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Status Updates posted by Lubbie

  1. And they don't stop coming

  2. Interbreeding is bad..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnBaed
    3. Privet


      What do you mean inbreeding is bad? Just look at the Tundraks.

    4. Mithradites


      The Tundruks? What did they do, have sex with snow?

  3. Anyone looking to play some Audnian characters?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRealKiru


      I'd love to get back to Aunians and all that! I used to RP as a member of the Douglas clan!

    3. Monomakhos
    4. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict

      Why does Bagley sound like Italian Assassin

  4. Where is bobisthebest123

    1. Malgonious


      omfg the ******* legend yessss

  5. Well.. that was surely something

  6. The Commander of Fort Vanguard has saved the day once again

    1. Lubbie
    2. AlternateKy


      I really hope that gets warclaimed one day and just 50 guys stand in the 1x1 space inside it.

  7. D-Day Part Sutica

    1. SeventhCircle


      Fear not Fort Vanguard Shall hold! http://prntscr.com/9k1c7s

  8. So I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. How long till the blood stops completely?

    1. Parkins


      Took like 3-4 days for me.

    2. Teaspoon


      Strange, i was jest informed that I had wisdom teeth. 

    3. Lubbie


      Reason I ask is because they say to call the doctor after 24 hours if it hasn't stopped. Knowing my luck, it won't stop

  9. Call Frodo, **** just got serious

  10. Are there still going to be changes to the forums? Such as getting it back to how it was? I

  11. Honestly, I don't get why so many people hated the Storm Swords. Sure we sided with the orcs, and killed a bunch of Dwarves, and got on bad terms with Oren but whatever.

    In all honesty, they were the greatest rp group I've been with, sucks to see most of them left.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Narthok


      Lets compromise with a 7.5 decrease in edginess 

    3. Privet


      "Less edgy," you went from a mercenary group to a bunch of nordlords. How can you be less edgy?

    4. Narthok


      Honestly fizl one day I hope to be as blunt as you. Only then will I truly noy be edgy.

  12. I don't get how Aussies play LotC. There's no one on right now

    1. Sythan


      The struggle is real. 

    2. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      We RP with our own alts.

    3. Trinn


      ; - ; .... Or just stay up late just for the rp.

  13. Could anyone help me with taking off the helmet from my current skin? Would be greatly appreciated!

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      the skin I see doesn't have a helm, did you get it all sorted out?

    2. Lubbie


      I did. Thank you so much though!

  14. So my closest friends are going to a New Years party with a bunch of drinking, but I can't stand drinking nor drugs so I'm alone New Years ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      my search continues (i don't drink or smoke either btw, let's make a club)

    3. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      We can't be Kick & Snares anymore

    4. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      Or just go and be the lame sober designated driver.

  15. Kick and Snares, coming to you live from Sutica

    1. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      We play good music for you. We love you long time. Good night Oren.

  16. Hi, I'm Nick, and I take too many honors and AP classes ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gnomemancy


      Join the club :(

    3. Narthok


      International Bachelaureate its AP on steroids 

    4. Moochael


      Yeah, it has two stages MYP and DYP

      I'm currently in MYP (9th-10th grade), and it is kinda hard, but isn't as bad as DYP... My older brother is in DYP (11th to 12th) and he literally spends so many hours a night doing homework, studying, and projects. A senior told me in 11th grade you WILL cry...


  17. Do you pump iron bruh?

  18. It was a good weekend :) Good night all

  19. Getting a tattoo over winter break :D

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