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Status Replies posted by LatzMomo

  1. hello lotc i come to you with a proposition to bring back rp default what do you think? #rpdefault

  2. Most OP magic in everyone's opinion?

  3. Imo raid rules are bad. It encourages hiding behind OOC barriers. You can just cause mayhem and then retreat into your fortress when things go south! =/

  4. Wait I was suppose to get unbanned like ten miniutes ago whats going on o.o http://gyazo.com/47bfe4c74ca045df6c5b4a7f7e4728fe

  5. If you could revive one character that is not your own and is perma-dead, who would you revive?

  6. you're now breathing manually

  7. How much would a slightly used set of prot unbreaking diamond armor go for?

  8. You are all lovely people and I'm glad I get to spend time with you all.

  9. Splattoon sucks why are there so many Inkling avatars

  10. I am going to start ban reporting the 'Victims' in bandit rp when they don't rp with me, and just cry in ooc

  11. It's not bandit RP if you call "PVP default"

  12. I love you all.


  14. We can combat-log during warclaims, noice.

  15. Any Human family/ house looking for a 'feeble peasant' as a servant?

  16. blaming the envrionment for your loss adapt to your terrain and git gud

  17. For those wanting to know where this grass issue comes from, while the Dwarves did flank us, the opposing side was unable to defend against the attacking dwarves because of the grass in the way and they did not have the build perms to break it. While they did win and kudos for that, the war in itself was poorly executed. I'm not irked because I lost, but the war among many was poorly done.

  18. blaming the envrionment for your loss adapt to your terrain and git gud

  19. First WC. It was a blast! (Litterally?)

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