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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Aengoth

  1. "Oh wow, great deals" -Cledwyn Briarwood
  2. nice repfarm ski

  3. Would've been nice if I wasn't 3 mins behind the action

  4. I didn't get to snoop on someone else account.

  5. have to downscale aengoths age, can't keep pulling a spuller

  6. See for your own eyes the powerful wizard Crumena. http://gyazo.com/a68472aacabad9d3d904d80014c7eae3

  7. inb4 kowa posts about ddos protection

  8. Aengoth grumbles "Seems foine enuff but I doubt its of original make. Whome'er made it was tryin' tah catch a 'igher proice by usin' tah w'oite rose emblem."
  9. Feral gobo's who actually do leg day? Jokes aside what do you hope to see come about these creatures if they were implemented?
  10. Asides from fast travels what sort of scenarios do you hope to see the Bokolo's emerge in? Also, don't we already have Chocobo's lore accepted on lotc (not the kha variant), perhaps a LM or past LM may know if such already exists.
  11. Unique benefits and exclusivity are not always a problem. Plenty of "neutral" magics and various other groups exist that can fill any gap created by runesmithing (such as enchanting or evocations if you're interested in the elemental aspects).
  12. Skimmed over it so sorry if this was answer already. Will Divine, Elemental and Golematic all be treated as separate subtypes within runesmithing (similar concepts used within shamanism and druidism) or is it simply a system for organizing the runes catalog?
  13. Good to see so many applications to the server.

  14. Decide who learns it based on RP. Everyone isn't entitled just because they exist on the server, they need legitimate RP reasoning to be taught including being considered by a teacher.
  15. Malg on a roll with the BR's.

    1. Grouchy


      This how wars are won and immersion is made

  16. Can my forum rank be changed to Gold VIP. I've been gold for quite awhile now

    1. mitto


      here bud
    2. mitto


      They don't set it automatically for some reason but follow the steps on the thread and it should be good as 'gold'en. get it heheh

    3. Aengoth
  17. A letter arrives "My business is closed for an indefinite period of time. The opportunity to operate a business in Salvus was appreciated. -Aengoth."
  18. Seems like a useless subtype of metal that few people are going to know about and even fewer still are going to see it in RP. Don't feel like it is really doing much to enhance roleplay asides from having a few nice gimmick aspects to it (degrades, hums, glows in the dark, and etc). I don't really see how this enhances either blacksmithing or mining roleplay to a large enough degree to warrant being implemented. Just seems like you'll see maybe four people with it who have some nerfed Captain America type shields.
  19. ::I believe we have multiple variations and what not on pre-existing lore that allows for far too many special species as is. This seems like some weird hybrid between a Dryad and a Frost Witch with memory loss. While it may prove to be a interesting novelty group for a month or so I think eventually its just going to become another neglected and unused set of lore within 3 months of its approval.
  20. OOC: IGN: How active are you?: 6+ Hours weekly. UTC -07:00 Do you have Skype? If so post name here: alexander_whi Do you have TS?: Yes IC: Name: Aengoth Age: 855 Race: Dwarf Profession or other specialty: Lumberjacking, Woodworker, Golemancy. What job position are you aiming for?: Syndic Anything extra? (Why you wish to join, ect.): This is a expansion of my current wood working business into Salvus. My business is predominantly based on the selling of arrows and lumber. My history with Salvus is already extensive. Send word if you're in need of more information.
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