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Status Replies posted by oblivionsbane

  1. Just finished watching Breaking Bad. Need another anime to fill the void.

  2. Today was a great tragedy... The Great Pumpkin Slaughter of 1570. Was fun though lol, sorry if we meme'd you too hard.

  3. I have been made into a chibi.


  4. So in LoTC there's 7 months a year, 24 days per month
    That's 168 days a year - IRL years consist of roughly 2.1 times that (365)... Which means in the space of ten LoTC years, your character technically should only have aged 5ish... GG lore team.
    In the logic that there's 60 hours in an IG day, that's 10080 hours per year - compared to IRL 8760 hours per year; meaning that 1320 difference gives an LoTC year the equivalent of 55 extra IRL days which isn't too significantly longer I guess.
    Still, having 20 hours at the hottest point in the day can't be good for you... This also means in hourly equivalents to IRL LoTC would have 420 days a year... If that doesn't excuse your marijuana driven antics then IDK what will!


  5. I just realized a minecraft character would have meter wide shoulders.

  6. They remade the grizzly hills music!


  7. So like, what is special snowflake RP? Is that just RP that isnt apart of your own cliche or what?

  8. i'd assume sex feels like hitting a 42 48 with a dds spec right

  9. Pillow rooms should be banned, they birth heresy.

  10. Anyone got any pick-me-up / feel better music?

  11. Please make Public Polling: Remove Nexus or no?

  12. Please make Public Polling: Remove Nexus or no?

  13. I made an effort at creating my character's house banner. So here is the Drayzont House Banner: https://i.gyazo.com/cf2b171f82d2b3f704af6e24c612f0a0.png

  14. So do dorfs RP?

  15. So do dorfs RP?

  16. thoughts on this anime?



  17. Sony is DESTROYING E3.

  18. Will we be getting a new map in the near future?

  19. "If you're drowning just... drink the water" - Vengeance 2k16

  20. Civ if anyone wants t join.

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