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Status Replies posted by EdgyMagey

  1. lets be friends


  2. tumblr_mlj8cmhMC81qikj8ko1_500.gif


    Such is the amount of respect I now will show to you. 

  3. one day ill beat u at chess

  4. one day ill beat u at chess

  5. one day ill beat u at chess

  6. When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.

  7. When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.

  8. Please remove the VIP particle command, It lags me so hard and they follow people around.

  9. I don't like you.......

  10. what top laner do i start learning

  11. To quit or not to quit?

  12. LilyBot 001 Reporting for Duty!

  13. Happy Mother's Day to the moms on LotC! :) 

  14. looking to maybe make an elf, anyone have a house or something I could join 

  15. It's not a phase dad, I'm a void druid just accept it

  16. Can no one on Lotc read what a post is about?

  17. Oren filth, Oren should stop recruiting from the edgy noobs.. makes them look bad. Not like they didn

  18. You and Ski both smell, sorry.

  19. Why do people answer in a question.

  20. Please be my love interest

  21. Remember kids, if it doesn't work, l'hospitale it

  22. I got a job offer to make sushi at a restaurant! :D

  23. Loli.thumb.jpg.866b33c416c8f0c03b1870149

    So some one sent me this can some one help he fined out what it is i need help PLS ! its odd i mean it help me to much kawii y did my friend send me this why me and y did he dare me to post this hear !!

  24. I'll never submit to your tyranny

  25. Your forum profile picture disturbs me.

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