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Status Updates posted by Rassidic

  1. 12 hours to make a blaze rod 8/8 m8

  2. keep memeing or i kill the hostages

  3. ned stark dies

    1. Grouchy


      what the **** spoilers

  4. There's like a 1:1 split of Black : White Human Characters now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ford


      Lol trips you're 1:1 black:white but 100% disgusting fam sorry :^)

    3. SodaiKamikaze


      Nubians will soon rule oren...

    4. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Being black is cool, get in the now brah

    1. Ford


      I'm confused. Why are the numbers even? What us that thing above the data

    2. Rassidic


      It's a game called Google Fued. If you entered 'the poor should' into google , how would it finish the sentence for you? Those are the results.

  5. religious fuel can't melt confidence beams

  6. I for one prefer to have GoT completely divert from the books.

    1. Moot


      It's two similar stories, being told in different ways. I like it.

    2. Aislin


      I concur

  7. Anyone recommend Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition on Steam? Does it work fine?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dohvi


      I just started playing it tonight after getting it back in the winter sale, and it seems to be working perfectly fine. Kept my attention for a few hours /after/ I was meant to be asleep too.

    3. IrishPerson


      Great game, I'd argue even better on steam with the mods that can be added.

    4. Lima


      There is like 1 mod you need to improve the meshes but its not a necessity.

  8. rip snowshovel stomped me

  9. Shift-look into a volcano's top , let go of shift. I don't want to log back in. :(

    1. StevenQuick


      RIP in stupidity

  10. nordic is great at gmod

  11. Anyone here play War Thunder? I want to know if it's worth downloading and trying.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      My brother liked it enough to buy a $200 flightstick for it and then lose interest, so.

    3. Praetor


      Yeah play it.

      If you want an easy start play Russia

      If you want to use good planes, play Britain

      If you want to rip your hair out, play the nazi's

    4. nordicg_d


      British planes... best planes...

  12. Good king Artemic Camoryn , I bring terrible news! Kalenz Uradir has a plot to murder Kalenz Uradir with the help of Kalenz Uradir! Your humble spymaster , Kalenz Uradir.

    1. mmat


      Sign me ^.

    2. Rassidic


      'hottest game 2k15'

    3. mitto


      spoiler, it's a game about me

  13. Bein' serious ; if you're on the list below , don't worry. Thousands of threads like that are on that forum. We're all insignificant!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rassidic


      mattyz you used to be in the decterum you're the least significant person i can even remember

    3. zaezae


      What. Is. This.

    4. Rassidic
  14. guys if my account is cracked , tell my e-wife i loved her

  15. nordic lives off benefits

  16. what is 'menorcress in heat'?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. craotor


      Some would call it art, I would call it disgusting

    3. Nug


      my life

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      part of my expansive stache.

  17. worked out it takes you around 26 hours or more to get from master to legendary cook. wtf.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rassidic


      Between RPing and rotting steak and growing of cattle , it takes way over 45 hours. Jistuma , I could go get 99 slayer on runescape like Nordic did before I became legendary at frying meat.

    3. Harri


      Its not the time that stops me getting that, its the lack of animals to actually use for ingredients. SINCE THERE ARE NONE ANYWHERE.

    4. Rassidic


      Dunamis has like 40 cows , but it's still not enough.

  18. Anyone else miss The Fringe?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knox213


      I miss it in a sense, the skirmishes were some what fun, then there was the town of Vekaro. Probably some of the most fun I had since stepping down from power.

    3. Rassidic


      I just remember getting you banned knox :").

    4. lawnmowerman


      I remember the 3 minute battle that the snelves lost because I fired one of the arbalests ;')

  19. kalameet is 2k15's best cracker

  20. high elves are missing the wood elves right now oof

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