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Status Replies posted by LatzMomo

  1. I'm a runesmith now can I have my free diamond armor recipes?

  2. Need some help on how to get started on learning magic :) Any suggestions?

  3. Hey, you're hot, lets date! ;)

  4. herpy burthday 2 me

  5. new map tomorrow!!!

  6. Thanks Kowa bb I lost my horse

  7. Thanks Kowa bb I lost my horse

  8. Talk dirty to me

  9. tbh loot carrioning while uninvolved with pvp should be grounds for default......

  10. Orcs should be able to eat cacti, Dwarves stone, Elves wood, Humans can be cannibals, and Halflings pumpkins.

  11. I wanna design memes

  12. I can't believe I won that roadside battle just now XD 1v3 ftw Horses OP

  13. we all know what's edgy, but what's not edgy?

  14. -Removed persona name change cooldown.

  15. If Orcs get to eat rotten flesh, why don't dwarves get to eat stone?

  16. Drakehaze is the worst shitposter in LoTC history. Makes Cyndikate look like Aislin!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. ya orcs!!!

  18. Jax is such a bad magic RP'r. Good riddance with his magic blacklist! Toxic 7 year old memer!

  19. Good fight.

  20. Anything change in the last month or so?

  21. Somebody really needs to make a fight club.

  22. What skin makers do you use to make your skins? I use SkinEdit3D but it's extremely outdated and I need a new one. Does your skin maker have a live skin preview?

  23. yay i lost my best skin because of my brother

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