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Everything posted by Publius

  1. I'm rejoining lotc to improve the music put on posts because tbh it's gotten shabby

  2. lotc will rue the day that it removed my anti kowaman trump meme now!

  3. rp will not really find itself enjoyable again until people put having fun and creating interesting experiences before people contribute to and focus on OOC social structures


    lol rip enjoyable rp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonificus


      Agreed. The fear of ostracization is strong.

    3. Harri


      i know this'll sound like something unthinkable/really hard for you to do pub, but try somewhere that isn't oren (or very oren-esque) and i you might find people that are actually like this, you never know

    4. Publius


      @HB_ yh like the druids or Haria or any group isn't completely driven by super anal people that lobby based on an OOC social circumstances




      Only Sutica I feel strays from the norm and it too is getting sucked into the undertow

  4. Found some cut footage from an helven propaganda film by SupremacyOps


  5. raevir masses put in place by an imperial soldier, date unknown 


  6. On the 18th annual celebration of my birth, I must affirm (not lament) the death of Lorraine. A most joyous funeral, similar to that of the event of Guy de Bar's.

  7. I'm going to be completely frank here when I say that the Orcs are the multicoloured scum that grows on orange juice left out too long. We must be wise and proactive; let us pour out this mess, and allow ourselves to clean the cup that is anything they've touched, and get ourselves a nice refreshing drink! When they have been suplex'd out of existence is when this server will truly rebound, and that's nothing other than a matter of FACT.

    1. HedgeHug


      You can take away a place to rp and a home.


      Another one can be build elsewhere.


      You can force one into exile.


      One will rp elsewhere.


      You can never, destroy orcish culture.

      You can never, destroy the spiritual faith.

    2. Moby_Derp


      It was at this moment, that Skathach, elemental Spirit of fire; had blessed Hedgehug and given him the power to spit fire at whomever deserved it.

  8. is the server still a tavern simulator with too much lore?

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Nope.  It just depends on where you go.  RP is vastly different depending on what group of people you are with.

    2. Jonificus
    3. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      I rarely enter  a tavern >_>

  9. had a talk with fellow mineman @Imam Faiz Kharadeen and he's an ok guy

  10. comin back for one final slap

    1. AGiantPie


      waiting for this

    2. Publius


      pce for now friends

  11. btw my apologies for not finishing the lusty kharajyr series, just wait for fan fics

  12. "Men in rage strike those that wish them best."

  13. *plays tiniest violin

  14. can a staff member please tell me what post I got a warning point from? leslie just ignored my message and I wasn't being ironic when I asked what I did to warrant it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Publius


      this is why screenshotting was essential back in my day before ya doled out the hurt!

    3. Dohvi


      It seems a screenshot was taken. I'll pm you about it shortly. 

    4. tilly


      I meant to link the screenshot, but forgot.  I can't link things after the warn is distributed. Please listen to this song so that you can understand my situation.



  15. 5th of The Grand Harvest, 1576

    1. sneLf


      We the dreadlands might get our ass kicked or will...

  16. if you re-arrange the letters of ski, dizzy, and ever, it spells illuminati wallahi bro

  17. Yeah staff purge happens and everyone calls me crazy when I say the community needs to recognize the new world order finding themselves a way to enter and corrupt our administration top to bottom? Hello?

    1. ShameJax


      **** youre onto the plan

  18. hello potential gf's, just informing you I have 2K and a rune dagger with your name on it ;))

  19. I'm probably gonna quit before I ever find time to make a post again tbqh

    1. Seliyne


      maybe u should slow the **** down pub so you stop burning out so fast

    2. Publius


      for 2 months I have struggled against staff regulations making me look like a fool, yet I survive...

  20. when your cover photo's on fleek @ya boy james

    1. Publius
    2. Chaw


      i hope u get hit by a bus

    3. Publius
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