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Status Updates posted by Parkins

  1. Edgy down! EDGY DOWN! GET THE MEDIC!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TavernLich


      Oh shite! Code blue! Code blue!

    3. MetaSolaray


      Wrong Code Damnit WRONG CODE. This is not a Code Blue

    4. Matheus


      its k guys he wont perma anyway

  2. Fix serber pls.

    1. Crowbill


      I miss the looming ash cloud of Vailor... so sad

    2. kingnothing


      i miss being able to stay on the server for more than five minutes

  3. Ger'Veran the mute now. :c

    1. Mephistophelian


      Shhh, it will make for good RP

    2. TavernLich


      Lol, oh yeah, Friar saw that... How did it happen?

  4. Ghouls are a lot more active now. Searching for those who wish to play zombies and serve Necromancers.

  5. Ghouls are fun.

  6. Give me a boat, someone. I need to bring ghouls to the middle of the ocean.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. H


      We do have extra frigates, but we may be needing them.

      And as bad as the devourer will be, what you're trying to do may be worse.

      You could try stowing away on one of the ships, though? Maybe?

    3. ShameJax


      Parkins is a ghoul irl.

    4. FlowUster


      rly??? pics pls???

    1. Parkins


      And remember, you get a bunch of buffs and never have to eat now as a ghoul ;)

    2. jamesb


      Hmrmhmhm already have 2 characters. :(

  7. Go Loyalists, I'll make my ghouls cheer for you!

    1. Watyll


      Iblen daz'uwar sthalme sidher.

    2. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      Iblen daz'uwar sthalme sidher.

    3. Guy d'Yood of Mann
  8. Goin' to Las Vegas till August 8th. Feel free to find me! (You don't know what I look like.)

  9. Goodbye, Father of the Coven. You will be missed.

    1. TavernLich


      Yeah, although I only got to RP with you for like one time...

    2. SpiltMemes


      RIP ;-;

      All wuv and OOC respect.


  10. Guess if the Kha and Halflings are gone it gives people a reason to play ghouls!

    1. Heff


      child please

    2. _Jandy_


      nobody needs to be edgy when you can be propper

  11. Guess who's back after like 2-3 months. Even if only temporarily.

    1. Angmarzku


      Master's back!

    2. Merkaken



      I missed you, my OOC partner in crime.

    3. Pav33


      MASTARRRR *initiates golem voice*

  12. Have you seen the muffin man?

  13. Help I can't stop playing the Rainbow Six Siege Beta.

  14. I got a cool new banner. I have hope for this forum.

    1. ShameJax


      Following after me :D

  15. I heard someone was talkin' **** about the good ol' US of A..

    1. Abeam


      somebody wants to die

  16. I mean any and all halflings are welcome to come and have a home with their Necromatic overlords..

    1. Runabarn


      Does that mean I can make a halfling and live as a measly slave to the necros?

  17. I started a spiderman meme thread. What have I done.

    1. Parkins


      It's in OOC Section

  18. I've almost gotten to the point where I don't need to log on to get things done. Just need a few more people wanting to work with powerful old men.

  19. I've corrupted irl people into playing DOTA 2 am I ruining their lives help

    1. Malocchio


      no... how could you ruin peoples' lives with DOTA when us DOTA players already ruined our own lives... why...

    2. Tom_Whiteman
    3. BartOhYeah


      you're bringing them down with your own ship!

  20. Just because I'm sp00ky, doesn't mean I'm not a meme at heart.

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