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About Zhulik

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    Reformed Gamer
  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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    Max Danger

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  1. Debate me as to how Trump is bad! I challenge you leftists, lets go.

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    2. Gallic


      Seriously though my big thing is being afraid he won't care about the environment.


      Jobs? Cool. Abortions? Yeah whatever I'm not a woman. Being a weird jerk? Maybe it's just his campaign and he'll be better now. History? I hear there's good history, too. Walls? Well yeah that sounds dumb but whatever. Racist or bigoted stuff? Whatever, I don't like that but maybe it'll just stick to his personal opinion and not everyone's government mandated one.


      But denying climate change? Favoring pipelines and fracking? That gives me the feeling that his "job creation" is going to involve a lot of things that don't really take the environment into account. Nu uh dude my hippie bones aint gonna let that slide without worrying about it. We're killing the planet, man, and if we keep at this crap, we're just going to kill it faster. That is the main reason I feel that this president is sub-par.


      Not that China and Russia aren't bad too. I mean, China's big cities are literally toxic. I'm also afraid that if we butt them out of our production, the situation will get even worse, with China's weird insecurity about needing to be the most industrial country and our sudden need to replace all those chinese factories by putting them on other soil.


      And not that Hillary would have been any better. She might have even been worse in that regard, in fact. I hear she was funded by some pretty environmentally unfriendly people. But, hey. She's not the president, so why does it matter.

    3. calculusdesola


      i used my small loan of half a million minas to enslave gunnerdude to build me a shitty messy medieval castle ages ago, if that aint competence then i dont know what is, not my problem.  my wall also kept the vladov latinos at bay at least a dozen times so check mate buzzfeed liberal cuckletons  MAGA

    4. chaotikal


      trump is god though

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