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Everything posted by ClassyDryad

  1. If anyone wants to contribute to the second attempt at Vexing (which narrowly passed :( ) contact me in the forums or on discord!

    1. Turbo_Dog


      Count me in. Hate druids, hate fae, love classy lore though. Enough said

    2. Damnit_Delmar


      Tbh I'm down, love trickster lore

  2. One day I WILL get a bardomancer blacklisted for not having fun.
  3. Plus people would probably try to weaponize the shrapnel.
  4. I'd argue the age needed should be equalized for all races since implies aging and metal differences to different races that aren't existent (and ones st has tried to remove due to some people playing elves like children well past adulthood.) I do like the idea of someone becoming so enlightened they go into stasis for a few decades though.
  5. I will now start a campaign to designate all works of halfling as those of half elves. Shogging is an ancient half elven tradition which has long been stolen by the half-half elves.
  6. Dal'lisse blinsk, before slamming her hand into a desk. "I knew it. The shara cannot keep me from the truth, they built their entire city out of rock mud!" She shakes her head, commenting on the hubris of mankind.
  7. I'll be honest the last few plugins have all been amazing. Looking forward to see this in action.
  8. Actual legitimate question, how has your feelings on the color red changed from before being an admin to now?
  9. Why not just say 24 weeks then, or say both? It's also still a very short amount of time compared to the basically two irl years they have now. 24 Weeks isn't even half a year. It's entirely possible a non-CA blood mage would pk before a mart they submitted was even accepted.
  10. Is it just me or is the 168 irl day death counter like very short and annoyingly arbitrary to keep track of? I guess if every blood mage uses kloning or corc it doesn't matter.
  11. My current opinion about the removal of the auction house: Pro: I think for the case of difficult to make things, like voidal enchantments, the more personal person to person trading is a great improvement on rp and most people I know seem to prefer this to just throwing up generic items on the auction house. Con: My observation is that almost every city, which was once mostly dominated by rp item shops, is now just infested with several identical mechanical items stalls. I feel less drive to explore shops and their items now since even rp focused shops usually have some mechanical items. It does also make some niche things, like adding to a book collection, significantly harder.
  12. Yes +1 I think while pacting is a really good concept it's current implementation is a loadstone around the neck of the magic. If anything I'd like shamans to just have 3 or so free "pact slots" for pacts that don't come with a magic attached.
  13. House magery used to have a spell which let you make artificial messages that basically acted as custom birds, though this was removed when aviaries came into existence.
  14. A certain dark elf falls from a tree as her attempt to climb is foiled by a lone page which found its way onto a branch somehow. How this got there, she has no idea.
  15. I would not say they are comparable to voidal mages. Voidal mages cannot use half-plate after being one for a certain amount of time and comparable implies equivalency. Minor nit-pick.
  16. Maybe add them as benefits for devoting additional slots? From what I've seen of current Naz lore there isn't much reason to spend more than a single extra slot on it.
  17. Primal Monstrosities Player Event Pact This is a collection of player event creatures intended for higher difficulty/number player events between cooperating players, the creatures intended to be rare and challenging to experienced characters. Each must follow the redlines below: Unless otherwise stated, all of these creatures are usable by players only for player hosted DIY events, and follow are rules associated with player events (Cannot defend your nation or attack others, items made from them are player signed and do not exceed their mundane counterparts cannot be tamed, ect.) Druids can commune with, but not control, these creatures. Transcendent druids may still use their appearance for wardens or physical changes. ET may bend or break redlines should these creatures be used in their events. Players must follow these redlines. The Uryker The Woaloa The Nemxul The Muhmoryu The Ogkou The Mol-Oahk The Verrer OOC Purpose
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