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Everything posted by Detective

  1. Lurd uf teh rungs...

  2. " The use of alternate characters purely to incite conflict is disallowed. For example, you may not create a dwarf character purely for the purpose of raiding the orcs and instigating war. " That's a rule. Yeah uhm.. seen a lot of this funny enough. xD

  3. Oh.. hello status.

  4. Uuuh yes.. Not OP at all. Seems very balanced. +1 Very detailed submission hands down.
  5. Cool. By the way what is 'Free?' is free a currency? :P
  6. If I pay you will you transfer your art skills to me? ;-;
  7. Uuuuh who are you? xD 4/10 (nice pic though) <3

  8. Krug forgive me.. ;-;

  9. Any skin makers around to take a skin request?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      I might, depending on what the request is 

    3. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      Pm me with some of the details if you'd like

    4. Gothe


      1k add andrei.dinca3 on skype search Sexpresso on planetminecraft for portofolio

  10. How 2 get c00l r@d profile foto?11!!1

  11. When you're all in that deep emotional roleplay and then suddenly - Authintication Servers are down for maintenance.

    1. EdgyMagey


      would you like to deep roleplay with me

    2. Detective
  12. When status is spammed... o-o

    1. Kvasir


      it is not spam. I am liking your status.

  13. When your toes are too large for you to suck on.

  14. I'm not fat, I'm just raw-boned.

  15. What's on my mind? A Wolf! I cried.

  16. Oooo the art is beast, especially the one with the Cervitaur, I wanna see more art like tha'.
  17. Cervitaurs are getting fewer, and its getting to the point where there are none on at all. >.>

  18. That moment when you are disconnect for an hour mid semi-fight rp. ;-;

  19. Not many Cervitaurs on now days. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Probably because they all get beat up and confuse people.

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      They make a nice sandwich

    4. Kvasir
  20. And then the Pumpkin God will carry me away on his horse, and we'll live happily ever after.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Detective


      ...You just ended my life, I was ganna do so much more!

    3. Samler


      Just don't dance with him, Seth learnt so the hard way, ended with a lava bath with the Pmupkin god.

    4. Kvasir
  21. Life if a Cervitaur: Live. Die. Repeat.

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