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Status Updates posted by mateolog

  1. contact me on discord if u need help getting set up with  the dwarven community here is my discord: mateolog


  2. Welcome to the Dwarven community Curli. consider messaging me at mateolog#1400. I can give you the discords to different dwarven groups, send you important links to dwarven history and culture, and help you with anything you need to get swiftly accommodated into the dwarves!

  3. I liked your application. Welcome to the dwarven community!

    message me on discord at mateolog#1400 will help you get set up.

  4. Here, have a cookie (>o.o)>?

  5. Looking for someone to play my dwarven child he/she needs to be maximum 10 years old, my character has a wife so she would also be the mother. The child would grow up with the forest dwarves its fun RP ?

  6. trying to steal my spot light mate !?!?! >:D

    1. SimplySeo



  7. would you be interested in RPing as a Wyvern for a hunting event?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mateolog


      Dont know If ye noticed, But I am a SpEciAl boy.

    3. HortonHeardAWho


      Don't know if you noticed but no one give a **** 

    4. mateolog


      @HortonHeardAWho I like the way you think

  8. You checked out my profile. I'm watching you closely <.<

  9. I like and appreciate your efforts on this server. keep on the good work!! ❤️ +1
    Praise the SKy Gods!

  10. Wonder when I will get an answer for this...

    1. HortonHeardAWho


      When it's decent and worth smthn lal

    2. mateolog


      hurt mi feelings ?

  11. My WT app got denied and I don't know why :,( *sniff sniff*



    1. Forestdwarfman
    2. SeventhCircle


      Pm whoever handles them they'll normally atleast tell ya

    3. Mozib


      yeah i know how u feel my main monkey


      my apeal was denide when i trying my best ,

  12. When ye comming back on yer dwarf? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ixli


      Ah i stuck around for a few weeks but got bored and quit my dwarf. He’s shelved for now. 

    3. mateolog


      Glad ye found yer way anyway and didn't quit. Baldins family leaves now in the confederation of hammers. If you ever feel like u nshelving your dwarf and giving it a chance call us. 

    4. Ixli


      Will do!

  13. when ye coming back?

  14. When ye coming back big man

  15. Image result for mad max notice me

    1. GloriaPreussens
    2. mateolog


      you banned me a month ago ? made an appeal last weekend

      Edited by ✗ ≬ ≬ ♏αɟεoℓog ≬ ≬ ✗
  16. Notice me sempai

  17. Free skins:


  18. GOT BANNED FROM THE SERVER. Could use it to get a life, but I will instead make more free skins for ye scum <3

    1. mateolog


      * Scum is not meant as an offence pls dont kill me
      * Yes I am salty as **** for getting banned


  19. Only thing that can make the global assembly worse is adding khas and those monkey shits to it.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Halflings shall become the only small niche race on lotc

    2. GlobalAssembly


      thanks for the suggestion, we were trying to find a way to become even more cancerous

    3. mateolog


      @GlobalAssembly grrrr grrrr die 


  20. Khas an those monkey shits should be exterminated from the face of the server <3

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