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Status Replies posted by Lathros

  1. the weak should fear the strong

    1. Lathros


      what if the weak have a higher intellect, thus could put themselves into a scenario in which the strong would have to fear the weak

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I guess that Germany's nice.

    1. Lathros


      is that benjamin linus from lost

  3. What do you call your guys' S.O.'s, oh wait, this is a premium minecraft roleplaying server with 10% more immersion than any other!

  4. It's reaching twenty-seven hours. What puzzles me is why the staff didn't do map preperations before doing the transfer event. The people are getting restless.

    1. Lathros


      They could only scan during server time, it takes a lot of resources, only which the server has. It could only be done now, so clam down m8

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I joined the FRP, am I cool now?

  6. Okay... I think I might be definitely wanting to roleplay again. Anyone need a female character played? Also willing to show me the ropes of the server again, too? It's been a while and lots have changed... Anyway, shoot me a PM if you might have someone for me to play!

  7. Incoming BR on all of oren army @wwbuff

    1. Lathros



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. The starks are the worst house. Lannister is the best.

  9. Seems like a good time to work on my ever-growing pile of skin requests. Will I ever be free from this immense burden? Stay tuned.

  10. Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.

  11. Don't try the Breeding Skill if you are a new player. You need a region you can build on, leads, fencing, a farm (or source of wheat) to breed them, and the animals themselves; animals that don't spawn in the wild, are scarely sold, and the GM team has said, 'no' to spawning them in. It is impossible.

    1. Lathros


      holy **** you're real

  12. If you’re in Australia and you have eggs over easy, are the eggs under easy because everything is upside down?

  13. The second jihad nears closer my friends.. None shall feel mercy

  14. Why does my hacked client crash when trying to connect to LoTC? Someone tell the tech team to get their act together. #frustrated

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