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About kingnothing

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    sad guy
  • Birthday 07/31/1916

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    My genitals only have a tip, it's like someone glued an acorn to the bottom of my torso.

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  1. this is a really long restart

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    2. kingnothing


      i don't think cybering is bad or immoral or anything like that. but when no standing rules exist/are enforced saying don't do it other than "PLEASE DO IT ON SKYPE" i'd like to give yung predator boys like zer0 enough credit to think that they'd see that as a chance to prey on kiddos. the fact that ski_king was so obviously cyberbaiting children for so long and it took as long as it did for him to get ANY kind of punishment still astonishes me

      i could be completely off base because my line of reasoning is more or less "what would i do if i was a child predator", and obviously not being a child predator maybe im missing some core child seductionology lesson here but hey

    3. Space


      ok ignoring all the difficulties of trying to policy places that aren't on lotc--


      don't you think it might be better to deal with the predators, rather than everyone else? like you'd get called huge sjws but maybe some sort of thing to make sure people know what to do when someone is trying to take advantage of them, or to make it easier for people who suspect something like this to come out, rather than a blanket ban that would be hard to enforce?


      it's sorta like the 'tell women to wear less revealing clothing' instead of 'tell other people not to sexually assault people'

    4. Ducklingator


      but like. i would go ahead and assume that not every single person who goes into skype and starts cybering with another person says "hey whats your age", its more than just not doing things against other people's will

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