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Everything posted by Publius

  1. love you guys have an excellent day do well xx

  2. you're a multi media sensation 


  3. Johannesburg being raided by several Dreadlandic bandits 


    1. Seliyne



    2. Malgonious


      D r e a D l a n D K u l t u r e

  4. So if I pay the 40K or whatever to rebel, finish my capital with the capital plot we're granted, then make peace, can I keep my finished ******* build?

    1. _pr0fit


      yes, but no

    2. Publius


      Like I am so limited mechanically I need to ******* rebel to actually build a city, great way to prevent ghost town's you ******* mongoloid decision making goys; just don't let any significant build be made aside from capital

    3. Birdnerdy


      I can't even build fkn roads in my own land 

  5. just wanted to say thanks and that I won't let ya down as admin @Telanir

    1. Telanir


      take care buddy you've got a bright future

    2. Publius


      not as bright as you friend aha!

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      this is ******* bullshit I like James but we were supposed to become Admins together now I feel left behind in the band. I wrote the lyrics too.

  6. I for one have accepted my degenerate nature as cis scum

  7. when is everyone going to realize that the Dreadlands are actually a staff funded antagonist state?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Dreadlands didn't get LC to build the capital? Yikes.

    3. Publius


      the lc thing is actually garbo, this is my first time hear about it


      help me scream about reasonable land rules goy

    4. Mj.
  8. looking over the map some of these tiles are literally impossible to build on without more permissions

  9. what happened to all the posts in human rp?

  10. Who would I speak to about land issues now?

  11. upgrading that charter **** post to a 5.0 shitpost

    1. Space


      you should figure out a better personal definition of shitpost james...

    2. Publius


      ya ya move it or lose it pal you're taking up Space while I'm doing work out here

  12. I have officially burnt out; rejoice

  13. **** this charter system shitpost inbound

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. Bvie


      Still waiting for you to make my posts :(

    3. Publius


      you asked for one Squirtgun [!] pm me loser

  14. Do you believe in life after love?

  15. Can staff finally hook Lorraine their region or what?

  16. Can the staff actually deal with the Dreadlanders camping the fts

    1. mmat
    2. Publius


      Kind of shameful that they are so easily bullied by a player group, perhaps if Oren orchestrated some big hacking scandal, the staff would cease to be inactive on dealing with rules being broken out of fear of doxxing. Alas, they are petrified by some tough goys with booters who already have acted maliciously against them

    3. Space


      if only matt was admin we'd have this fixed by now...




      but yeah fast travel camping is literally the lamest **** you can possibly do, lets try to improve everyone.

  17. seeing as Tythus is reposting the rules, is it safe to assume any Oren posts need to be re-upped?

    1. Llir
    2. Publius
    3. Jonificus


      Sorry pal. You gotta rewrite them again.

  18. lusty kha maid and a major church lambasting coming in today be there or be square


    1. Publius


      someone's gotta save his neighbors

  20. lol the hacker didn't just remove all the Orenian legislation they could find, but also got rid of the human history post it seems

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dohvi


      I don't think it's as simple as rolling things back when it's on the forums. Once something is deleted (as opposed to hidden which is what staff normally do), it's typically gone for good in my experience. 

    3. Publius


      If any  back up is avail from Tythus, it would be very good to get it for the human history and dwarven history posts considering they were a work that was restricted largely to the forums

    4. Dohvi


      Telanir editted his announcement thread to say they're working on restoring threads. I had my doubts based on past incidents, but fingers crossed. 

  21. so is staff able to restore the countless posts pertaining to Oren that were removed or are we actually fucked because they couldn't keep it together?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Publius


      I'm more than a little pissed off to begin with w/ staff, so if I come off as bellicose, I genuinely could not care less

    3. Space


      don't be part of the #1 most cancerous playerbase on lotc it would probably hlep


      :^) ok i'm done love you you're ******* beautiful i'd go gay for you any day of the week got that nice /r/malefashionadvice hipster look

    4. Publius
  22. yo btw while everyone is having their rep reset could I have my post count subtracted by like 500 for my service on the fm team?

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