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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Trinn

  1. That's some shady stuff, you got there, Hugo....... +0.99
  2. P o k e 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trinn


      My notification has received several injuries these past 15 minutes due to your constant hard work.

      Send help........

    3. jamesb


      Sorry not sorry.

    4. Trinn
  3. Is there a way to remove soulbind from an item without the item being in your hand?

    I got my soulbind item stuck in my enderchest, and now it won't move :(((

    The item is ok - just bugged that I cant Soulbind any other thing nowadays.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      yea sure i'll beat the piss out of you i'm swole as ****

    3. Elfen_


      Cry to the sky gods, let them know your pain, your sadness. Must sacrifice in their name too. Sacrifice could be anything a sheep or a person or a pig or anything really. 


      Then due the forgotten ritual and maybe the gods will aid you.

    4. Trinn


      I dont want the Gods

      I want a... A.... DEV


      Cause Idk, I already modreqqed it and the Gm just copied the item. But my soulbind *sniffles*

  4. https://picarto.tv/Triinniity
    Why not! Early morning stream :J

  5. https://picarto.tv/Triinniity
    haha finally got this working, whatever this is.

  6. T-Thranduil Shame its not Legolas though. 9.10/10 pls
  7. THIS ISNT A GAME OF I HAVE HEARD OF YOU OR NOT, HEATHENS. I like those types of animation though :o .... and I do know you, most unfortunately. / 10
  8. Wtf theres actually a haelunor and laurehlin being used https://gyazo.com/f0397cb5bd0d332c5049a658595a1a3f

    seriously... :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      you change your ign like every month trin =.=

    3. Trinn


      Don't judge me Elk GOSH 

      But yes, every month. Next month it'll be Tr!nn :D 

    4. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      i'm counting on it!!

  9. I'll never Art you ever again. Now I'm going to go in a corner and cry - cause you're a bad guy and a bully. xoxoxox Anadunae....... 10/10. anything that is pixar or disney makes me happy.
  10. 4.5/10 Be more POSITIVE ! Gosh, it even has a rainbow on it.
  11. Can a Gm/Tech please change my title-thingy from Creative Wizard to Forum Moderator?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Moochael


      Oh it must be so hard being Trinn ;(

    3. Harri


      oh man miss fancy tags...................

    4. Trinn


      Its so hard being me, I know. :'(

  12. FLOly7x.gif
    My first pixel animation .......... my new child.......

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kim


      :'))) mUST GRIND.

    3. Neri


      Maplestory AND gaia online?


    4. idiot


      Well done! I still go on that feedback with the extra frames.

  13. tumblr_mlj8cmhMC81qikj8ko1_500.gif


    Such is the amount of respect I now will show to you. 

    1. EdgyMagey


      excuse you this is a pg13 server please remove

  14. The GM applications will block out the sun.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Salvo


      jfc this is cringeworthy

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      amidst the eclipse, vote vor sandk1ng, he will make lotc memes great again

    4. JEEGK


      a request another plus one from trinny

  15. They're not inactive! Lies! Slander! Don't you smiley face me, young man.
  16. [ Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ac-iU6F_JZWbdCofKvi13osru7daMsid4rxt1WgRLKI/edit?usp=sharing ] Decimus Tiber The Mali’ame of a fishing land, with foreign goodes. “A’don’t know much about the fancy folks’ ways, but a’do know how to catch ‘em fish properly.” | Fickle | Boisterous | Mirthful | -- + -- + -- + -- + -- + Decimus is a creature prone to exhibiting words carelessly, fickle in his moods and his desires. The boy is easy to sway, with little guile in his mind - an untalented tongue when it comes to lying. This affects his moods and thoughts easily - his anger can be calmed easily with well-crafted words, and his opinion swayed. + With inelegance in his movements, no ropes to tie his tongue - Decimus was a boy of boisterous nature. He walked with confident strides, his words offered in an assured and cheerful manner. His smile may be infectious, with their reassurance as he offered them in a gentle nature. Whilst his personality was far from violent, he was not exactly calm and composed. The boy pranced as if no danger could touch him, with an idle smile playing on his features. | Simple | Woodcarver | Fisher | -- + -- + -- + -- + -- + Decimus is not a creature of extravagant intelligent. He was not stupid, but he lacks much knowledge on the world. To him, life was simple; He wasn’t interested in Gods or the beyond - he simply does not find such of any entertainment, and would gladly live a life of the present without the worry of such. + He may not have the intelligence or patience for books, but his hands were rough with work in the sea and land. He was raised in a simple village as a fisherman, practicing wood carving on his rickety boat. He often jokes that the two were the only thing that he could ever truly concentrate on. Decimus Tiber The tattoos loitered his body “T’is not childish drawings, its just stupid drawings from my Grand-father’s tree kissing time..” “He overslept in that boat of his - yes, the one that looks like it should definitely sink - and didn’t come home ‘till his father rowed to drag him back. Stinking like fish, that boy - but bless his soul, he brought home more fish to eat and sell.” Decimus was from a tight-knit family settled in the village near a river. Luxury was never an option to the Tibers, nonetheless they did not suffer with money or lack of food - though they never had an abundance in both. His father being another fisherman, and his mother working in the market to sell the fish - Decimus was the eldest out of three other brothers. They were common-folk mingling in a village of men - that was never a true bother, aside from the rare comments made as a slander to the ‘tree *******’ mali’ame. Due to this, the common worshipping of the aspects to the Mali’ame was lost to his family. They had known that his great-grandfather was a traditional Mali’ame, bearing his seed tattoos upon his chest and forehead. The ‘tattoos’ were really the only tradition they kept. [ Google Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ac-iU6F_JZWbdCofKvi13osru7daMsid4rxt1WgRLKI/edit?usp=sharing ] “ ...‘e came back one day, stinking like the pub with a red-mark on his cheek. The poor boy couldn’t even finish a glass of ale before gettin’ drunk like a fool - his younger brothers told me ‘e tried to woo some lass with stories of ‘ow to skin fish.”
  17. I don't like you.......

    1. EdgyMagey
    2. ImCookiie


      why do you hurt me so....



    Hi, can a Fm please clean up this post of all non-application or requests

    I really like my posts to be pretty and nice.

    It a habit

    And I don't like the talk of ban.

    1. Kim


      banning u for complaining

    2. Trinn


      I'll hunt u down..... <3

  19. Would it be a waste to make an Art shop now? 5.0 being close and money swipe on the horizon. 

    On the other hand I could use the minas to order a **** ton of skins, but other skinners might not want commissions for minas due to the reason above.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kim



    3. Trinn


      I can't do that to people, Master.

      Master, please.

    4. Heero


      Do art trades for skins

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