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Everything posted by ClassyDryad

  1. Like the idea though moderation would need to be faster than they are now with setting up these regions/pasting if that's involved. Currently you get delayed by at least a few weeks whenever you need it.
  2. I'd honestly dig a full nomadic culture. I think the only way it would work though is if a large number of nations let you have a tiny outpost on each of their lands. The red tape around settlements prevents it otherwise.
  3. The ferrymods aren't real guys, they don't exist.
  4. ^^^ IDK why people purposely choose to raid at like midnight when barely anyone can even get on.
  5. Looks interesting, though I don't think there is really any such thing as a 'holy' spirit. Even Akezo graciously accepts human sacrifice/is prone to such dealings themselves.
  6. My response was mostly to the statement that healing is improved in this write. I'd agree that at least witch doctors should not have immense healing abilities (although most healing magics already just heal over all injuries without lingering effects.) Healing in the current write is vague and frustrating, but it does work effectively. The ability functions almost identically to voidstalker withering, but halved, hence the comparison. It would be better for the magic to be stronger in other areas than have a spell which is too ineffective to be useful. In addition of the many instances of orc witch doctors I have seen in crp, all but two have used curses in crp that I witnessed, and the one of them who wasn't was powergaming a different part of the magic. The 'casting at a range is fine' implies that the spell can be cast so long as nobody does anything to interrupt it. If this is not the case there is a serious amount of powergaming going on in the magic. All of those methods are interesting, but in my opinion none of them are still as compelling as a spirit walk (and should not be limited to just farseers if its a stand in for the central point of shamanism.) I'd still heavily encourage at least an option to perform a spirit walk without needing the soul to go to the realm. Maybe say greater spirits cannot appear/the scenery feels dreamier/people will look like they do in the mortal world/spirits can't tell if someone's soul is tainted while the soul remains in the body. Allowing both options would be the best solution to preserve the centrally important spell while also fitting into LT demands. You can use use current cursing for hallucinatory visions, elevating painful sensations, changing a persons perspective, etc. This version lacks much of that. Soft-pking as well, while possible technically, is not practical since the person has to choose the effects of the curse themselves and hexes have to be directly approved by ST. The new redline preventing people from making it so characters cannot interact with others certainly fixes this concern though! This would not spot people from doing it, and it still cuts off a large number of prophecies for no reason. I don't know what the point of removing player made prophecies is. A lot of the other changes look good though! I'm definitely feeling more confident about this write helping the communities.
  7. I'll break things down in bits to make it easier to work through Healing: In this rewrite healing is limited to st signed flesh replacements for cursed healing, where in the current write it can heal essentially anything and does not require st intervention. Farseer on the other hand gets a healing spell which works on one minor wound per casting, and only stabilizes major wounds, compared to a version which does the same thing but allows for additional castings to heal the person further. I know additional healing sessions can be annoying but neither of these new spells seem to be remotely as useful as the old ones. Combat: If you add this redline not included in your screenshot, its clear that those redlines are a privative way of saying that you cannot cast while actively dodging/hitting people over the head/etc. Don't think people are ignoring the way the spells are supposed to work, considering a lot of how it works is clearly intended for combative interests as well. As for milder spells, 4 emote arrows or voidstalker withering thats half as effective, half the range, half the duration, and twice the casting time and 5 emote spells with basically whisper range will see less use than 5 emote curses that strike three targets at once or two emote spiritual curse poisons. Even in a noncombative sense though the parts of blessing and cursing that will actually make it past review are much shallower compared to what's possible now. Spirit Walking: I'll reiterate that spirit walks are quite literally the core of the magic, and no amount of fixes elsewhere will counteract the harm that a PK clause would inflict to the magic. In the dark elven community we use spirit walks not just for pacting or healing or talking to specific spirits, but for trials, events, introducing new players to spiritualism, exploration, character development, etc. Now you have a situation where shamans will be afraid to spirit walk for fear of getting gooned on, a troll expelled from the walk turning around and stabbing them, or just any amount of bad faith that it would enable. If LT are entirely unwavering on this I strongly encourage you make an alternative version or change the way the spell works so/that it does not require the soul to travel there. A spirit granted vision journey where the participants are just unconcious would both solve the PK issue and remove the kind of questionable metagaming elements spirit walks allow. It does not need to fall into the level of disuse similar abilities face in other magics. I also understand there are other ways of interacting with the spirits, though in all honestly none of these are as compelling as spirit walks, and sometimes it is unclear how much freedom/use these have. Vagueness/Mildness/Etc: I'll cover this spell by spell - Soul Purging: One I'd ask why a d20 roll is being introduced when current rift lore does not have an RNG system. Secondly, it is implied that it just works as a cure for any soul curses or afflictions curable by other deific magics. This implies it has the abilities of essentially both paladinism and blight healing in one, able to purge plants, fae, tree lords, etc of essentially most things those magics can do in addition to the land itself. You could argue this can even extend to corrupted azdrazi. - Avatar: The concentration emote principle is a thing in multiple magics, but only in this magic is it both two emotes and limited to a few uses per day. Most combats will not last so long that you'd ever see the benefit of this, assuming a voidal mage does not cast a tier 1, one emote pebble spell to immediately break the avatar. Similarly it does not clearly state whether this works on all shamanic magics or just specifically this shamanic magic. - Circle Magic: How this is used for player events is not very well explained. - Rebuke: 5 emotes for a 2 block radius burst is not remotely usable, even in events. There are very few situations where something will be in range and yet unable to interrupt the casting, let along multiple things. - Curse: Current curse lasts twice as long at minimum, has a 20 (or 48 its unclear) block range, can be cast over three people, and can be extended at the will of the person receiving it. This has half the duration, needs 7 shamans to achieve the same duration someone could just do if they wanted before, requires touch, and has a limited, mostly pestilence oriented selection of effects. These effects however are at times too vague: can you stack multiple of the same category on someone to blind and deafen them, can the extent of pain/headaches/migraines be debilitating, how are subjective things like uglyness and negative emotions treated, why is full on forcing emotions on people allowed without ooc consent or any means of preventing people from doing lust/other nasty curses? As written, this has less non-griefing uses compared to the old one while allowing the shaman to essentially soft pk a character for days on end, perhaps indefinitely if they keep casting it on them. - Chain: It is not clear to what extent someone is unable to move. Are their legs rooted, are they stuck in their specific minecraft square but able to dodge, can allies grab or push them? - Spirit Binding: ST do not need to be involved in a healing spell, especially if that spell can be easily cured with no consequence by anyone with the ability to do so (which would include the witch doctor themselves in this write, essentially making it a chore on ST for no reason.) - Farsight: Passive farsight only working on event/lore prophecies is both limiting and would allow farseers to 'debunk' player made prophecies. - Bubble: I am not sure what the purpose of this spell is. Being broken by one hit but requiring so many emotes and doing nothing about casting just makes it an overly clunky shield. The standard emote count for this kind of spell is 2. Sorry if I seem overly aggressive/judgmental hear. I have personal stakes in the preservation of some aspects of shamanism this rewrite would remove, and I was also told you wanted feedback on this (and negative feedback is often the best kind.)
  8. In my honest opinion the additions and changes to the magic in this rewrite are mild, vague, and do not serve to expand for fix the magic in a meaningful way. Old things useful to the magic (cursed healing, applications, certain curses, farseer healing, etc) are needlessly nerfed in favor of adding several crp abilities far too mild and slow to ever see practical use. The addition of a pk clause is perhaps most egregious, turning a spell used primarily for cultural practices (and is the foundational reason most people I know PLAY shamans) serves to act as major detriment to the stability of the magic as a whole. At this point I think just amending the current lore would be a better route to progressing the magic, because frankly this ain't it.
  9. Don't think I explained it super well. Basically if thanhium hits an enchanted item it heats up as if it was hit by a spell of that tier (and presumably destroys the enchanted item.) An example of how this can be a problem: lets say someone puts a singing infusion on a cloak of moss and club. Since they have two tier 5 enchanted items, someone can block a strike of the weapon with their cloak and then swing their club at it, essentially immediately destroying the thanhic weapon. Limiting the tier of easier to make player signed infusions prevents this from becoming an issue. Alternatively just saying thanhium does not heat up from striking them also would work. (i.e. the oposite of what I said came across as, I think?)
  10. Replace the following redline Epiphytes are only able to will themselves to produce a fae seed should the plant be dead, should there be a map change, or should leaving the plant result in certain death or corruption. With Producing a fae seed is incredibly painful to an epiphyte. They are incapable of using epiphyte abilities for 1 OOC day, producing a fae seed for 1 OOC week, increase their effective number of experienced rebirths by one, and find their next rebirth occurring 20 OOC weeks earlier than it should (to a minimum of 10 as normal.) This does not apply to map transition, initial placements, or pasting errors. OOC Purpose The vagueness of creating fae seeds in current lore seems to be confusing people, as on multiple instances I've seen it treated as just a chore rather than a painful sacrifice on behalf of the epiphyte themselves. It is supposed to act as a final last resort for an epiphyte or a penalty to not properly protecting a fae plant, which I hope this amendment will provide.
  11. The Pathless Way The lie held at the heart of the old ways is the belief we are forever separate from nature. They have taught us that the knowers of the oak are mere servants, that the fae of the boughs are misplaced, that our true place in nature is one of distant impassive watchers. From the words of the Nameless One I have borne a different truth, that we are called to be more than servants. We are nature, we always have been, and how we carry ourselves ought to be in line with this identity. Nature is a great and boundless thing, a beating heart which entwines its roots across every realm to build to a vastness that dwarfs all but the incomprehensible void itself. Nature is the only true divinity in this world, and as such the only true path is to be one with it. We must walk no path laid by mortal hands. -- The Three-Eleven Forms -- The ways of no path are categorized into three forms, each with its own importance to those who walk as nature. The branches are those beliefs which are valued as guidance to live a natural life, but are by no means something which a being of nature must follow. Roots are more concrete beliefs, essential to a life within nature. The Trunk bears the sole truth of the way, one which all who walk without mortal paths must accept. Branch of Divinity: Does the mouse worship the cat? So too should we abstain from the veneration of the greater beings within nature. The divinity of nature lies within its immeasurable whole that finds part in each of us. Branch of Lore: There is a great truth to the world, as many souls build together to one vibrant song. Find the truth, so you may better understand your own nature. Branch of Change: Death is a sickly solution to the threats of nature, for it only snuffs what might otherwise grow nature. What is mortal may be turned over to the song, as is the truth of the green dragon. Branch of Song: A mortal’s ignorance is born of their deafness to the wild. Your voice is your song, and so you speak for the verdance of nature. Branch of Immortality: The comforts of the mortal world are as sweet as honey and as sickening as venom. Abstain from their temptation lest you sully the image of the primal beauty. Trunk of Nature: Let this truth into your heart: I am a part of nature, of this verdant multitude. Let my voice be song and my truth my bond. As I live, I stride for many. Without paths to guide my step, I walk this way. Root of Woe: Beneath the shadow of the mortal soul lies a great many evils. That which sickens us bears no place in the world which belongs to nature. Cast it out, or strike it down. Root of Truth: However you live, live as yourself. Live with honor where honor is due, and to the natural let your word be your bond. Find the answers to your place. Root of Growth: Does the wolf stop for the interests of the stag? Let yourself grow, let nature spread to its full potential, let the forces control as they are meant to. Root of Preservation: Venerate all which has come before you and preserve their ways. From the animals of the weald to the ancestors who once were, the growth is built on all that came before. Root of Stewardship: We are not one, but many. Protect all that is natural, guide all that is natural, grow all that is natural. Do this without cost, so they may exchange the crow’s gratitude. -- The Wild Symbols -- Among the best forms of preserving the ways are shared symbols which evoke the proper concepts of a creed. As many creeds bear their own iconography, a few can be counted among the pathless. The Antler: The antler of a creature, most often a moose, calls forth the truth of divinity. The Moon and Sun: The lights which dictate the cycle of night and day. The moon and sun call forth the truth of the world. The Oak: The eldest dryad tree, the wise oak tells us of the truth of self and the past. The Dogwood: The blooming tree which calls forth the experience of dryads. The humble dogwood associates with rebirth, purity, and resilience. The Seasons: The four seasons reflect many things: the process in which the mortal becomes natural, the process in which nature grows, the process in which an epiphyte heals. -- The Green Ways -- Hold no illusion that these ‘traditions’ are something built upon the ages as many others do. They are my own guidance, brought about by my experiences and thoughts. A new seed may grow from any branch, and so they may change and expand as other voices join into this chorus. The Woad Oaths: It is the tradition of the four creeds to mark their aspirant’s flesh. This tradition displaces that of the dryad, who’s eternal body sheds such marks too often for them to bear their normal meaning. Instead I suggest such marks be kept as items made to reflect the aspirant’s growth and oaths. The Nameless Oath: A trinket made from antler bone should reflect adherence to the way and full completion of its rites. The Herald’s Oath: A trinket made from oak should reflect one sworn to guide others on the Pathless Way. The Yeoman’s Oath: A trinket made of dogwood should reflect a commitment to cultivate some region of natural land to its full potential. The Knight’s Oath: A trinket made of rust-iron should reflect a commitment to defending nature in all its forms, as well as the burrow which the aspirant calls home. The Singer’s Oath: A trinket made of crystal should reflect a commitment to the service of nature, especially kin, without price. Artisanal Veneration: To venerate nature, that which lives and has lived, a good means of doing so is concrete creation rather than simple prayer. Inscribing history, prayers, depictions of nature, and tales upon items is a common way of doing this. Let your action be your worship, not your words. The Rites: Trials should not turn one away from achieving the proper state of being, but certain rites are required to give meaning to the oath one makes. These are to be secretive, oft tailored to the student themselves, though should finalize into achieving some ‘oneness’ with nature. Green Cloaking: We need not limit the cultivation of nature to the soil beneath our feet, for the frame of our own bodies is a trellis for growth. To shroud one’s self in living flora, to pain in the ichors of the world, these are certain ways to uphold the way. So I sing, The Oracle of the Pathless Way
  12. Thanks for the response! I think st signed infusions should have some form of cooldown, I don't disagree on that point. My main two things here are: - As far as I can tell, there is no redline stating player signed infusions do not have a cooldown - Nor is there a redline saying player signed infusions are not tier 3 or some other low tier. This doesn't seem important but due to what arcanium established, thanhium striking an enchanted object basically heats it up as if struck by a spell of that tier. Attaching this onto a player signed item enables thanhium destroying items to be mass produced without supervision of the st. The enchantment limit thing is a holdover due to it being an old standard rule, which has been slowly removed from most magics through ammendments (including current druidism.) As for the mental effects, I can see how the change would make it less problematic but unfortunately it then raises the problem of mudding a bit of the history/identity/downsides of druidism. Druidism as a whole only really has the effect of song disruptions/silence as a downside, and if anything I think this should be increased with ways to exploit it outside of just events. On the epiphyte fae plant thing. Planting a fae seed can only be done if your plant's body has already been destroyed, through map transitions, or due to some immediate existential threat (someone put a voidal tear right nearby would be an example of that.) This is because doing so is supposed to be a really stressful/straining process for an epiphyte, though I think I will have to make an amendment to make that a more concrete thing.
  13. Thanks for explaining it! I was a big dum dum for not doing so myself. Personally I think an ooc or irp consent thing would suit this magic better, but at the very least only giving it to a subsect immune to its effects is a recipe for disaster ready to be exploited by some lone lich and their personal army of undead.
  14. Let it pk the funny undead or you'll have the treelord situation again (temp shelving rituals are not a solution to that. Also plenty of magics on the server work absolutely fine without a consentless disconnection ritual)
  15. This looks good! My only request would be to allow the old option of blood of storm to be an option since I have a few rituals that rely on it's functions.
  16. I second this, missed it. Its an issue I had with the previous write and I'm not sure why it is here again. Some epiphytes are literally unable to move their plants without druidic help unless their tile is about to get hollowed.
  17. I like this submission a lot more than the previous one, though I have some thoughts on Druidic Infusion for this. - The recent amendment made it so player signed infusions tier 3 enchantments while also removing the 3 day cooldown for said infusions. Reverting that and leaving those infusions player signed would revert the purpose of that amendment. I'd ask if this can be changed back. - The 3 combative/st signed enchantment on a person at once thing is something which is no longer policy, which is similarly why it was removed from current infusion. So it probably does not need to be here. - One redline implies druids no longer hear the song while recovering, which based on established druid lore would drive them insane during the entire time period. Moreso adding on physical exhaustion to the magical exhaustion for the entire period seems a bit extreme and even moreso than currend druidism. The combination of problems makes it so a druid goes from being annoying restricted for 3 days to essentially unplayable for that same amount of time.
  18. Ignore me trying to viciously fight with the forums to make this look not bad
  19. Deep, deep are the roots which wind around worlds, bringing that green lifeblood which fuels verdant life. It manifests itself in many ways, capricious as it is unchanging and as whimsical as it is malicious. In its natural form, it is the mischievous inspiration of the fae. Vexing is a [1-2] Slot MA which pertains to the utilization of inherent fae energy, the deific mana which steeps the Fae Realm and flows through the various conduits of the world. The means which this fairy magic is utilized varies from court to court, as varied as the fae themselves. Requirements - Inherit fae energy, requiring the mage to either possess an Epiphyte or Sprite CA, or possess a Sycophant FA. - Does not have any magic other than those included in the following (Druidism, Sycophant, Seer, any Misc Magic). - Does not possess any CA other than Sprite, Epiphyte, Kha, Klone, Sorvian, Tree Lord, or Musin. - 1 Unused Magic Slot, taken up by Vexing. - A teacher with a valid TA in Vexing, or the character themselves possessing a sprite CA (allowing sprites to self teach themselves.) Connection “Within the fluttering of the heart and the shine of dew I see my own majesty reflected back upon me, like a warm smile upon the crest of spring.” Unlike the trials and tribulations of most magics, the process of empowering a demifae or creating a mortal envoy of the sylvan requires a series of rituals unique to each court. These rituals serve to slowly wedge the Vex from the mortal world, allowing the deific mana of the fae realm to respond to their intentions. Vexes will begin showing minor traits akin to fae, such as changes in their eyes or hair, their blood becoming sap, horns, or plants blooming around their body. Mortals with a sycophant gain a stronger connection to the fae they host, able to draw upon the fae energy inherent to the creature at the cost of strengthening its influence over their mind. Azhl does not force the fae away from its host, nor can a druid force the creature from them unwillingly, but their hallucinations can exceed their normal limitations. Additionally, they will be set to an afterlife within the fae realm, reincarnating as countless fae creatures across the ages. Sprites, due to their nature as a true fae, are able to gain the power of a Vex without the need for rituals in order to self teach themselves. It is important to note that any Vex, regardless of origin, will be limited in their power without a court to call home. Banes “What power is greater than its vast roots? What morality bears depth that surpasses the Deepwood?” Not without consequence, the inherent connection to the fairy magic needed to perform Vexing comes with various psychological and physical determinants not expressed by mundane mortals or even elder druii. These effects settle in as soon as the rituals upon the Vex have completed, only fading should they abandon the magic altogether. Azhl Vulnerability: The most notable of weaknesses for a Vex, being wounded by Azhl works akin to thanhium on them, preventing them from casting for the remainder of the conflict while slowly withering at their strength. Fae’s Disdain: The champion of the fae finds themselves with a certain disdain for unnatural things, unable to use certain items or enchantments. This revolting feeling often extends to practitioners of dark and voidal magics the most, making any form of social relationship difficult. Hand of the Sylvan: The movements of the arm are heavily important to a Vex. They may not cast without one arm being open and not covered in armor greater than that of hardened leather. They similarly feel irrationally uncomfortable with their body entirely encased in hardened material, forcing them to limit their armor even while not using their magic. Powers of the Root Tier 1 [1 OOC week]: Glimmer [Nc] Tier 2 [3 OOC weeks]: Sylvan Ray [C], Pixie Dust [C/Nc] Tier 3 [4 OOC weeks]: Weird [C/Nc], Enthral [Nc] Tier 4 + Bound Court [4 OOC weeks]: Courtly Summons [Nc], Boomsong [C] Tier 5 + Bound Court: Misdirection [C], Greenwalking [Nc] When casting, the Vex will have some obvious nature/fae themed tell akin to other magics. This can be a display of mana curling into ferns around their arm, leaves around them turning to autumnal colors, butterflies congregating around the caster, etc. Additionally, the magic may be interrupted by any attack wounding enough to cause pain, such as a solid punch or weapon strike, burns, attempting to sprint/attack/dodge/block/etc, or any other effect which ends spell casting. Spells can have various visuals depending on who is casting them, though they must remain within the nature/fae theme of the magic. A vex could manifest a ray of orange mana and autumnal leaves or Glimmer [Non Combative][Tier 1][2 Emotes] The most basic utilization of the deific mana of Vexes, the mage may spend [2] emotes to charge this mana and place it upon an object while not in combat. This alters the perception of the item, causing it to obtain natural or fae ascetics, such as appearing made entirely of roiling sap, being entwined in flowering vines, or releasing clouds of glitter and a pleasant tune. This spell may be used a number of times per ooc day equal to the casting tier of the Vex. Sylvan Ray [Combative][Tier 2][3/5 Emotes] The only directly harmful spell available to a practitioner of fairy magic, a Vex may spend [3] Emotes to charge fae energy in their hand, admixing it with other energies in their own body before releasing it in a ray or arrow-sized projectile of the vex’s aura color at a target within shout range. This ray bears properties akin to any mundane projectile, save for the fact it delivers none of the piercing force of the strike. Armor may be dented, skin bruised, and bones beneath fractured or broken akin to an longbow strike, but the flesh nor organs will be gouged in any way. Detrimentally, the arm used to fire the spell becomes overcome with deific mana to a point it is rendered unusable, shrouded in the casting tell of the Vex for [4] emotes. For this duration, it is unable to do anything but assist in casting spells (unable to grasp a weapon or shield, moved to block an attack, etc.) At tier 5, a Vex may spend an additional use of the spell and [2] additional emotes channeling power. Upon striking a target, the ray would also possess additional concussive force which, rather than damaging the target more, launches them back up to [3] meters. This spell may be used a number of times per ooc day equal to the total tier of the Vex. Pixie Dust [Non Combative/Combative][Tier 2][2 Emotes] Utilizing an iconic power of fairies, a Vex may scatter their mana over an object or person over the course of [2] emotes while not in combat to reduce their size and weight by up to ten times. This remains so for a narrative day should it be placed on a person or object not held by the Vex. This spell may be used a number of times per ooc day equal to the Vex’s tier. Even should one enter combat in this shrunken state, it can be reversed in [1] emote of effort by the shrunken individual should they be in a safe place with enough room. Handheld objects can similarly be returned to their normal size and weight by spending [1] emote, acting as a flavorful way of drawing a weapon. Weird [Non Combative / Combative][Tier 3][1/2 Emotes] Pulling from the capricious mischief of the fae, a Vex may shroud objects in mana to interrupt physical actions in almost comedic ways. This may be used as [1] emote any number of times out of combat to perform a harmless prank, such as causing a slipper puddle to appear beneath someone’s feet or someone’s keys to appear as a cluster of flowers instead. These effects must be within shout range of the Vex, and will shimmer with their aura color. In combat, this may be used to essentially dodge a mundane attack from individuals within [20] blocks of the Vex by spending [2] emotes. It does not put the target in a vulnerable position nor interrupt any non-attack related action, simply allowing the Vex to escape unharmed. This can manifest in any natural manner, such as a sword suddenly feeling heavier than normal or the mage appearing somewhat displaced as to throw off the aim of an arrow. This may be used once per ooc day in combat, and an additional time for each tier above 3. Enthral [Non Combative][Tier 3][2/3 Emotes] To invoke the majesty of the sylvan, a Vex may shroud themselves in mana to cause alterations in their form or the sounds of their voice as a [2] emote spell, which can continue indefinitely. This can be used to make the mage appear more beautiful, animalistic, or make their voice sound melodic/beastial/etc. This effect is obviously magical to all who witness it. By spending [3] emotes, a tier 4 Vex may extend this effect out further into their surroundings, making them appear more vibrant, more wild, or have their details muddied like a bright light. They may use this to hide up to [5] individuals within [20] meters of themselves to an extent, though there will always be some indication those individuals are there (plants moving, sounds of footsteps, etc.) After casting, this effect may be maintained for up to [10] emotes total throughout the day, which can be spread across multiple castings if desired. Courtly Summons [Non Combative][Tier 4][2 Emotes] While bound to a court, a Vex may call forth minor fae from that space any number of times by spending [2] emotes. These fae are harmless, only carrying out tasks or pranks for the Vex for 1 narrative day before vanishing once again. They must remain within [20] blocks of the Vex at all times, vanishing should they leave or if combat begins. Boomsong [Combative][Tier 4][3 Emotes] By channeling mana towards a being within [20] meters, the Vex may cause them to be struck by a flash of nature’s song. This takes [3] emotes to cast and can be cast once per ooc day, and an additional time at tier 5. Should something be struck they will not be wounded, but instead become disoriented for [1] emote and have any casting/focus intensive activity they are performing interrupted. Misdirection [Combative][Tier 5][3 Emotes] A most potent but somewhat limited spell, a Vex may spend [3] emotes before extending their magic out to shroud around a single summoned or otherwise lesser companion creature to disorient them, causing its directions to be heard in a constantly changing manner. This causes the creature to remain stationary, only taking defensive actions for [6] emotes or until the Vex is disrupted. Greenwalking [Non Combative][Tier 5][Passive] Upon reaching the height of their power, a Vex finds themselves able to traverse and harvest from nature with ease. While not in combat, the mage finds themselves able to float up to a meter off the ground. Mundane plants will additionally shift to clear out of the way of the mage. Finally, the mage can harvest herbs without risking negative effects caused by harvesting them improperly. Rites of the Deepwood “The sylvan is not one soul. The court contains multitudes” A unifying factor, those touched by the fae who walk the mortal world may perform esoteric rituals to perform greater feats of magic. Rather than requiring one specific kind or number of individuals, a rite may be performed should the participants possess a combined ‘rite power’ of the required number or higher. Characters with a Sycophant: 1 Rite Power Epiphyte or Sprite: 2 Rite Power Vexing (Tier 3 or higher): +1 Rite Power Rite of the Root [Rite Power 4/8] The most common of the deepwood rites, the rite of the root may be initially performed to form a new court upon the mortal world. The chosen place (contained within a 40 by 40 cubic block area, begins to surge with life, plants and animals within taking on fae characteristics. Similarly, harmless minor fae such as pixies or brownies, begin to populate the area. Possessing a bound court amplifies the power of Vexing to those within and allows the bound to reform within the court after death rather than somewhere else. Using the rite this way requires [4] Rite Power. Should a new member need to be bound, this rite may be performed again around that individual, binding them to the court at the cost of [4] Rite Power. Should someone need to be forcibly removed from the court instead, this may be done by performing the ritual upon the incapacitated target and spending [8] Rite Power. Rite of Vein Bleeding [Rite Power 3] A process developed by courts without stable or positive relationships with druii, a circle of fae may remove affliction from one of their kin by transposing it upon a natural creature of the mortal world. A single animal or plant must be brought to the site of the rite, gaining any curses, corruption, etc harbored by the corrupted fae. Rite of Summoning [Rite Power 1/2/3] By forming a temporary ring of sap and mana, a ritualist may call forth a greater form of fae than which normally inhabits the court. [1] Ritual power is required to call or recall a Sycophant, which will fade away should it immediately not be granted a host. The seed of a Fae plant can similarly be called forth by expending [2] Ritual power (although it withers if it spends more than 1 OOC week without a host. Finally, a sprite may be called by spending [3] Ritual power. Rite of Creation [Rite Power 8] Through union of many bound fae, their power might be combined into a well of fae energy, then bound to an object or individual to grant them great power. This rite allows the leader of the Rite or its recipient to post a MArt application to create a magical artifact or potent rebirth. This rite requires [8] rite power at minimum, though more powerful items may require more power. Rite of Season’s Blessings [Rite Power 4] A pleasant distraction, many hands may come together to bring about a temporary change to their surroundings. This can manifest in a sudden surplus of fruit, a change in seasons, nature changing form, or glowing displays of mana appearing in patterns determined by the ritualist. This rite lasts within the court for 1 ooc day, and an additional ooc day for each rite power spent above [4], or continuous until the rite is performed again if 12 or more power is spent. 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