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Status Updates posted by Cjmate

    1. thesmellypocket


      I love the way it actually means "The war is over" but Hitler says "My time has come"

  1. And much more I am sorrier for my good knights’ loss than for the loss of my fair queen; for queens I might have enow, but such a fellowship of good knights shall never be together in no company

  2. Anyone know any good build servers?

  3. Anyone know how long it might be until we get 1.9?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      Anyone who likes 1.9 doesn't understand how PVP works and probs sucks at it.

    3. Elfen_


      It;s not bad. But I'm not having this conversation in some poor saps status.

    4. Kaiser


      Because you can't defend it? 

  4. Anyone know if the game Foxhole is any good? 

    1. Archipelego


      it looks amazing and its on my wishlist

    2. TankM1A2


      Yes! I played the game with my good friends @sdm @WoodenApples @mra8ur93ss @Youngie5500 and we had an absolute blast. Massive scale warfare with everything from base building, construction, logistics, frontlines, and engaging PVP. If you want to grind and keep the front line supplied, or if you want to construct the defenses to hold said frontline, or if you want to be making the decisive push, the option is yours. Personally, I think its great.

    3. func_Soap


      OMG so WApples and I were trucked within minutes of the map resetting to an island in the middle of the map then just before sdm arrived we took down a truck and its two occupants but WApples bit the dust. I vacuumed up the basic materials (bmats) they dropped and threw down a field crate so I wasn't encumbered by our loot. Then something similar happened with sdm and I taking down another truck headed for this central island.


      Suffice to say, half an hour in chat and the player number has gone up from 30 to the 100 player cap and some random nobody thanks whoever secured the island in chat, the island which is by now cut off from our home base in the North by a filthy Colonist encirclement. Shirt supplies (respawns) in the town hall are running low but we've repaired a refinery and weapons factory on the island to elongate our occupation.


      We thought we had it covered. The two vehicle bridges we had on lock-down with our tunnel network supported foxholes and pillboxes with lighter defences covering the two destroyed (but repairable) wooden foot bridges. However, in our sweep of the island, we missed the two fords (shallow sections of river) leading onto the island. One lead to allied territory and our shirt situation was quickly relieved, but to our dismay, an insidious Colonist base had infested the western side of our island. It took repeated HE grenade martyrs to get through the first pillbox, but their front was covered by two supplied level two foxholes, both of which would annihilate any attempts to push up. We each took out 4 HE nades and charged in from the North. Twelve reached their target, to no effect, with no survivors.


      I can only assume that battle is still continuing as I had to head off to bed, having realised it was the early hours of the morning by this point, but it was great. Play with friends, learn the basics before you play. The game has no in-built tutorial so YouTube is your best bet.

  5. Anyone know where the post is that explains crafting update? I can't figure out how to make a chest.

  6. Are baby dwarves fermented in vats and born from kegs?

    1. Corvoo


      In the ancient mating ritual of the Dwarves. Two Dwarves come together, regardless of their sex over a perfectly rounded rock. They begin rubbing their beards together. Eventually, two hairs from each beard intertwine and fall out onto the rock. The hairs begin burrowing themselves into the rock, and in a few stone days, the rock begins forming into a new baby Dwarf. It is canon.

    2. Dreek
  7. Are the top tier bows and arrows worth using in pvp? Don't see people using them period.

    1. Reno


      Bows are glitchy now 

    2. Reno


      And if you have a shield they are worthless 

  8. Are there dogs in lotc? Haven't seen any since the Fringe. 

    1. Space


      Yep, you can get them still.

  9. Are there vines on resource island?

    1. Ducklingator


      No, just on youtube.

    2. aron.
    3. Eranikus


      Over in the lumberjacking area. 2x2 jungle trees automatically spawn covered in vines. And this has been your daily druid tip of the day. :)

  10. Building messy medieval in fallout 4 

  11. cant find search bar

  12. Cappy was best Gm 

  13. Check out this survey!



  14. ck2 for 6 hours straight...loss track of time.

    1. EndCallCaesar


      This post is too real. #IKnowTheFeel

  15. Doing a non-pve event on Sunday if 

    anyone is into that. 



  16. End of the war is shaping up to be 

    cool. I like the look of all these mini 

    nations. Maybe future warclaims

    will be smaller too and reduce lagg. 

    1. Violino


      I appreciate this perspetive. 

    2. Jonificus
  17. Hard to enjoy lotc. None of my peeples play anymore.

  18. Hold the door.

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