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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1


    1. UnBaed


      what the **** im gonna snake you next time you come in ts

  2. updated for QuAlItY

  3. [*] kinciad has a special place in my heart

  4. @ me zhulik u ******* toad

    1. Zhulik


      get a better rep ratio before you invoke my name 

    2. HurferDurfer1
  5. **** dragons, be ghoul

  6. **** teegah its probably his fault give me spooky horse back

  7. *mourns Stelgan

  8. #Throwawaythekeys

  9. @Zhulik word 2 ur mother

    1. ooooowee
    2. Zhulik


      My mother is a lesbian who left my family to live the gay lifestyle in Longbeach with an abusive other lesbian who let her son get molested by her ex-husband while she partied so now I hold deep homophobic fears that my mother was converted by flouride in the water and will be neglected and abused in the same capacity.

  10. @Teegah how am i supposed to ride tyrone if mypet is broken now

    1. drfate786


      You're not, he's suppose to ride you.

  11. @devvy albino is a race and a way of life

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devvy


      you're the stupid one who tried to tell me i didnt reply to ur status update when I DIDD

    3. HurferDurfer1
    4. devvy
  12. @NJBB a *******  stunted lawn flamingo cant make a smoothie glasses mr orville redenbacher look ass fool

    1. Panashea


      Don’t talk **** about my boy unless u tryna start something

    2. JEEGK


      **** njbb

  13. @Luv u got any spare change sir?


  14. @TheElvenMage working on a case against u i need full cooperation thank u

  15. http://prntscr.com/h7lwzg


    this is spaces fault he is targetting me with hate

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