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Everything posted by Watty_Banker

  1. So there was a giveaway on Facebook it said all I had to do was comment saying Enter. I commented 10 times. Do you think I will win?

    1. Dargene


      Depends on how many others did

    2. gingernut97
    3. Watty_Banker


      Nobody else was smart or good looking enough to do it more than once.

  2. I can't believe that the Slimes and Oozes lore got more attention than the Waterbreathing lore!? - www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93564-waterbreathing-potion/

    1. Ivran


      Happens. *shrug*

    2. Hanrahan


      Halflings have beer that can make you breath underwater.

    3. Watty_Banker

  4. Waterbreathing Potion The Formulae was first discovered by Bardel Thorak as he was undergoing an Autopsy on a mermaid. He tried to discover how these Sirens could breath underwater and found they do just the same as fish do; Filter out the Oxygen from the Water by using a thin lineing in their throat called 'Gills'. Bardel made a Hypothesis that if he were to use these 'Gills' in a potion he would be able to extract their purpose and traits. He began using a Fish's Gills. An Item that is less expensive and easier to obtain. Brewing it with a Tippin's root (So the potion would last) and Yak's Liver. Upon testing the Potion on one a Test subject Bardel noted that the 'Gill' did grow. It did not allow breathing in normal air and when Bardel placed the Test subject in a Water tank he still suffocated. Upon further inspection Bardel discovered that the Gill had not correctly formed and simply created and small layer of flesh in the Test subject's throat from which he could not breath correctly and suffocated. Bardel noted that in the next potion he would make he would have to use: better, larger Gills which were more suited to humans and a more purer Liver. His final idea was to use an Aqua Vitae Base mixed with a cup of Seawater. Then he would mix the Mermaid's Gills and the Liver of the Mermaid as these two would react well together. He would also use at least one Tippin's root (To make the Potion last), A sample of Athin (One of the purest water symbols) and finally the Flower of an Elf's hair Vine as this would increase the potions power and act as a symbol of air which was what he would need underwater. He gathered all the ingrediants and used the Gills and Liver of the Mermaid he already had. Finally he brewed the concoction. A thick mixture that stank of Fish and was the Colour of Seaweed was formed, Probably enough for 2 or 3 bottles. Bardel, being completely trustful in his own knowledge took a dose of the brew to test it. At first the brew didn't instantly give him Gills and took a minute or so to begin to take effect. Bardel felt his throat swelling as the new flesh began to form. Then a great ringing in his ears began as they became immune to pressure in the air and sea. Then he couldn't breath. Bardel struggled about as his breath left him and his heart pounded. He gasped for air but didn't recieve any. Then he dived into the water but still his gills were not completely formed and he couldn't filter any of the Oxygen from the water. He squirmed about for almost a 40 seconds whilst the Gills were forming. Slowly he became weak and began to give up, then suddenly he could take small gasps of air.. slowly becoming larger and larger. The Gills side of the potion worked. He then looked at his white hands and could see that large amounts of flesh had grown between his fingers. His Feet were webbed also. Bardel's Potion had worked. He attempted to leave the water, only to find himself gasping for air again. He could no longer breath out of the water until the potion wore out. He thought about the close call he had as he swam about in the in the heated Pools of the Karimirr. A way he could improve the brew was by adding a Symbol of Air representing, Speed: To make the reaction faster. But that would have to wait untill the brew wore off in an hours time. Once it finally wore off he experianced the same thing as when he gained the gills slowly becoming breathless until not being able to breath back to being breathless and then slowly being able to breath. Another notable thing that happened was that he was deaf for 5 minutes after the gills had gone. This was due to the sudden exposure to Pressure. Then after 2 days the webbing between his fingers and toes died and dropped off. Pros and Cons: Pros: -Breath underwater -Webbed feet for better swimming Cons: -Moments of Breathlessness before and after -Deafness for 5 minutes after -Looking like a freak due to webbed feet -Its damn expensive to make Lore by: Watty_Banker With a bit of help from: Ziko99
  5. Finished my boat completely. Damn its sexy http://imgur.com/5h916yw

    1. Hobolympic


      Eh, constructive criticism: Have it lowered down into the water. Looks like it's flying.

    2. Raomir
    3. Watty_Banker


      Hrm.. Probebly shoud.. Its hull is a bit high..

  6. Can I get an update on the rollbacks someone. I want to finish my boat.

    1. Ever


      Update: Don't build till everything is stable. Same way it's been all day. ><

    2. Watty_Banker


      Okay.. I am sorry about asking the same question all day Ever and Freya XD

  7. One does not simply walk into Greywyn. Its black bridge is guarded by more than just rotting beasts. There is evil there that does not sleep. The red orbs are ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slic3man


      It's not that bad.

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      You dont know nothing! The real evil is the chicken!

    4. 5678



  8. Missions: Completed. Built a prototype in Creative. Now to build it in game http://imgur.com/mpRzEx4

    1. gingernut97


      I think you beached it :P

  9. Okay.. time to build... A KICK ASS BOAT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      *Sombre violin riff*

    3. DruinsBane


      *Manages to riff on a bongo.*

    4. Watty_Banker


      *Riffs with Belly rolls*

  10. Rrrgh wanna get my Pirate Character set up but when I go online the Pirates are offline

    1. FORƎST


      We're online right now though!

    2. Watty_Banker


      LE SIGH!!! Now I am going bed. Nun-night.

  11. Is server down?

    1. VonEbs


      It was restarting...

    2. Watty_Banker


      Alright, I just came on.

  12. I go to sleep at 1 'o clock in the morning and wake up at 1 'o clock in the afternoon. Now. that's what I call a good sleepypoos

  13. #Jistuma4mod2013

  14. Anyone got anywhere I can RP my pirate character?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aptrotta


      I own a Gallmorian tavern in Lions Dock. Fun place. Gallmore is pretty fun too

    3. FORƎST


      Its no secret me & Spamshock have been hiring shady sailors around Abresi if ya know what I'm sayin' ;)

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Theres a home for shady sailors to operate out of.... just saying :D ((pm me))

  15. I think its about time for a Nexus Plug-in update?

  16. CRY MOAR PLEX ;_;

  17. The Cakeman was a lie.

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core


  18. Got back from Camping. I r gunna finish meh Character Lore!

  19. Well that went excellently. Stopped twice. Attacked by four before we could even get into the gates, then crashed as pigmen attacked me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blundermore


      One does not simply walk into mordo- Oh wait... wrong universe...

    3. Lark


      *was totally right*

    4. Watty_Banker


      I didn't expect there to be the fort. Last I was there was Last saturday. I go there today Boom. I was like WTF happened. "I have no memory of this place."

  20. Who the hell kills passers by?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      I know right? I hate it when I pass someone on the road and have to escape their random act of violence.

    3. Samoblivion


      ET members, for shits 'n' giggles.

    4. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      But ET members can make it cool. They can be harpies or monsters or something.

  21. Don't Miss out, Expedition to THE NORTH! Today at 9PM GMT, 4PM EST Come along my good pals http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92432-alchemical-expeditions-to-the-north/page-2

    1. Lark


      You shall not pass.

    2. mmat


      You. Will. Die.

    3. Shorsand


      I would but.. Dying is rather associated with the North.

  22. Achievment Unlocked: Finished new Skin for Pirate Character.

    1. Lark


      Yar har fiddle dee dee, the life of a pirate is the life for me!

    2. Watty_Banker



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