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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. @Harold mr admin pls respond 

    1. DahStalker


      my blacklist : (

  2. can some1 hand me blacklist appeal format - apparently I was blacklisted without my knowledge : O

    1. B


      ur corrupt thts y

    2. DahStalker
  3. Need someone to play grown elf male as my son ur mom and dad be dead but u got a brother 

    1. Accrayer


      Message me on discord, Dallren#3257

  4. Where can I find Courland? I've been wanting to join.

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. Vege


      We’ve got White speak and a war camp near CT, add my discord if you wanna talk, vegetarianism#8288

  5. hey gf

    1. FalconByte


      Hello friend, how can I help?

  6. will you be my mom

  7. hello apparently my char is the son of ur gay son how r u

  8. que te la pique un pollo

  9. On the 9th I turned into a big boy 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DahStalker
    3. monkeypoacher


      hey hayley. i hope your quinceañera went well. ive been studying for the act exam lately and my mom hasn't let me on the computer so i haven't been logging on. let me know if you want to talk sometime. thanks

    4. DahStalker


      sure friend and I already turned 15 brother I had a sweet 16 but I was at work so I just had some rice and beans brother when I got home and a cupcake 


    my first yt video 



  11. post as many comments or how long on why you dislike me. Go go go

    1. SpodoKaiba


      you're not as cool as the tv show phineas and ferb

    2. ___


      im the real daddy of the pollos

  12. Day 4 and 5 forgive me I have been busy.

  13. You forgot your **** at home - I spoke to your mother she misses you. Day 2

  14. Alright Hayden here we go. Day 1

  15. thought it over. Why the f*** is our realm flat?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      bc we're all in a dream world... 

    3. Zhulik


      our earth is, in fact, a circular plane of existence rather than square. it is a misconception that minecraft is, in fact, square due to the 16x16 pixeled nature of the game. However, both mathematically and physically, it makes sense that our world would in fact be a disc.

      Day and Night Cycles: 600px-SunAnimation.gif

      Seasons (I.E. Grand Harvest etc.): Seasons.png
      If you're wondering how compasses work, it is because we are experiencing disc magnetization which would cause a compass to point directly towards the center of the disc, I.E. our """North Pole""" ingame.

      Do not trust the staff, they are liars nor do they accept mine craft as flat. Theories presented here are also valid IRL.

    4. dogbew


      Globeheads on suicide watch

  16. I'd like to dedicate this post for @IrishPerson who accepted my application on April 26 2015 and @iMattyzwho whitelisted me

  17. This is sad but I can't be bothered to ask about. Need someone to play  a lancefeld daughter- child

  18. Looking for someone to play my child. A horen bastard - part halfling!!!! Pm if interested

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