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Everything posted by lιoɴ

  1. Am now a forum sweeper.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin
    3. Volutional
    4. tnoy23


      It's interesting for sure, I definitely think you'll enjoy it as I do~

  2. Oh ye I know Morgan Freeman 10/10
  3. A very well done reference point for all the lore that is sometimes hard to find, thank you.
  4. Sorry for all the Aussies out there. Here's a virtual hug. #SlayAbbott

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Well better then the opposition atleast.

    3. Twilight Druid
  5. ((OOC)) Ign: lionkopa99/tfios88 Timezone: +2 TS(Y/N): Y Skype(You may PM this to me): You have mine PvP Skills(1-10, 10 being perfect): 7- 8 depending on the lag RP Fighting Skills(1-10): 9 Do you have the VA 2a?(Preferred, but not needed): Yes ((IC)) -dIS iz Glonkk'z bruddah writig becs glonkk cnt write anythin bUt 'gLonKK' Name: 'gLonKK' Alias: 'gLonKK' Age: furtween Race: Urk Reason for Enlisting: Becaz 'gLonKK' wunt to eatz n fighz alut Past Jobs: PIRATE SCIENZZZ Any other Allegiances?: PRIATE SCIEZZ I 'gLonKK' will uphold the values of the company and swear to never break a contract that involves my person. I swear that if I am to ever break a contract or break my allegiance to the company, that I am subject to any and all punishments assigned to my person.
  6. Screw this, I'm going to bed.

  7. I need a GM because Allen made a mistake.

  8. Wow well done ski, you deserve to kill me a few more times for this great guide!
  9. We need a few more votes to go up to 23rd. http://goo.gl/SP6oxz

  10. Vote or I'll... do something bad.

  11. I regret staying up so late. May my sins rain down upon in me in the morning when I will cry about my sleeping schedule.

  12. Dwarven Coronation happening in a minute

  13. There is a Dwarven King coronation at 6 pm EST. There's a post in the roleplay section

    1. Mucky


      noones showin up bru

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