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Status Updates posted by Proddy

  1. Au devoir for a little while, LoTC. If you want my Skype, PM me for it :)

  2. Anyone need a child/kid played? Want to try out some new RP :) I can be any race

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Proddy


      Like, age 8 or 9 or so would be preferable. I can play younger or older though, of course

    3. _Stigwig


      I have a pair of 9 yr old twins that aren't played, interested?

    4. Proddy


      I may be :P I'll Skype you about it

  3. Would you need to write out lore if wishing to introduce a new culture, religion and place a character could come from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excited
    3. Kaiser


      Actually you can worship something that is real, just can't make up something and say it is real.

      E.g. the halflings worship Knox as a god,

    4. Birdwhisperer


      It would depend on how out there the culture or religion is, and if the religion is based in any facts.

  4. Any skinners about that can take a request? Any skin shops?

  5. Whilst the servers down and out, why not take the time to check out and maybe even leave a comment on my application for AT? https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119562-xtremeprodigys-application-to-review-other-peoples-applications/

  6. If a Half Elf and a Human, and then wanted another some time later, would the 10-15 year waiting rule still count due to the curse of infertility?

    1. MamaBearJade


      The curse of infertility is still in effect, though you /might/ be able to get away with waiting only 8-10 years between. So long as you dont have /lots/ of kids (like less than 5)

    2. AlmondTree


      You get the full curse. Short life and infertility. This has been the rule for some time?

  7. Any Bedrock V.I.Ps want to make some quick minas? I need an item renamed :)

  8. What was the battle?

    1. Dreek


      The Undead along with some cultists attacked Petrus

    2. DrakeHaze.


      >Implies Undead are players

      >Allows both Undead + Cultists to raid towns

      >Regular player (me) cant raid

      >Makes his own cult so he can raid

  9. This could potentially be quite a difficult question to answer... but how many years IC has it been since Aegis? (More specifically, when LoTC/Aegis itself began)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Salvo


      I'd say about 250 years. I'm not really sure, though.

    3. bungo


      when you calculate it it seems stupid because time changes. it goes from bieng 1 week = year to 2 weeks = year. Plus half the time the date plugin didn't work so it's just a random number they put in to start from.

    4. everblue2er101


      Server started around year 1300 in Aegis. I'm not sure what the current year is, but do the math.

  10. When will server be up again?

    1. KarmaDelta


      Status of maintenance: 1) Wait for Tythus to heal to get slightly less broken backup version 2) churn through ridiculously huge WE mistake with LB 3) churn through many smaller WE mistakes with Worldedit brute force replace 4) acquire GM team to fix the problems 2 and 3 caused.

      By Sporadic

    2. monalisa


      Don't forget:

      All this will probably take all weekend, if not longer, and when it's done you can still expect up to 1 week of progress to be lost.

      Also by Sporadic

  11. What timezone would most of the Halfling player base be in?

    1. IrishPerson


      Judging by the comments or lack of I'd say EST.

    2. Grouchy


      Yh most of them are EST from my experience

  12. Fancy a new and original villain role-play experience? Join the Abyssian Pirates today! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/116107-pirates-of-the-abyssian-sea/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Proddy


      ign gave us a good r8 blad

    3. Raptorious


      Should've asked me a year ago, looks p sick

    4. Proddy


      Why not now?? :( :( :(

  13. School tomorrow... damn...

  14. when's 5.0 then?

    1. Nekkore


      2015. Which also means Half-Life 3 Confirmed.

    2. StevenQuick


      It'll take them 3 years to make the map. But enjoy 4.25 4.5 and 4.75 while you wait.

  15. when's 5.0 then?

  16. 4.0 literally is the perfect map, fair play to the build team/staff/anyone involved in it's creation.

    1. Legoface1


      110 people were worked to death to make it

    2. shiftnative


      Kind messages like this really make me stoked to log-in, thanks for the support!

  17. There are 2 GMs online and I still haven't been unmated so I can play 4.0... gg guys

  18. darude - sandstorm

  19. What happened to Mog? :(

    1. MamaBearJade


      thats what I am wondering. Not sure if prank or real.

    2. HuskyPuppy


      I hope its a prank.

    3. Proddy


      Yeah, if it isn't a prank then ****...

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