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Status Updates posted by Helbolt

  1. I prefered your previous picture. In this picture it seems like only your nose lifts.

    1. calculusdesola


      "Spare us your pity, alien."

    2. Helbolt


      LOL :) yeah, that's what I'm talkin bout!

  2. I love the winter thing. It is so awesome :) I found it in the help files the day before it happened and told everyone "Winter is coming!" Mwhahahaha.

  3. The one nice thing about having people metagame your persona card, is that you can just call pvp default, get it over with, and move on with your day ignoring their attempts at ruining your experience.

    1. 501warhead


      "You're taller than me!?"

      "PVP Default 5... 4..."

    2. Major Dom
  4. It's been 24 hours and already complaint threads are popping up. Don't give in staff! Your headed in the right direction! Ignore the complaining about how you moved their cheese. The game needs something to differentiate it, and this is it!

  5. 4.0 Live feed looked awesome, can't wait for 4.0 >=D

  6. Notices the multiple skirmishes today, then notices the fact that Oren was defeated, then notices the lack of ban reports, then notices the friendly banter between opposing forces, Hrmmm he thinks out loud.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Helbolt


      On that note anyone have any videos from the battles today? Would love to see them.

    3. Pum!


      Gnnf, if everyone just loved eachother and used hearts more often. <3

    4. drfate786


      If only people were smart like us. :P

  7. I think the ended war is good for the server. The new rules give us freedom to rp, while the staff have shown should we abuse this freedom we will be stopped. Hopefully the combination of the two will calm the ooc stuff down while allowing the rp of war/raids to continue. In short, here's freedom, abuse it and we'll stop you from using it until you grow up.

    1. Areon


      I think your opinion is stupid. The staff are causing a block in our RP for their own beliefs that the server will 'get better' when it comes to flaming. Yet what this server needs is a purge, because those who use loopholes and such always get unbanned or banned by bias GMs of the other faction.

    2. Helbolt


      While your opinion is valid, I must point out that it is difficult for GM's to regulate behavior when things dissolve into chaos. This bias you think your seeing might just be their unwillingness to assign blame when doing so would ban half the server and/or they are unable to determine who is at fault.

    3. Helbolt


      Also, I would point out that purging the community isn't a good idea. Everyone comes here for a different reason and this diversity is a good thing not a bad one.

  8. Talk about a roleplay filled week :) Go humans go!

  9. The tournament is coming! The tournament is coming!

  10. Alright, so if there are no warclaims, and raids can't have >4 or 8 people, how do we have a full fledged battle during a war? Do the two sides just plan it out and set a date like a warclaim or....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Temp


      Literally no one cares about Alras.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      But.. My minas.. ;-;

    4. Helbolt


      Seriously? Alras is a great place to go to buy resources, how do you think I built the East Wall? I didn't cut all that wood myself. Minas = free work.

  11. Do raid rules change when you are at war?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SirSnowMan


      And moderators go over it

    3. Cyndikate
    4. Hobolympic


      Only when gms dont give two shits.

    1. GodEmperorFlam
    2. Demotheus



    3. Helbolt


      Can't you all just be happy it happened?

  12. If you truely want the freedom to roleplay your character without rules getting in the way, don't abuse the new raid rules. Instead of finding reasons to raid, wait for it to happen in roleplay. This will prevent excessive raiding, and also prevent future rules that restrict everyone elses roleplay.

  13. Just curious, do vampires and werewolves exist on LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      just vampies~

      but no sparkles

    3. Demotheus


      Not even just vampires. Their aging stops, yes. They suck blood to live, yes. But they drink blood to feed a parasite :0

    4. Helbolt


      Thank you, I was just curious, I don't have any desire to play one.

  14. Use your down time to vote for the server, how? Click on that vote button 3rd down in the forums page!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaqery


      Free monies

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      But I'm too lazy.

    4. Helbolt


      Ha! We just jumped from 166 to 165.... it worked! >=D

  15. Did it crash or was it just me?

    1. Valdis


      naaah i got kicked off too

    2. Helbolt


      Cool thanks :)

  16. I am wishing more than 1 player and 1 staff had come out with videos on the LOTC 4.0 plugins.... I need my 4.0 fix....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sporadic


      Don't know if it'll be a video or a beta testing session yet... maybe both

    3. Hiebe


      I think having the skills plugin secritive is a bad idea

    4. Helbolt


      Creating something truly unique is very difficult with too many opinions involved that aren't invested in the work itself (nor have the technical skill to know what is/isn't possible). This server has some of the best "customer service" (player service really) that I've ever seen. Let's leave them alone and watch as they create something amazing :)

  17. Methinks you might be seeing things with white rose colored glasses...

    1. Helbolt


      1 ah ha ha

      2 ah ha ha

      3 ah ha ha

  18. Yesterday, was the most amazing rp day. What happened LOTC? I leave for 2 months, come back, and get rp'd by 5 different people!

    1. Raptorious


      God when you say "get rp'd" it looks like an abbreviation for something else.

    2. Valdis


      xD oh wow. it totally does lol

    3. TheNinox


      Welcome back!

  19. I just got killed by bandits for not giving them tuna, I think I'll put that merit badge right beside my one for helping a girl delivery a baby.

  20. How often does the map update?

    1. Swgrclan


      I don't believe it has since it's been implemented.

    2. shiftnative


      Aye, dynmap doesn't work for 1.7+ yet (or so I hear.)

    3. Helbolt


      Oh, that explains it, thanks!

  21. Waiting for the game to come back up?

  22. *wonders with all the positive changes how long it will take people who burned the bridge on the way out to regret it, probably not long, just like in most things...

  23. Happy new year! :)

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