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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Temp


    1. Charles_Grimlie


      This video "Wololol'd" my interest.

  2. @Fireheart Yo, can we get that feedback / your view thread going some time this evening? 

    1. Fireheart


      Nope. I’m out with family celebrating my birthday. It will be worked on in the coming week as was said on the post!

    2. Temp


      Aight. Thanks for the response.

    1. Ramblinghobo


      And I got banned for no reason after killing someone else hypixel mercenary R.I.P

    2. Temp


      **** made me laugh. Why I slapped it up, lol

  3. @von_Aesterwald 
    Y-yeah y-y-you beta male idiot!111!!


    1. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      calling someone a virgin and betamale over mineman. so ******* chad bro

    2. Temp


      God I wish he’d **** my wife.

  4. Aaaand that's how you shoot your nation in the foot. Hope the laugh was worth it.

    1. Thatpyrodude


      "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."

    2. chaotikal


      what happened bro

  5. About to crank out a side char. What crowds are out there and looking for bodies? Not too interested in generic screamer duties.

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      interested in playing a crazy goblin? join clan shrogo, NEW clan. i’m not even leading it, so it’ll be good

    2. AGiantPie


      Always looking for, monks, lay brothers, or wild forest-dwellers for my monastic charitable organization.

    3. Knox213


      always looking for friends on my kid's character.

  6. Anyone else feel like Nexus is still just around to grab that skill point re-roll cash? 

    1. monkeypoacher


      that's one reason, but there are others.

    2. argonian


      main reasons are that and the fact that telanir doesn't want to put years of work to waste. it's just a pity he worked on it in the first place when we all told him we didn't want it before he even started

  7. Anyone else getting this when they try to message people?


    1. drfate786


      Nope, have you relogged?

  8. Anyone got a solid line into Mysticism and how to go down that route? 

    1. Valannor


      Tbh stuff like that is a mix of luck and having the right friends. Not sure what your RP is like, but if you show the right stuff you might get snagged by someone eventually. 


      Take care and keep on keeping on, mate. 


  10. Big. Fat. OOF.

  11. Can we get a string shop at CT?

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Add bones to list too, need them for dogs!

  12. Can't even tell what's going on. Stuff's running like a fat kid with asthma in a stairwell.

  13. Even the odds! Purchase yourself a market standard Horse of Velia for only 1k! 

  14. Following the Great Horse Plague of 1695, stock and more importantly, price of stock, has been updated. 


  15. GG. On to the next one.

  16. Given the price of Horse Armor, Velian Horses will be 1K a pop until we see the price of armor drop. Thanks.

    1. E__V__O


      Horse Armour despawns on death

  17. Good fight, was fun.

  18. Good ol’ high risk events.

    1. Callistus


      I love you for this.

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