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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by H

  1. I am so smart. I bought two new chargers. If I break one, won't be a problem!

  2. Says I'm downloading texture pack. Nothing is happening. Any ideas?

  3. [insert philosophical question here.]

  4. Are the CT banker and Auctioneer broken?

  5. Oh. Happy third server year to meee. Happy thiiird server year to me. Happy third server year to mee-eee. Happy third server year to me. whathaveIbeendoingwithmylife?

  6. Why is gravity so strong when it doesn't even lift?

  7. Oh, sometimes I do wish there were Prosecuters and Defense lawyers on here for ban reports, how much fun that would be. :P

  8. Hey, I've got a self-inflicted ban. Any idea how I can undo that? Also, hi guys! Been a while.

  9. Regret. Regret. Regret. 5 days to go.

  10. If you still need to remove books from the BookPreserve plugin do so with /restorebook. You will not have the chance forever.

  11. someone want to tell me all the websites you can vote on?

  12. Oh no. Server, don't die on me. Stay with me! Server! T-Think about our children, think about... server... please. Please don't go, I-I... I don't know what to do! Server! NOOOOO!

  13. First time playing in almost a year O.o

  14. Destiny... is a decent game. Good job Bungie.

  15. Server down still. Palms sweating.

  16. You're limtied to one character?

  17. Got a gaming laptop for christmas! Totally suprised! How was your christmas?

  18. Does anyone know if the Master Theives Guild is around anymore?

  19. Does anyone know if the Master Theives Guild is around anymore?

  20. Server's up, guys.

  21. I get accepted the same day as my application w00t!!! oh... server is down... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  22. To whom it may concern, I may be killing off all my current characters and turning my attention to one, new one. Might make a post, might not. We'll see :3

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