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Status Updates posted by monkeypoacher

  1. oh they removed the whole thread lol

  2. paying lotc money to kill me irl

  3. Pls remove "management" positions. Everyone who volunteers for staff is an equal participant and every team member should have the freedom to make decisions in a timely manner.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      @monkeypoacherPretty much yeah, you defo just need project leads though, last thing you want is two people working on two different things that conflict with each other.

      @LaeonathanI feel like we have plenty of staff yet **** has been so slow in some regards, world has 3 managers and 21 members, as when I checked maybe a day or two ago, Elysium still hasn't had nodes put in their mines from what I was told. 

    3. Laeonathan


      @Venomous_PupThat's cool, but usually a huge amount is inactive, so "the real" numbers are usually 1/3. People are sometimes gone for weeks, have exams, irl stuff etc, simply lack motivation. And many have very limited time and only do stuff for 1/2 hour a day. If they'd have 21 active members its no issue. I remember when I was active in WT it was always 5-7 people being active and 1-3 of them being very active... also, at some points, people just wanna play.

    4. monkeypoacher


      if anything this inactivity figure proves how important it is that every staff member should (with the exception of trials) do their job independently, without having to ask a manager/admin. what are the odds that one part of the phone tree is just inactive and nothing can get done at all

  4. ppl have always missed the implicit message in CRP taking a million years: that there are other things to roleplay than murdering someone else, and alternatives to violence exist.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      *sips tea

    3. monkeypoacher


      this is a roleplay server where you can do virtually whatever you want, find a creative way to beat someone in combat or win the conflict through alternative means. I'm just pointing out there are interpersonal, political, legal conflicts as well as violent ones, and people seem to be malding about roleplay default since it makes violence the less easy option

    4. Brawms


      good troll 

  5. ppl have been suggesting splitting up these warclaims for 4 years maybe it’s time we actually listen to that

  6. public staff reports are stupid but if the other side gets to publicly whine and denounce the staff we should get to also

    1. monkeypoacher


      hot ******* damn that’s dumb

  7. remove nexus beeveebee please

    1. Reno


      Yes please 

  8. Should trial GMs really be giving out permanent blacklists?

    1. monkeypoacher


      They wrote "permanent," but uh, okay.

  9. simba’s villain rp was not “poor” you philistine. it was godlike

    1. Bucky_24


      I wish blacklists would include screenshots. Checks and balances and what not.

  10. so when are the arabic lessons again

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Contact me on Discord habibi

  11. staff thought they could own me epic style by setting my forum name to “i am an idiot”









    little did they know they were on the money ..  i am an idiot

    1. AlphaMoist
    2. Telanir


      lol well you did change the barney profile back!


      I figured it was better than the lame pfp & a gambling website as a username—you’re a smart man I’d like to keep you around Howard.

  12. telanir kinda chadding out

    pretty wild. if he had just said his goal was to get to 500 players this whole time I would have almost no grounds to criticize him. wondering how much productive time this server has lost to pure needless bureaucracy. here’s to 1000 more years of lotc dominion

  13. the king’s too fat for his armor

    1. Andustar


      Go find the breastplate stretcher, now!

  14. the nation system may suck and most people hate it, but it lets like 8 people play a less-fun version of EU4 with the server. so it's impossible to say if it's bad or not,

    1. argonian


      i think the hope is, as with most shitty systems, that they can drag them out long enough that people who don't remember a time b4 them outnumber all those that do (and universally hate them)

  15. the psyche of the average lotcer is so warped that when directly polled for fun server ideas he can only come up with "what if we fed inactive rpers into the Punishment Cube?"

    1. argonian


      what if we put this behind an application

  16. the staff should not OOCly prop up nations. every nation on this server should be able to gather its own resources and protect its own territory, the ones that can’t should be allowed to perish


    (this means full freebuild)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      50 block rule was terrible. Basically just turned freebuild into notfreebuild.


      was kinda funny when Dalek tried to use the rule to get half of Belvitz removed by staff, I guess. That’s about it tho.

    3. Noer


      freebuild gang die

    4. monkeypoacher


      i ride for my crafters i die for my crafters

  17. the story team needs to remind you that it doesn’t just twiddle its thumbs writing about “planar laws” and **** with the creation lore, it also actively tries to delete your playerbase with made-up lore contrivances!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Can’t wait for the 8.0 incarnation of Charter Reform when their own land rules don’t cram people together and ruin small communities enough on their own.

    3. squakhawk


      yes because i just decided “hmm i will snap kha on whim, i do not like them and want them gone, this is out of nowhere and is my decision alone to make”, as did every other st, seemingly

    4. monkeypoacher


      must be telling on yourself there a little bit bud because I didn’t say that!!


      like all of lotc’s bad decisions, I automatically assumed it was a decision by committee made out of obscure grievances from a small subset of players and/or the perverse glee they get from making random ppl on the internet mad

  18. the takeaway from this highly classified drama is that if you're 20 something your social circle should not be 16-17 year olds on the internet

    1. excited
    2. Urahra


      why I mostly try to hang out w other LOTC adults

    3. turtletomc


      minecraft and adult is oxymoron

  19. the temp map is good actually. should make the underdark/hollow earth an accessible place next map. could put cool nodes in it or something

    1. argonian


      it's like a story, but underground.


      an undertale, if you will

  20. There is actually no straightforward lore for the life expectancy of different LoTC races. Humans used to live for a few hundred years before a wave of people decided having more realistic life expectancies was cool, and that became the new normal. 


    While a plugin that forces people to do realistic character progression would be really cool, it also isn't possible. Instead of arbitrarily punishing players, wouldn't it be better to encourage people to roleplay? 


    Not gonn'a lie, the fact that I can't age my character backwards or change my race or gender hasn't improved my roleplay at all. It's just put arbitrary restrictions on the stories I can tell and what I can role-play, and I think that's really ******* dumb.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arafel


      I believe it was up to 80 - 100 for humans, 300 for dwarves, 150-ish for orcs, ??? for elves, 200 for adunians and halflings, aaand... that's all I remember ^-^"

    3. argonian


      yeah i think so, but orcs is just 150 because p much all of them die in battle fairly young. if they manage to avoid that they can live longer iirc

    4. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍


      1 hour ago, James2k said:

      yeah i think so, but orcs is just 150 because p much all of them die in battle fairly young. if they manage to avoid that they can live longer iirc


      Pretty accurate, my black orc died at about 170 i think. it goes up to 400-500 but those are really crusty ages but many orcs would rather die a warriors death than die of old age.

  21. these "union of the (animal) and (animal)" posts are the pinterest wedding templates of the lotc world

    1. irrl


      you have a point

    2. Urahra


      lotc fursonas

    3. Esterlen


      esteemed union of the steelhead trout, the washerwoman and the dung beetle 

  22. thinking about u...

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