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About bumblefina

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    frequently rude
  • Birthday November 3

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    The Pit of Despair™

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  1. Can we talk about the negative interest on bank accounts real quick? Why force your players to participate in this complex crafting and professions system and then punish them for earning minas? I... I don't even know where to begin.

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    2. bumblefina


      @Llir As far as I knew there was no minas from voting, just keys. Are you implying we will in fact get minas from voting? Also I'm sorry but I still feel like this is a punishment for being successful in the economy. Also, removing minas from peoples bank account doesn't put the minas back into the economy, it just deletes it. Also also, what about nation leaders? How are they supposed to save up minas for things like tiles, tile improvements, and wars?

    3. z3m0s


      You get a small amount of minas for voting now, in exchange for losing the ability to widely receive mina drops from mobs, this was deemed easier for us to handle as far as the economy is concerned. I believe nick has spoken about this openly so it's fine to say here. It also does put minas back into the economy because the voting mina comes from a pool of mina we use to control the servers economy, so the tax on the banks go there, meaning your voting mina lasts longer, along with a few other things you'll find out about later on.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      @z3m0s since this is more of an economy team thing than a dev thing, and thus my Vortex Alpha knowledge doesn't apply, can you elaborate on the pool of minas (the admin bank or whatever) and what will flow in/out of it.

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