belvitz is pretty booming for human/peasant rp.

    3. rukio


      nomore adunia

  15. Anyone got an Anthos save?

  16. free dewper you lot

  17. Who are the techs?

  18. is it true the Hou-Zhi are getting land but marna  had to fight for it...

    1. oblivionsbane


      The hou-zi shouldn't be around next map

    2. Skylez


      Hou-zi should stay on Axios, we don't need more inactive bloat races.


      Also I'm going to go chimp (no pun intended) if Hou-zi are getting land..............................................

  19. give marna nation status or give it death

  20. don't forget to vote on that gunpowder post!!

  21. maybe we wouldnt have so much toxicity if we didn't have an admin and dev team that said 4 votes of 75%+ didn't represent the players interets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      there was a dev post like a week or two back saying we're keeping dia armour and other nexus pvp elements, despite numerous polls showing the vast majority of the playerbase wanted vanilla iron armour iron sword pvp

    3. Telanir


      The main issue with diamond armor being the strength or the weight of it?

      As I was told, diamond armor has, or will have, the same strength as iron armor—with the exception of lasting longer (higher durability).

  22. mein kampf it's been like 3 months since the damn poll tell us if you think our primitive monkey brains are ready for the techlock or not

  23. > has a vote overwhelmingly in favor of removing techlock
    > debates in private admin skype chats for months about it???

    1. _Jandy_


      The players aren't in charge of the server and the popular opinion is not always the correct one.

    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Then why even have a vote in the first place?


      Sure, the player's might always not have the best ideas for the server, but to make a poll and then ignore it is just stupid.

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