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Status Updates posted by Tefzors

  1. tfw no old hat yet

  2. tfw you build a bridge from spawn to oren lands and actually gets used by people :)

    1. Stevie
    2. monkeypoacher


      tfw you go into oren to kidnap oreners and there are no oreners

  3. tfw you realise... you've been waiting for nearly 4 hours

  4. tfw you realise... you've been waiting for nearly 4 hours

  5. That drawing of you... it's majestic!

  6. them roll backs are annoying me!

  7. This was the biggest load of shite I witnesses of the 13 months I was on LOTC

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cruzazul


      Is this turning into Facebook?

    3. mmat


      That's my copyrighted pun cruz, please dont steal or I sue yo ass

    4. cruzazul


      **** take my first born, just not my guap

  8. This was the biggest load of shite I witnesses of the 13 months I was on LOTC

  9. Thx oren for free stuff lel

  10. TIL: Mods monitor PM's on LOTC

  11. today is a boring day

  12. u g07 b4nn3d

    1. Jachnun


      ik dude, ik. But its one week, I think. Who told you btw?

    2. Tefzors


      I am detective tef by the way

  13. What do you guys think of my avatar?

    1. Kardel


      Many nice illustrator work

    2. Tefzors


      Thanks man, it's nice to see you being alive once in a while.

  14. What FoV everyone plays on>

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LPT


      You get used to it quick, I promise.

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      Quake pro.

    4. Nekkore


      85 seems fine for me.

  15. What's the longest you've played your character for?

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      3 years, single character since aegis

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      I think the longest I ran a character was seven months.

  16. When do I become an old hat?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      when the crows fly backwards and the gms refund items

    3. StevenQuick


      It doesn't matter... I was old hat once until I took a account migration to the face

    4. Tefzors


      my friends been only 2 months before me and he is an old hat alrweady

  17. when will mining world open?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mankaar


      If the minimg world is closed for good its going to kill miner rp :/.

    3. Tefzors


      where would it be best for me to sell things

    4. Javelberg


      Go and find out!

  18. Where can I get clay/ flower pots from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      Mugs are made from wood, clay flower pots are made from clay in the same shape.

    3. Neri


      *correction: Bricks not clay, sorry.

    4. Tefzors


      I know how you make them, I am just wondering where to get clay from to make it into bricks which will make flower pots...

  19. Where can one buy cheap iron?

    1. Neri


      iron shop

    2. Tefzors


      Thank you for giving me such valuable information! Now I know where I shall head when I am in the realm of Anthos!

  20. Where I can find/buy ice blocks? And best places to get lava?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      4x4 snow blocks in your crafting inventory.

    2. Tefzors


      You mean 2 x 2? Oh and I found them in some shop, but this might be useful one day, thanks.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      Yes, that's what I meant. You need 4, anyway!

  21. Who has worse community on forums? Reddit or Lotc?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nordicg_d


      whatever one has more furries, thats the worse one.

    3. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      I think reddit is worse, actually. They're just hostile for no reason. Here people just overreact too much (mostly)

    4. Geo


      looool r/dota2 2toxic5me

  22. whoever thought that the wall around academy is the top thing to do, just seriously look at it and wonder why it looks like a stadium

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tefzors


      it was indeed, when i was building that tower next to the academy it was all fine. week later people came over and decided to posion the land with shitty builds

    3. Lago


      I'd wager it's got that wall because a bunch of players have decided it's playerbase'd make a good punchbug.

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      Exactly what Lago said. You think we wanted to make it that way?

  23. Yh good1 how about u do1 m8

  24. You can change your MC names now!

  25. You know, they could of have shown cased better skins on the home page for their 'join lotc advertising' as those skins look like they were made by a 10 year old. Good skins like mine deserve to be shown cased!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      Skins we have showcased now look very nice imho.

    3. Samsan99


      If you are so good give me a male and female verson of each race that is shown on the front page and they might be if you make good skins

    4. Elfen_


      Aren't those skins of someone's character?

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