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๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

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Everything posted by ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

  1. Alchemy is glitched. It either makes Jump Boost Potions, or reverts make to water. http://gyazo.com/0bddb9359da6f72cee936ddeedb247d6

    1. monkeypoacher


      Hoard those potions, you'll be able to sell em for like 1k in a month.

  2. Might write up a Roleplay Idea about Prison Roleplay to see other people's opinions. Awful living conditions, quotas, searches, trying to smuggle stuff, fun stuff, bands, groups. That kinda fun stuffs

    1. TavernLich


      That sounds amazing, I wish something like that could be done IC... But I can see it on FRP.

  3. What I learned today: San Andreas Multiplayer (SAMP) keybind programs work for LoTc. Check it out; http://gyazo.com/cca42a4205d87324acef1229e2a9d42c

    1. Space


      You will be able to declare PVP default in record speed!



      Actually trash

    3. Volutional


      All that will be is shortkeys.

  4. Zar'roc begins training the Krughai. (( Wednesday, 3/25/2015, in the Trog. Krughai RP fighting & PvP training ))
  5. People need to some how RP or give an OOC notice that they are armed to the teeth. Such as *crosses his arms, his bastard sword sheathed proudly upon his back* or something. Just so people can know if they're visibly armed or not

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You can always emote looking them over for any obvious weapons.

    3. Space


      Can we stop calling them bios? Info. I want appearance, not life story.

    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      My bio is a sentence about Rap'Lur

  6. Finally bout a Pathfinder rule book. O boi I can already feel the adventure

  7. More Villians have to know they RP the character to create fun, and not to dominate the battlefield or somethin D:

    1. Arkelos
    2. TavernLich


      Bu-but I do RP my villain for fun Sosa!

  8. It's 3/20, not 4/20 people. Stop getting high and drunk then playing LoTC, you're a month early you hippies!

    1. Knox213


      what's getting drunk got anything to do with 4/20?

  9. Admit it, you'd smoke with Mizu too

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      >partaking in such degenerate acts

    3. Ford


      i actually vape :^ )

    4. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      DOesnt surprise me you moor

  10. So did LoTC end the magic plugin? Or are we gonna have to wait another two years for a different version?

    1. KarmaDelta


      We're getting space plugins instead. We're finally becoming a space server. The Krughattan project is finally coming to fruition.

  11. Zar'roc'Yar was running through the six with his woes

  12. Wait so, is Auto-Armoring before PvP still a thing? Please tell me "No".

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkelos


      Lil more from menarra "auto-armoring is because most people work hard on their skins and want it actually visible, and some of those skins include armor, but if you're carrying gear which the only use is in PVP, you have the full disposal of your inventory available to you."

    3. Dougstalicious


      assume everyone has armor and you won't have a problem

    4. Birdwhisperer


      It's also so mages who aren't RPly wearing armor can still represent their magic in some way mechanically.

  13. Whoah Urasept just calm down

  14. Jandy is literally salt. He hopes to dry out all the slugs of LoTC. How dare he

  15. Checking out the forums during school like a covert ninja assassin

  16. I love it. People seem to look at what the loer is more than what it can do and become it seems :P
  17. But what does this do besides divide up Hydromancy? People who study snow and ice instead of water are able to conjurate Ice much easier I believe.
  18. Pathfinder Vs. D&D! DISCUSS!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salvo


      Just saying, Pathfinder is D&D. Plus, you had to specify the edition. Some people like to play 4e (none) even if it's an abomination.

    3. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)
    4. Samler


      Pathfinder is easier for both players and GMs (more hp, powers or xp for monsters is shown at the monsters and not in a table in another book) compared to 3.5. Also, no xp spent on making items which was silly!

  19. Didn't know what else to classify it as to be brutally honest.
  20. No actually, I was just about to switch it back. It is finished, unless you have some recomendations in which I'd happily add.
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