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Everything posted by Publius

    1. Publius


      the rightful holy roman emperor lays his claim on the dominion of lotc, but he forgets that we got the info on him...

  1. Shout out to the atheist guys and gals that can not separate ooc from rp, real quality roleplay you're providing ignorantly of any lore pertaining to the church

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic


      No idea of the situation (nor who you are), but I was raised in the RCC/am fairly learned in church history and the liturgical praxis of both orthodoxy and rome. I have no idea why anyone would have an issue with Orenian 'canonism' as I've always known it. It bears literally no doctrinal resemblance to the Catholic or Orthodox faith(s) beside ecclesiastical structure. 


      New atheism is always kek worthy anyway.

    3. Publius


      If I had a nickle for every person that believed in 'freedom of religion' on the server while simultaneously persecuting anyone related to the Church out of some OOC beliefs, I would have enough money to buy this server a dev team that would finish the magic plugin

    4. Space


      yeah that's lame but stil it's their rp whatever


      but also on a slight tangent I saw this clip a while ago and I think it's really easy to see why a lot of atheists are so militant when they have **** like this happen to them



      -from an ex-extremely edgy ****


      now i'm just normally edgy


  2. can the lore team stop ignoring the ******* intercession magic that was proposed already?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      "attacking", I'm sorry if I've somehow hurt your e-feels fam, but that wasn't my intention as I just want to have the lore piece be made as good as possible to avoid being denied. To clear it up for anyone else reading, I didn't mean vague in the sense that the descriptions are confusing/incomplete as to explaining the basics of the ability, but in the sense that they don't go over their limitations/red lines. This is in regards to the more combative abilities (such as the holy fire/driving away undead) along with healing.

    3. Areon


      link pls couldn't find said lore

    4. Publius
  3. how much did oil money pay you to release that recording? @Malgonious

    1. Malgonious
    2. Publius


      oil money runs the cmunion, and the cmunion runs oren...


      really makes you think...

  4. focusing on irl

  5. A good old guy with a good old respect for history sees this an knows to apply right away! MC Name: snotbubbler RP Name: Larry Cravencock Race: No thanks I'm not that fast ha! Past Groups: Ministry of Stool under John I Reason for joining: Merchants too tough to need protection are probably the rich ones and working for rich fellas seems to be pretty lucrative in my experience
  6. I would like to apologize personally to fans of 'The Lusty Kharajyr Maid' series for the delay in the final installment, my work on the Imperial Administration has distracted me from my true calling

    1. Slothtastic


      Please don't send them to everyone this time... I'm afraid Joor's children will see it. 

    2. Publius


      just make sure to put your copy on the top shelf because this one's gonna be a dramatic slew of issues

  7. If you're interested in writing work, look no further: 


  8. If you are hoping to star in the finale of the lusty kharajyr maid just comment your name

  9. I love how Oren is just like Mount & Blade in the sense that every noble is a count

  10. Also, any aspiring writers looking for work, don't hesitate to hit me up; I've got lots of opportunities available and can see to compensation for it!

    1. Vaynth


      I love writing actually. Could I have some more information?

    2. Publius


      For sure, message me on Skype @ JamesPHFraser or just message me on here!

  11. btw the final part of 'the lusty kharajyr maid' is coming out this week and will be performed live next sunday at the arena district theater

    1. Bvie
    2. Matheus


      I'll pre-order the tickets.

  12. The Imperial Administration intends on being the top poster before the end of the month

  13. it's imperative that you pick a side - the right side, and that you make that side win friendo

  14. I think it's time for a thesis

  15. #dicksoutforkincaid

  16. just got back from prom, how is the new map so far?

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      idfk i'm still at homecoming

    2. InfamousGerman


      turns out we need u for the new map

    3. LatzMomo


      New map is lit af, having tons of fun on it.

  17. we got a warzone but all I want is kincaid

  18. I would free Kincaid but like he x-rayed, if it was only hacking or trying to sue the server I'd understand

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AGiantPie


      space keep in mind xraying provides no mechanical benefit on lotc yet gets the same ban time as using kill aura in a warclaim to ruin hundreds of peoples roleplay


      pugsying bans have gotten less time than xray bans


      3 month ban for xray is ridiculous and stupid

    3. Publius


      I don't know the consequences personally as I have watched a man get freed from two permas to become a team leader

    4. Space
  19. A quiet Tuesday, the perfect setting to free my boy @kincaid

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      the calm before the storm...........................

  20. People need to stop posting ban appeals and simply learn how to code; it's what staff is trying to imply when they claim it's permanent

    1. Publius


      Kowaman's official press release on the issue:


  21. my poor sad indie soul after these recent dev team developments



  22. If you have proof of abuse and whatnot by Kowaman, please shoot it to me directly or comment it in here m'friends, let's make lotc safe again



  23. was this bullshit all some ploy to get people on the forums?

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