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  1. I'm sorry guys, this witch hunt is as silly and tin foil hat as accusing HB of using x-ray in his little video because something showed up at 1:15-1:16 ish

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    2. zaezae


      LoL this is now a tin-foil theory. So this guy activated x-ray 'on accident' to find those pesky signs, twice, and uploaded it up. 


      No, everyone has such a hard-on to ban someone that I don't even know for whatever reason. Or maybe you actually believe this. Still, no reasonable explanations for the weaknesses in this evidence beyond those that are more difficult than what the ban report is suggesting. 


      Also, if you would only read, you'd find I'm not defending someone. Rather, I'm not letting you people get away with this bullshit. 


      Anyway, go ahead and give your last word. I was honestly trying to figure out if this position held by people was an assumption, and well, it's just that. A theory that has not eliminated other reasonable alternatives, shielded itself from inconsistencies, and completely makes sense from point A to point B is nothing more than an assumption. A guess. 

    3. argonian


      on accident is terrible english

    4. Silent™


      If you're calling it a guess, then it's a guess based on solid evidence. When I say he activated it on accident, I quite literally mean that one of his fingers pressed down on the wrong key on his keyboard, and when he realized he had pressed the wrong key and revealed to his own recording that he has X-ray on his client and likely uses it to find hidden chests or secret tunnels, etc.


      Also, if you'd look at the evidence shouting in your face, you'd find that everyone here who is stating that Stormclank was using X-ray in his video, however briefly he may have done so, are correct. We can quickly and easily rule out all other possibilities of what may have caused all the blocks in his sight to disappear except those found by X-ray.

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