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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Temp

  1. It's not good to kick the sleeping giant. Just a fair warning.

  2. To those that fail to understand, nobility is the only group allowed entry in the Rose hall. The rest of you, have fun in the rest of the keep. Socialize amongst yourselves. There is literally no need to follow the entire group.

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      Yes, you dirty peasants.

  3. 'ere comes the cow!

  4. Alright Oren. Enough of the twistage. GG.

  5. Appreciation to the ET for tonight's events.

    1. problematic z

      problematic z

      10/10 RP experience

  6. Holy Hell this is Malinor wars 2.0

  7. Well, time to convert to Nurgle.

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Yes, good idea. Surely he will save us from the plague.

  8. Rhia, Y U NO RESPOND!?

    1. FORƎST


      pls respond

  9. Fat person broke the elevator at work. Odd day..

    1. Knightangale


      They should decrease the weight limit on elevators so fat people have to use the stairs, thus, reducing the fatness in the world.

  10. Puuuuush!!

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Silence you cisgendered scum

  11. http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608037214637001064&pid=15.1 - Think this summarizes things quite nicely.
    1. Mirtok


      Taking the fun outta minecraft, one plugin at a time.

  12. Ore spawn in the wilds? Anyone come across any yet?

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      It might have gotten obliterated, I know we did clearing out of diamond and iron and whatnot. I forget the exact number of diamond blocks, but it was in the thousands ^_*

  13. Banks and AH messed up for anyone else?

  14. Good ol’ high risk events.

    1. Callistus


      I love you for this.

  15. Boohoo, D. Sets are gone. Be sure to notify the staff of who you guys sold some sets to, so those are taken as well.


    1. Charles_Grimlie


      This video "Wololol'd" my interest.

  17. Who would be the go-to GM about region and nation info at this time? (Not related to the coup stuff.)

    1. Ambduscias


      just ask away and i can respond to the best of my ability. we don't have a specific GM to manage regions.

  18. P-please respond

    1. rukio


      s-senpai notice me

  19. Anyone else getting this when they try to message people?


    1. drfate786


      Nope, have you relogged?

  20. Want blinding speed from your mounts? The security of break neck speed, be it aiding in your roadside theft or running from angry Orks! For only 10K, you could be untouchable. Pick up a Velian Noble-blood from the VMHI today!

    1. ScreamingDingo


      FULL DISCLOSER : Velia is not liable for any cases of severe whiplash or the self snapping of necks because of the speeds they reach. Money will be non-refundable upon death from speed.

  21. So, what’s the event environment like these days? How do folks hop on events and such now?

    1. Nowak


      i havent seen a single event since they revamped the stuff.... players run the events now.

  22. Who do we talk to about alchemy and making potions?

    1. justDEWit


      actually i wanna know abt this too

  23. Can we get a string shop at CT?

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Add bones to list too, need them for dogs!

  24. With this warclaim resolved, I think it is absolutely essential that war rules be redefined and set into stone. This half-measure ‘figure it out as you go’ nonsense ain’t it. 

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Couldn’t agree more ?


      Make warclaims more and proper RP again. Nice siege plugin though with the trebuchets.

  25. No, I have no given up on the swamp. It’s a self motivated line that folks have to actively pursue. I won’t spoon feed and force the line forward, especially not when players have a more pressing matter to attend to such as wars and political instability. Anyone wishing to pursue the line can easily toss myself a PM, as always. 

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