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Man of Respect

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  1. Dewper gets so much hatred from the staff chats, you guys don't even know... from my browsing, Dewper was mentioned atleast a hundred times, and it wasn't anything good. People are different when no one's seeing them, I guess.


    I can provide names, from everyone that has been shitty to Dewper, backed up with proof!

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    2. zaezae




      Victim bux mining?

    3. Anisgar


      Staff needs to up their roasts tbh, all these r kinda ****

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Reading these logs so far has provided me with knowledge about why the Renatus-Haense war got denied after being accepted, the full discussion on iMattyz ban (its there, somewhere), and that I'm also very dedicated to everything that I do, no laziness, I went through a lot of these lines, trying to find stuff that involves Renatus or my friends overall, and I'm sure I can find a few more. I went up to line 2282 on one of the chats so far... I don't feel like it's wasted time, and its not like i'll also go through the 260.000 lines of the FM chat leak. People should be able to defend themselves when they're insulted.


      For example, I never knew that Nate1450 was hard pushing for a ban on me or had a hint of salt towards me. Some stuff is always nice to know. And I tell everyone: browse your name into these logs, open it up and CTRL + F to search for key words.


      But i plan on looking further into some logs here and there, and let people that are my friends know that "Hey, this person has been **** talking about you on your back and you never knew it!" Tbh, once I found out that someone was doing this kind of thing to me, I lost all my respect I had for him because I realised he wasn't worth my time.

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