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Status Updates posted by Adelemphii

  1. buying fishing shop

    1. itdontmatta


      can you make a fishing plugin 

    2. Adelemphii
  2. join mod team

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Crevel


      I might have to try again at some point. I got a forum warning for "Backseat moderating" which seems to imply that I'm doing a good job if what I said is construed as moderation.

    3. Burnsider


      @CrevelI'm not sure I'd take that as a good thing. 

    4. Crevel


      @Burnsider I was practically given an invitation. My response was so good that it's comparable to a moderator's. 



      3D Rendering emoji with pixelated sunglasses - Stock Illustration  [53680799] - PIXTA


  3. Alongside the arrival of descendants to Aevos, many less-friendly fishermen released their pets into the wild. After many years of this happening, those pets have spawned thousands of their own, corrupting the natural ecosystem and leading to the native populations nearing endangerment.


    Do you like fishing? Are you a fan of the beauty, and / or taste of the native fish population? I implore you, do your part in protecting the natural marine ecosystem of Aevos!

    Uncle Sam wants you… to hack the Pentagon | TechCrunch

    1. SlitheryC1


      fish on!!!!!111


  5. It's almost the weekend my friends

  6. who hurt freja :(

  7. completely random thing I made just 'cus I wanted to

  8. There's bits of chicken between my teeth. That's all.

  9. I'm not a forum person and IDK where to put this so where else than on my status page?


    I wrote a plugin for adding more information to signs such as emotes and descriptions. Placing a multitude of signs down to describe a scene will be long gone with this plugin, and thus I'd like to get some feedback from the community :)


    Please comment on anything you may be concerned with or have an idea to improve, and I'll try and work on it!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wowj


      multiple signs are awesome.

    3. Adelemphii
    4. gungan sith lord

      gungan sith lord

      I always wanted this feature. Great work java man.

  10. Now I will never not know when the server is offline.


    1. Sorcerio


      Big Brother of LOTC

  11. The issue with running anything with "just enough" resources is, if any part of that "just enough" falls off or malfunctions, then you have "too few" resources to run something. There's no redundancy in "just enough." 


  12. guys 1.19 just came out lets play some minecraft!

    1. Sorcerio


      and then subsequently get minecraft banned because we said "shit" in global chat !_!

    2. megavoltar


      are you breaking the mojang terms of service?

  13. The real solution to forum metagaming: remove forums and have in-game poster boards
    1. Greehn


      or just allow metagaming that works too

  14. what're the odds of my bot updating at the same time a post is posted before being hidden

    the bot updates every 10 minutes

    1. Burnsider


      Depends on how on the ball you think I am. 

  15. I too love Minecraft

  16. Imagine this: Discord bot that scrapes the forums and places the first page of each "Popular Topics", "Latest Topics", and "Status Updates" side category into their own channels, while updating automatically over time. I love useless things nobody would use.

    1. z3m0s


      I would use that

    2. Harold


      I would also use that

    3. Adelemphii


      major wip, just made smth that works


      code can be viewed here: https://github.com/Adelemphii/ForumScraper

  17. paid lc when

    1. Laeonathan


      soon I hope because I dont wanna do that many pastes any more

    2. Taketheshot
  18. I could go for a chicken sandwich rn

  19. based take #3, delete magic. magic cringe

  20. based take #2 lets go back to 1.8.9 so we can have 20 tps so we can bring back having mobs naturally spawn and keep their pathfinding

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      honest to god the best take on the server rn 

    2. Brawms


      real real real real

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