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  • Birthday 11/29/1998

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  1. so is there a reason im basically not allowed to post on the forums anymore

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    2. Space


      brules do you think lotc is good for your mental health

    3. Harri


      no i dont, and it's why i barely play


      i just like to make pretty harmless jokes on the forums and i get it warned or hidden for a reason that isn't apparent to me


      for example on james' criticism of the admin's wording thread, his thread title is quite obviously meant to be funny, but still be a serious thread. i responded to his thread title with a joke of my own, since that seemed appropriate. it wasn't a rude or offensive joke, it was a harmless jab at james which he replied to with one of his own, which in turn made me laugh. yet the same fm or two keep hiding and removing my stuff.


      it's just a little disheartening really

      no i dont, and it's why i barely play


      i just like to make pretty harmless jokes on the forums and i get it warned or hidden for a reason that isn't apparent to me


      for example on james' criticism of the admin's wording thread, his thread title is quite obviously meant to be funny, but still be a serious thread. i responded to his thread title with a joke of my own, since that seemed appropriate. it wasn't a rude or offensive joke, it was a harmless jab at james which he replied to with one of his own, which in turn made me laugh. yet the same fm or two keep hiding and removing my stuff.


      it's just a little disheartening really

    4. Space


      i made a post on it that wasn't even a joke it was responding to someone's DUMB view and it got removed too


      i think you jsut got caught up in heavy handed moderation, rather than an effort to silence you specifically, right?

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