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Everything posted by Detective

  1. Whoever made these new epic skins for everyone, dm me. <3

  2. That mass posting @The Pink Lion o-o

  3. Need temp Elf character skin, 300 minas. Message if your up fer' it. @.@

  4. ftb, can we please get more creative.

  5. please ser, i want some more.

  6. Really? Really Chaw? Are you sure?

  7. I'm trying so hard not to assume Bob McBoberson's gender.
  8. "What is roleplay? You mean that channel everyone leaves because it gets too spammy?"

  9. Wanna roplaey?

  10. You know the roleplay is good when you include a random stone in it.

    1. StellarDweller


      *click* Noice


    2. chaotikal


      did u just assume the stones gender

    3. Detective


      Random is a gender? ****.

  11. For those concerned: I will be slightly inactive for the next two weeks. Focussing on business at the moment. Stressful! xD

  12. Soul Puppetry is woke. O-O

    1. E__V__O


      What about Soul Puppetry?

  13. Raise your hand if you swore on the last day of Club Penguin.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Somewhere in Axios, a wee li'l halfling raises his hand, then lowers it after s few moments. You notice said halfling is missing his hand on the arm he raised, a jagged edge forming from the stump.

  14. I don't know, do people have stuff on their minds? Like cancer?

    1. StellarDweller


      *shakes head "No" XD

  15. *rolls in the dirt.* "Forum roleplay is the only roleplay!"

    1. StellarDweller


      Alikar would slowly shuffle its hooves and would kick the dirt "Alikar now want to speak druid." it'll say in poor english


    2. Ducklingator


      lilak come she do wind magic the magictaurs go fly "hahaha i best mage"

  16. Paladins..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merkaken


      fam you're not alone

    3. ski_king3


      Don't trust em!

    4. Detective


      I mean the game.. xD


      But yeah Paledins in LOTC man..

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