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Status Updates posted by _mkkk_

  1. This isn't calculus kids. . . let me have a moment in my life without numbers *_*

    1. AGiantPie


      f(x) = 3x^2 - 6x + 12

      Find f'(x).

    1. Cordial__


      And then you PK

    2. TavernLich


      Did you do the head? It looks different from the rest of the body...

    3. _mkkk_


      Nah, Lima sent me over the head. I did the body and armor.

  2. What is happiness to you my teacher said, isolation and peace I responded. . .

    1. Lubbie


      Dark and depressing.

    2. Heff


      ******* depressing

    3. Parkins
  3. What we need is the magic plugin I saw a video about long ago >.

  4. When it's harder to get into Felsen than into Haelun'or. . . #gateplease

    1. Shalashask


      Swim around the back, you can climb up some steps on the docks

  5. When MAT's shoot up like fireworks b/c of a post

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I posted an MAT before it was cool.

  6. When the forums are practically a bully considering they don't let me delete my SPELLING ERRORS. . . Halp. Call for halp.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kim


      what'd you need edited?

    3. _mkkk_


      A comment I left on Disco's comment. . . I look stupid now. ;-;

    4. Kim


      Oh. .. lmao

  7. When you get teleported and no one has a clue what is happening

  8. When you know times are bad for the snelfs: https://gyazo.com/be6a352fda759e710ea2c3951d178d96

    1. Ford


      implying snow elves have ever had a good time

    2. Gangrel1230


      I mean that person is a high elf so.....

  9. When you need Friends more in your life than friends . . . try to solve that.

    1. Matheus


      The solution to that is LOTC

    2. Shalashask


      The first friends was capitalised, so you mean the TV show?

    3. _mkkk_


      You got it! Woooo

  10. Why is the server dying?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Media Wizard

      The Media Wizard

      Its returning to the pre-Athera times.

    3. Ford


      it's not

    4. Ford


      oh wait yeah it is

  11. Why update Darius. . . and not Urgot I don't know riot. . . I just don't understand.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aengoth


      Why update Urgod?

    3. Aengoth


      Tbh Skarner update looks like ****

    4. Babadooks


      urgot looks beautiful, why update the sack

  12. Would like to make more progress on the server BUT there is a thing called sleep

    1. Sythan


      Sleep am fer the weak!11!

    2. Lubbie



  13. Wow. . . what punks. . . WHEN WILL THEY LOVE ME: http://gyazo.com/c33af27a5d90bd71ae4647152e34d07d

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lark
    3. Parkins


      Some were not meant to be loved.

    4. _mkkk_


      D: Your love is better than nothing I guess. . . I joke <3

  14. YOU FIRED *sets employee on fire*

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