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Posts posted by Amyy

  1. [!] An elegant figure casted a regal shadow over her son's shoulder as they stood within the opulent confines of his newly appointed office. Her gaze, sharp as the finest blade, swept leisurely across the parchment gripped within his palm. "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya." She spoke with reverence, lifting her own crystal glass with a knowing grin.

  2. 4 hours ago, Morigung-oog said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    My bond-bound brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews,


    If this letter reaches you, I have fallen. I am thankful eternally for your companionship, for you took me in when my flesh and blood would have seen me dead. I cannot choose whom I share blood with, but I can choose who I call my family; and you all are my family.


    Watch over Celia’nor and take up my mantle in protecting Celia’norian royarchs while advising behind closed doors. In turn, I shall grant you one of my most treasured possessions. Many would scorn dragonkin for their existence. Many of my Xionist brethren would have hunted you to varying degrees of success. However, when I see strength, I am bound to respect. When I see loyalty, I am glad to repay it in kind. An eternal fight, unending between aengudaemonica and Xionist must be upheld in order to maintain the cosmic balance. 


    I despise almost all elves s equally. However, I despise the Nullivari far less equally and the slaves of Wyrvun far more so.


    I grant unto you a scale of the Dragaar, an ancient scion, one that I stole to scorn the my foes on Arcas. I ask that you not turn this into your holy metal, but instead dangle it over the lessers' heads as a one-up on them. I was petty in life. I wish to continue that legacy in death.


    From the wastes, I will be watching. Give them hell.



    Within the hallowed halls of Tor'Praeth, a solitary servant passed with silent reverence, bearing witness to an unusual sight. Lady Ro'ya Nullivari, renowned for her cold demeanour, sat in quiet contemplation - her palms grasped a missive, the delicate parchment bearing the seal of her beloved sister. Her gaze studied the words inscribed upon it, a fleeting and subtle metamorphosis sweeping across her countenance. That icy veneer that typically cloaked her faltered, the frost thawing, and a solemn hush descended, as if the air around her held its breath in deference. 

    And as rumour whispered from servant to servant, it was said that Ro'ya Nullivari shed a singular tear for her sister.







    “Never forget, Never forgive.”


    Published: 11th of the Grand Harvest, Year 165 SA



    [!] A missive was dispatched to the esteemed Lords and Citizens of Celia’nor, and the members of House Nullivari.


    With profound reverence and admiration, House Nullivari formally announce the gracious decision of their Excellencies, Lord Thalon and Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, to relinquish their distinguished roles as Patriarch and Matriarch of our esteemed talonii. 


    In this pivotal moment, House Nullivari reflect with great commendation upon the enduring mark left by their tenure. We stand on the foundation they established and nurtured - our legacy of wealth, power and dominance a testament to their wise leadership. 


    Lord Thalon and Lady Ro’ya pass this flame onto the capable shoulders of their grandson, Vaelyx Nullivari. Born of Kallias Nullivari, Vaelyx is the embodiment of what it means to bear the Nullivari name. Therefore, it is with unwavering trust and confidence that the title of Patriarch shall be bestowed upon him - a sacred responsibility. 


    As House Nullivari embarks upon this new chapter, under the guidance of Lord Vaelyx, we affirm our commitment to act as the formidable and steadfast defenders of Celia’nor. We pledge to uphold our values and stand in resolute service to the Celian Crown.






    Her Excellency, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Grandmother of House Nullivari, Former Evarir of Celia’nor, 

    Former Laurir Kaliri and Fer’pueran of the High Council.



    His Excellency, Lord Thalon Nullivari, Grandfather of House Nullivari,  

    Former Evarir of Celia’nor, Former Laurir Sil of the High Council and Royal Advisor, 

    Former Grandmaster of the Order of the Gryphon.


                                    His Excellency, Lord Vaelyx Nullivari, Patriarch of House Nullivari,  Evarir of Celia’nor. 

  4. Seated within the hallowed sanctuary of her family estate, Lady Ro'ya Nullivari's regal composure remained unruffled as her viridescent gaze hovered over the missive. Her sharp brows furrowed at the mention of the Nullivari name and the subsequent web of lies weaved by Ava Ranaleth.


    "The True Celianorian," the matriarch spoke, a melodious laugh escaping from her maw, "That is the only truthful deceit written within these pages." With a calculated air, Lady Ro'ya rose from her ornate chair, and with deliberate motion, she set the parchment ablaze within the hearth, watching as the flames consumed the falsehoods. With casual grace, she resumed the rhythmic task of sharpening her blade.



  5. 9ItVzJMLpzxbZwsCvkcj3Qv9yDIXza-8cjSkIrBqi8II7GFfrv-isN67xMf-E3Rvj03y2Ra8yhyELKd8wCuFLKz6er3u11hp_XP86TjRPDOAbwi1XboMCUK4HIpn25CQJsCmU7o6ijXBRGQv





    “Never forget, Never forgive.”

    Published: 11th of the Grand Harvest, Year 156 of the SA

    House Nullivari and their legacy remains a testament to the indomitable spirit that courses through the veins of Celia’nor. Distinguished and birthed from drive, unyielding fortitude and the inherent willpower to survive, this noble talonii embody the very essence of strength and authority.


    Being among the first lords of Celia’nor, House Nullivari has etched its name into the annals of Celiaorian history, and are thus adorned with an air of regality. Fierce defenders of the realm, their loyalty is a formidable force, unwavering and absolute, pledged to the service of the Celian Crown.













    From humble beginnings, did Malithor Nullivari, the first of the bloodline, come to create a noble and powerful family which cherishes its values and kinsmen over all. His struggle was that of a lone man, seeking to push his name forward into the great records of elven history. It was his desire to gild the surname into the minds of all elven-kind, even by force if necessary.


    What began as a vision, came into fruition in the Silver City of Haelun’or, where Malithor Nullivari rose to the rank of commander within the military, marking the commencement of a trajectory that seamlessly evolved into a thriving political career upon the Silver Council. His cunning nature set a standard for all Nullivari to strive for, and a confidence that could be mistaken as arrogance. Thus, the talonii began to grow alongside his own prowess. Malithor commanded the respect of his peers and obtained admiration of his countrymen. Alongside the great Sohaer Othelu Orrar, did he and his brother Thalon Nullivari, push Haelun’or into a golden era of military glory and legislative revolution.


    After the death of Othelu, the Nullivari moved on from Haelun’or prior to the collapse of its government. Thalon Nullivari and his wife, Ro’ya, found friendship in Ivarielle Ibarellan as she sought to establish her own dominion within the continent of Almaris. Thalon became guide and confidant to the first Princess of Celia’nor. This is where the talonii were granted the noble status of Virar and inherited a vast plot of lands, thus named Eld Roth, where they established the Nullivari Keep.


    Over time, the Nullivari have held many public positions within the Celian society while others held more [redacted] positions. The Nullivari are among the first lords of Celia’nor and are fiercely loyal agents of the Celian Crown.They have held unparalleled trust from all Celia’norian monarchs and continue to devoutly serve. As a result of this historic loyalty and trust, the Nullivari have since established familial ties with the esteemed Royal House of Ibarellan. Èowyn Nullivari, born of Thalon and Ro’ya, entered into matrimony with Turin Ibarellan. From this union, Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan emerged - the prophesied High Prince of Malinor, intertwining the legacies of the Nullivari and Ibarellan.






    - Thalon Nullivari: Evarir of Celia'nor, Grandmaster of the Order of the White Gryphon

    - Ro'ya Nullivari: Evarir of Celia'nor

    - Èowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan: Naeri'sil of the Order of the White Gryphon

    - Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan: High Prince of Malinor



    - Thalon Nullivari: Laurir Sil, Royal Advisor

    - Ro’ya Nullivari: Laurir Kaliri, Laurir Fer-peuran, Lady of the Interior, Master of Paint.

    - Kassian Nullivari: [redacted for National Security purposes]

    - Kallias Nullivari: Master of the Hunt, [redacted for National Security purposes]

    - Èowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan: Laurir Akaleh

    - Vaela Nullivari: Lady of the Interior

    - Zoddryk Nullivari: Master of the Forge

    - Valindra Nullivari: Court Mage of Celia’nor





    A Nullivari is regal and poised, with a certain eloquence in which they carry themselves that denotes a sense of pride in the very surname which they bear. There is a greed and hunger for power than often causes them to delve into more nefarious dealings, such as espionage, black-market trade, politics and more taboo practices that are often masked by the coy smile and titles wielded by silver-tongued Nullivari. 


    Many, due to their upbringing, have a ‘better than thou’ attitude, which stems from their individual struggle to earn their place within society, rather than reaping the benefits sowed by another from their bloodline, for inheritance is not a luxury provided to youthful Nullivari. While prideful, the Nullivari are often calm, collected and meticulous with inquisitive, eloquent and thoughtful natures. It is expected of each member to carve their own way through life, thus they take great pride in their vocations and strive to attain the highest possible standards for their trades and professions. It is not uncommon for a Nullivari to begin or end their interactions and dealings with someone by repeating their house motto, “Never Forget, Never Forgive.”, to instil their words into an absolute. 






    This customary rite of passage typically occurs around 40 years of age, although this is often contingent upon the perceived maturity of each individual child. Upon this special occasion, each Nullivari child is presented with a weapon, such as a sword or dagger, meticulously crafted for them. These weapons bear designs intricately tailored by the leaders of the talonii to aptly symbolise the unique characteristics of each individual.


    Further to the bestowed weapon, the young Nullivari is granted a separate estate, distinct from the family residence, marking the commencement of their independent endeavours. The size and opulence of this estate is determined by both their standing within the talonii hierarchy and their active involvement in familial affairs. 


    The Nullivari in question will also choose from select markings to obtain, conducted within a small, family-only ceremony. These markings are as follows:


    Honourable - ‘Tiichiul’



    Death of Adolescence - ‘Nelithral’



    Devotion - ‘Nokglaur’




    Upon their 50th year, each member born of Nullivari blood is presented with the opportunity to assume a rank within the talonii. This milestone signifies the onset of adulthood, ushering a new realm of responsibility and experience. To attain such standing within the Nullivari, a ceremonial practice occurs where the individual is symbolically ‘knighted’ with a flaming sword, a sacred and honoured tradition. This symbolic gesture not only signifies the formal recognition of their elevated status, but also demonstrates the sacred bonds and commitments inherent within the Nullivari lineage.


    With this newfound status, they gain the liberty to articulate their opinions during family meetings, question the decisions of the talonii and autonomously choose pursuits that will guide them toward the realisation of their own aspirations.



    [!] Lord Thalon prepares the blade for such a ceremony - heating the metal until it is engulfed in flame.



    Following their coming of age ceremony, a Nullivari is deemed an appropriate age to begin courtship. However, any potential candidate must be brought forth to the talonii leaders and other senior family members for approval. To uphold status within the talonii, it is strongly encouraged for a member to seek a high elf partner. Without obtaining required approval for a union, any courtship with this individual is prohibited. Should it come to light that such a decision has been disregarded, and the relationship persists, any subsequent marriage will be deemed null and void in the eyes of the talonii and participation in future family affairs will be severely restricted.


    Upon receiving endorsement from senior members of the talonii, granted during a family meeting, the couple is permitted to proceed with union or marriage. However, it is imperative that the matrimonial ceremony takes place in the presence of a fire, adhering to a sacred tradition within the familial customs.



    [!] Lord Thalon and Lady Ro’ya Nullivari in their youth. 

    They have since been married for over four centuries.



    The arrival of an elven child is already a highly revered event due to the infrequency of such occurrences, however, for the Nullivari, who value their talonii above all else, the birth of a new member is an exceptionally joyous and blessed occasion. Throughout the extended months of a pregnancy, the Nullivari engage in frequent familial celebration, with flames constantly lit in and around each Nullivari home, a sacred symbol of sanctity, fortune and familial bond. 


    During adolescence, the values instilled within every Nullivari child are paramount. Strength, resourcefulness, pride and a deep value of family are cornerstones encouraged by adult members of the talonii. Spirited competition often emerges between generations which manifests in various forms such as intellectual pursuits. 



    [!] Lady Ro’ya Nullivari tells a story to her three young children - Kallias, Kassian and Èowyn.



    Death, a solemn occasion within the Nullivari talonii. Be it natural or unnatural passing, when the soul of a Nullivari is ripped from the realm, it is offered one final farewell. The body of the deceased is placed within a golden sarcophagus and given its last rites, where it is then cast into flame and the body melted down within the casket and the bones incinerated into ash. Every member of the family is expected to remain until the casket melts and becomes nothing but a puddle of metal from which it was casted from. 


    That metal is then carefully collected and gilded upon a statue of the deceased and placed within the catacombs beneath the Nullivari Estate to be forever remembered and revered. A flame is lit beneath it, never to be expunged nor dispelled and thus, the fallen Nullivari is properly laid to rest.



    [!] Thalon and Ro’ya Nullivari with their two sons, mourning the passing of a distant relative.






    Power, wealth, family, honour and loyalty stand as the unshakable pillars of Nullivari values, each distinct yet intricately linked to another. Within these values, each member of the talonii must find their own sense of morality. At their core, a Nullivari is inherently individualistic, yet bound by a collective sense of purpose, derived from these foundational beliefs. Pride and purpose serve as the driving forces that compel the talonii to push its boundaries, ceaselessly striving for improvement through the integration of these ideals onto a unified path. The Nullivari, often guided by personal motivations, navigate a constant ebb and flow between the moral spectrum of good and evil. However, irrespective of this internal duality, each member of the talonii strives to preserve and would sacrifice all to continue what the Nullivari seek to preserve.



    Family, to a Nullivari, reigns supreme and is of highest value within their lives. From the moment of birth, a Nullivari is ingrained with the unwavering principle that family takes precedence over all else. Furthermore, they are taught that the defence of one another and the sacred name they bear is an uncompromisable duty, regardless of the cost.


    These bonds within the talonii are exceptionally strong, devoid of deception or hidden truths among its members. Consequently, outsiders are rarely granted any insight into familial affairs, and entry into the family itself is a privilege rarely extended beyond the bloodline. This exclusivity underpins the profound commitment and unity that defines the Nullivari, reinforcing the notion that their familial ties are not only cherished, but fiercely guarded.



    Many regard the concept of ‘Power’ as having the ability to control or influence others. However, the Nullivari have a more nuanced interpretation, for it is not the ability to control others, but to manipulate their minds to bend to the silver-tongued statements born forth from the maw of a Nullivari. While they are quite imposing individuals, a Nullivari often lurks within the dim corners of a room, pulling upon the emotional strings of one’s psyche and contorting others to their whims, sometimes for naught but entertainment. Therefore, the Nullivari, with their keen understanding and skill in manipulating the unseen forces, stand as enigmatic architects of influence, weaving their power through the intricacies of Celianorian society.



    Wealth holds a significant place of value and relevance among the Nullivari. Each member adorns opulent sets of clothes or armour, serving as visible symbols of their noble status. It is also not uncommon for the Nullivari to strategically allocate and pool their wealth based on prevailing circumstances. There is a strong emphasis on each branch of the family to establish its other financial reservoir, a personal bank, to safeguard the array of precious metals, rare artefacts, crafted weapons and mina that each faction treasures.


    However, within the grandiosity of the combined wealth that the Nullivari possess, there lies a potential pitfall - greed. The abundance of riches at their disposal has the capacity to evoke an insatiable thirst for more. 



    House Nullivari recognise that loyalty and honour extend far beyond the absence of betrayal, abandonment or thievery. To them, loyalty is a tapestry woven with threads of faithfulness, dedication, honesty and trust, intricately intertwined to create steadfast, unwavering commitment. Honor, on the other hand, is the profound connection between an individual and society, obtained by regarding others with respect.


    These virtues are not just ideals for the Nullivari; but the foundation of their very relationships. While they value these qualities in all interactions, they reserve the highest regard for those within their own ranks. The Nullivari demonstrate that, akin to the strength of an army, the resilience of a family lies with  unwavering loyalty among its members. 





    The Nullivari are often described as devastatingly beautiful. Standing tall with impeccable posture, they exude an air of carefree confidence that captures attention. Their striking features include pale skin and silver hair, complemented by bright eyes that predominantly encompass shades of golden hues, green and sometimes blue. 


    A unique facet of the Nullivari allure lies with the scars that many adorn - a dual symbol of pride and a testament to the intricate challenges each has confronted within their past. These scars, etched upon their skin, serve as a visible narrative of resilience and their complex histories, a layer of depth to the captivating beauty that defines the talonii.












    Her Excellency, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Matriarch of House Nullivari, Evarir of Celia’nor, 

    Former Laurir Kaliri and Fer’pueran of the High Council.



    His Excellency, Lord Thalon Nullivari, Patriarch of House Nullivari,  Evarir of Celia’nor, 

    Former Laurir Sil of the High Council and Royal Advisor, 

    Grandmaster of the Order of the Gryphon.




    20th of the Amber Cold, 1944


    In the quiet sanctuary of his study, where the soft flicker of candlelight danced across the walls, casting a warm and gentle glow, Jacques Henri Rouselle, a man of seasoned countenance and wisdom, sat at his meticulously arranged desk. The polished wood bore marks of time, each scratch and blemish a history of years spent pondering the complexities of his trade.


    In hushed ambiance, the quill gripped between his withering fingers glided carefully across parchment, the ink tracing an eloquent tapestry of words. His face was a portrait of thoughtful concentration; every stroke of his quill imbued with sentiment, each dip into the ink accompanied by a moment of silent prayer. With the scent of beeswax lingering in the air, Jacques folded the missive with a practised hand and pressed forth his seal into the parchment. 


    Thus, under the dawning sky, did his child venture beyond the horizon, with a letter ready for its intended recipient. With the salt-dusted breeze tangling her hair, she stepped aboard the merchant ship that would carry her across the waters toward Aevos. Nathalie paid no mind to the fluttering of canvas and the distant gulls’ cries, for her mind rushed with thoughts of what was to come from this new realm.




    To Her Ladyship, Saskia Van Aert


    I hope this letter and its bearer find you in good health. I write to you, not only as a partner in trade and humble merchant, but also as a father whose aspirations for his daughter have been stirred by the winds of opportunity and growth. 


    Through many years of fruitful trade and sincere friendship, I have borne witness to the boundless wisdom that embodies you and your household. It is thus with great hope and humble supplication that I present to you a request - a prière, if you will. 

    I beseech your esteemed self to consider allowing my beloved fille, Nathalie Emeline Rouselle, the privilege of serving as your attending lady, to immerse herself into your noble culture, society and practices. I understand the weight of such a requête and assure you that Nathalie would approach this opportunity with utmost respect and dedication.


    Your grace, I have come to know your unwavering dedication to principles of honour, refinement and bienveillance. I am certain that under your tutelage and guidance, Nathalie will not only learn the ways of your society but she shall also bloom into a paragon of grace and wisdom.


    I await your wise counsel and pray that God may favour this prospect.




    Monsieur Jacques Henri Rouselle

    Merchant of Aeldin


  7. Within the great marble halls of Fel Varden, a servant silently delivered the missive to the matriarch of the noble House Nullivari. Lady Ro'ya Nullivari lofted a tailored brow as her sharp viridescent gaze studied its contents. Then, without a word, she dropped the letter within the nearby fireplace and watched as it crumpled into ash.



  8. meSzlbBGIlX2gG7T_LeB-nBA0wv8npec_JF5jpc8Bx0bmG8HieHEIJS27ZFFUmCSOJwzWr5l8G76MW3Up3LfxoiEOs9sgw41BcZwZB7fdu3li4PyiwahcN_AZRtok4wU3qoqlnOktvsWT6u_0BEbTlc



    A Celebration of Four Centuries.


    Published: 4th of the Deep Cold, Year 132 SA

    Our matriarch has served the nation diligently and loyally since its very birth, undertaking a variety of positions within both our society and government. However, above all else, Ro’ya is a most valued member of our talonii and has guided, protected and dedicated herself to the betterment of our House. She has ensured our continued success and supported each and every member in their own endeavors.

    For that, we are proud to call her mother.


    Thus, the Evarir talonii of Nullivari is delighted to invite the denizens of Talar’nor to celebrate the 400th birthday of our most beloved matriarch, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, a thank you for her hard work, perseverance and dedication.


    “Death is lighter than a feather. Duty, heavier than a mountain.”

    I T I N E R A R Y


    Throughout the evening, the Royal Bards shall be tasked with providing affluent entertainment to all guests in the form of music and song. A collection of melodies beloved by the Nullivari talonii have been chosen to be shared with the guests.



    All guests are encouraged to meet and converse with others attending, get to know those you might not have seen about the new city! An array of food and beverages will be provided by the servantry through the night. In particular, enjoy the signature wine of the talonii, Nullivari Noir, designed and produced upon the lands of Fel Varden itself from vines tended to by members of House Nullivari.



    The Nullivari shall host their favored game of Serpent Seats with a prize of 200 mina available for the champion! The game is simple, when the music stops you must sit in a chair - whoever is left standing is eliminated. 



    Those attending are highly encouraged to adorn garments of a high fashion standard with colors that best represent the House Nullivari, such as red, black, orange and gold or variations thereof. 


    [[OOC: FRIDAY, 16TH JUNE @ 5PM EST]]



    Lady Auro'ra Calavénon, Laurir Kaliri of the Laurir'heial, Lady of Festivities, Court Sommelier



    His Excellency, Lord Thalon Nullivari, Patriarch of House Nullivari, Laurir Sil of the High Council, Mar’Sil, Grandmaster of the Order of the White Gryphon, Evarir of Talar’nor, Lord of Fel Varden, Lord of Eld Roth, Royal Advisor, The Justicar of Ash, Champion of Wer Relgas, The Beast.




    Kallias Nullivari, Heir to House Nullivari | @MCVDK

    Lady Vaela Nullivari | @MunaZaldrizoti

    Vaelyx Nullivari |

    Kassian Nullivari | @hotbox_monk

    Yulia Nullivari | @Dhaelena

    Eowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan | @JoanOfArc

    Turin Nullivari-Ibarellan | @rainedropf

    Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan | @milenkhov

    Zoddryk Nullivari | @AdmiralLB

    Valindra Nullivari | @Morbibundity



    The Royal Wynasul Talonii

    Virar Irelia Py’lrie, and their Talonii @xoxoMinniexoxo

    Virar Theoden Akaln’riv, and their Talonii @FredrickTeufel

    Virar Aestenia Aevaris and their Talonii  @lillyeveans

    Laurir Atul Cerusil and their Talonii @amongus

    Lauririi Raziel Amethil @Laeonathan

    Lauririi Cresence Amlugol @GrowingIvy

    Noron Kraal Dralguna and their Talonii @KILL_MAPS

  9. s6f6aV9DtVVtxlDUO4rl7D1hqR9uaxbk--NK9Iut-6BGLWsPHf6fgOh9dlPrayPHUxLEzDcSn0Dkbiik_4wekxwDt-uIp3qc0q8gxdLT4KqmwaKjbOGAsEffQ7WUyerlD5X-fCmo-B4ZGhTlv1X1Xy8



    Published: 10th of Sun’s Smile, Year 132 SA


    The Court of Talar’nor is composed of members of our populace who have proven their skill and diligence in the betterment of our future and those who have personally overseen the growth of our society and culture into what it is today. These worthy members of the Principality have been awarded these roles within our court at the upper echelons of elven society and are tasked with the fulfilment of the duties required of their role, to successfully aid Talar’nor in its continued development.


    “What we hope to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.”


    Members of the Talarian Court represent an polished emblem of what all in Talar’nor should strive to achieve, ensuring high distinction amongst the populace of the Principality. Courtiers act not only as a paradigm of Talarian society, but they must also work with one another to enforce and maintain the social standards of our citizenry and ensure that all adhere to our values and morals. 


    These core values of the Court of Talar’nor can be summarised with four words: diligence, fidelity, poise and amelioration. Members of the Court are expected to be diligent in their work, demonstrating persistent effort in the maintenance and expansion of their given field. Those who have shown unwavering devotion and loyalty to the Principality are thus rewarded with rank and title best-suiting their efforts. Poise, a simple yet imperative part of our Court’s beliefs, ensures that members are elegant and balanced in their manner, allowing the Court to operate as it must. Finally, members of the Court of Talar’nor are expected to strive for the betterment of our society and provide routes for its continued growth. 


    It is the responsibility of the Court to ensure that Talarian society seeks to ameliorate our social values and culture. 


    The Circle of Stars, or otherwise known as the governing council over the Talarian Court, are responsible for the management and stewarding of the Court. They serve to provide continued and maintained advancement within Talarian society, specifically with regards to culture, nobility, activities and the arts. They provide support to the Princess and the Laurir’heial as each position within the Circle fulfils a certain role befitting their area of expertise and skill.





    Saphielle Heithyra | silky#6510

    The Silver Seneschal of Talar’nor, marked by a wrought-silver star pendant worn at their chest or lapel, is the head of the Circle of Stars. They act as the premier head of the Arch-Princess’ court and its day-to-day conduct. The tasks she must perform include aiding in the hosting of court petitioning sessions, planning court events and activities, and overseeing the caretaking of the palace residence and grounds. It is their responsibility to hire courtiers and fill the halls of the palace.





    Kassian Nullivari | hotbox_monk

    The Lord of the Interior is considered the right-hand of the Silver Seneschal, serving first and foremost as their advisor on all matters regarding the Principality and its day-to-day business. The Lord of the Interior is responsible for the official hosting of court, entertaining both nobles of the land and foreign dignitaries. It is their duty to ensure that the reputation of the Talarian Court is maintained to the highest standard and must nurture good relations between the Court, the nobility and the populace on behalf of the Royarch and her councillors.





    Auro’ra Calavenon | donutella#7899

    The Lady of Festivities is in charge of all events headed by court and nation. They manage the flow of denizen activity, citizen engagement, and encourage tourism within the city. Along with the citizen engagement, they coordinate the growth and continuation of  culture within the Land of the Horizon. The duty of this position lies in the creation of celebrations and traditions for the Principality. They work with the Arch-Princess to coordinate royal functions, plays, magic shows, and more. The Lady of Festivities is tasked ensuring there are revelries to be hosted and that the populace are kept in good spirits. 





    Irelia Py’lrie | xoxoalyssaxoxo#0967

    The Lady of the Arts facilitates the arts and creative matters amongst the Court, conversing internally with the courtiers who relate the most to duties which require artistic talents, such as the Master of Paint, and relaying this information to our denizens. It is their duty to set the standards amongst the arts for the latest trends be it through fashion, paintings, jewellery, craftsmanship, or similar. They ensure that the Royal Family and nobility are held to the highest of standards and do not falter when it comes to the artistic eye of the courts being made known.





    The role of Courtier  is given by appointment, either by the Royarch or a member of the Circle of Stars. They are expected to attend events, effectively complete tasks related to their role and maintain the image of Talar’nor by being diligent in upholding our values and customs. Becoming a Courtier is often the beginning step for those who wish to rise within the Principality.



    The current Court Cryptic is not publicly known.

    The Court Cryptic has been tasked by the Circle of Stars and the royarch themselves with gathering information on the nobility and the ongoings of the court. Whether members of the nobility have misbehaved or the secrets of particular courtiers have been uncovered, they must report directly to the Silver Seneschal or the Princess herself. Their identity remains anonymous for their safety. 



    The Palace Staff occupy a role just as significant as all else, as it is they who skillfully work the more mundane yet important duties, allowing the council and courtiers the time and space necessary in completing their own tasks. The Palace Staff often assist the Court Chef in the kitchens, preparing food for those within the palace or for grand events. They also might be found cleaning or attending to any children that might hinder the abilities of their parents. 




    The current Court Chronicler is Cresence Amlugol.

    The Court Chronicler is charged with the archiving and maintenance of Talarian history, the source of all knowledge in regards to our nation’s past and present. They must write and maintain accounts of important events regarding Talarian history and create copies of public missives and state letters. The Court Chronicler is responsible for the education of our denizens, ensuring that the populace is well-versed on our foundations and history.



    The current Court Mage is [OPEN].

    The Court Mage is tasked with assisting with magical entertainment and revelries within the Principality and the palace. They work closely with the Laurir Draoi in dealing with magical related threats. The Court Mage also aids in showcases of magic and entertainment of guests during events.



    The current Court Astronomer is [OPEN].

    The Court Astronomer is responsible for documenting and publishing findings relating to the night sky and the stars within it. They create maps of the stars for sailors and explorers for them to find their way back to the Capital city. Oftentimes they will make the Court aware of celestial events happening and host events celebrating particular astronomical wonders. 




    The current Master of the Hunt is Kallias Nullivari.

    The Master of the Hunt is primarily tasked with the planning and arranging of hunts for the nobility and populace to enjoy. This role includes the procuring of hunting hounds and hunting weaponry, plotting an ideal hunting course upon the nation’s land, and maintaining a prize pool for those hunters involved who prove skillful and above all others at the hunt’s conclusion. This Court role is often afforded to a member of the Talarian nobility.



    The current Court Chef is Ariella Tawarenion.

    The Court Chef is responsible for creating and cooking specialty meals using fresh and unique ingredients. They are the leader of the court kitchens and oftentimes work with those running large events, such as balls, festivals or feasts, to supply food for those attending.  



    The current Court Sommelier is Auro’ra Castington.

    The Court Sommelier specialises in all aspects of Talarian wine and other alcoholic beverages. They are responsible for curating wine selections which complement the food and theme during a particular event. Furthermore, they oversee and aid with the creation of new alcohol within Talar’nor. 



    The position of Event Attendant is not one that is held by one person, but many. They assist the Lady of Festivities with hosting a variety of events and festivals for Talar’nor as a whole should their services be requested by the nobility for their vassals. 




    The current Court Painter is Ro’ya Nullivari.

    The Court Painter is responsible for ensuring the standards of art are up to the Princess’ tastes. Painting portraits, landscapes of important events, and being the Arch-Princess’ personal painter are the jobs of this position. 



    The current Court Seamstress is [OPEN].

    The Court Seamstress specialises in their knowledge of Talarian fashion and creates appropriate clothing for the denizens of the Principality. They are responsible for studying any changes in fashion and clothing trends. The Court Seamstress also works closely with the Lady of Festivities and is encouraged to create outfits befitting particular event themes, such as providing masks for masquerade events or dresses for balls.



    The current Master of the Forge is Zoddryk Nullivari.

    The Master of the Forge is the master of all smithing and creation done on behalf of the Arch-Princess and her council. Be it handheld weapons, artillery, or inventions that improve life within the Principality itself, the Forgemaster is the foremost creator at the Royarch’s disposal.




    Her Excellency, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Matriarch of House Nullivari, Evarir of Fel Varden, 

    Lady Protector, Virar of Eld Roth, Laurir Fer’pueran, Member of the Laurir’heial, 

    Master of Paint, Court Painter of Talar’nor.



    Not including the writing in the information hub

    MunaZaldrizoti - Ideas, Writing, and Editing

    Cepheid_ - Ideas, Writing, and Editing

    Silllkee - Ideas, Writing, and Editing

    Slattador - Ideas



    Amyy_ - Ideas, Writing and Editing

    Amuletic - Ideas, Writing and Editing

    Cepheid_ - Ideas



    Amyy_ - Ideas, Writing and Editing

    Amuletic - Ideas

  10. CaM4iOI-lEEVgZtBqRzM15es6RQqSYlcnvZCZ4NoCMN3ZFqPHyHJ2pghkdmn3obnG4r3lr-javhaXiNYjIdhxdjiu6MgIa7hleRDRD85B1cwYip8xB3cek1qOszLA-DAPsVgZjMbFM-vxKjAHa7aNOI




    Published: 8th of the Grand Harvest, Year 132 SA

    The Laurir’heial of Talar’nor, otherwise known as the High Council, are regarded as the highest echelon within our lands, only below that of the Princess herself. The members of this commission have proved beyond doubt their devotion, worth and diligence to the Principality. Each are inherently adept and proficient in their respective offices, and are tasked with both maintaining and facilitating the continued development of our nation. Their efforts and accomplishments are often subtle and unseen, but this does not disrepute their importance in providing the amenities they do and in creating the functioning society that all enjoy. 


    “The wise speak only of what they know.”




    The Princess of Talar’nor is Veralya Wynasul.

    (Amuletic | amuletic)

    The Princess of Talar’nor is the figurehead of the nation, holding the highest rank and absolute authority within the government and over the military. She must control and advise the council, design and override laws and oversee diplomatic decisions. The Princess must also communicate with her populace, ensuring that the denizens of Talar’nor are content.




    The Prince Consort of Talar’nor is Alcyon Eli’baracal.

    (Malinor | Malinor#0001)

    The Prince Consort is the closest advisor to the Princess. It is his responsibility to stand steadfast and faithful by her side, accompanying her on matters of diplomacy, political and court matters, as well as day-to-day tasks. 





    The current Laurir of the Principality is Hurin Nullivari.

    (Milenkhov | m.#3309)

    In the absence of the Royarch, the Chancellor is obligated to lead the nation in their stead. They are responsible for overseeing and guiding relations between foreign delegations and the nation, as well as ensuring the safety of the city and lands. They also act as the voice of the populace by electing preferred representatives to the Laurir’heial and removing councilors deemed to be inefficient in their duties. The Chancellor oversees all departments of council and assists wherever possible - even as the commander of the military, should the need arise.





    The current Mordu’lar is Mirallia Velulaei’onn.

    (iFractal | iFractal#5440)

    The Mordu’lar is the leader of the military and thus the head of national security. They are responsible for the safeguarding of our citizenry, enforcement of the law and management of the Vira’tir. They must recruit and train each soldier within our military and are obligated to protect the royal family. Any punishment befitting those who have committed a crime against the Principality is typically carried out by the Mordu’lar.





    The current Laurir Sil is Thalon Nullivari.

    (_Sug | Sug#4795)

    The Laurir Sil, or more commonly known among the Order as the Mar’sil is the leader of the knightly order that is under the patronage of the royarch. The figurehead of the Order of the White Gryphon, tasked with overseeing the development of new knights, squires, and pages. Acting as a liaison between the Order and the Princess, the Knight Paramount structures the duties of the royal retinue, explorations, and other duties held by knights of the Order. Additionally, he provides a bridge between the knights and populace of Fi'andria and holds a public role so that the Order is properly represented in the Talarian Court.





    The current Laurir Kaliri is Auro'ra Calavenon.

    (Donutxlla | Donutella#7899)

    The Laurir Kaliri is charged with the organization and management of all events within the nation. They direct the flow of activity, citizen engagement and encourage tourism from other nations within our lands. Furthermore, they are responsible for the coordination of growth and the continuation of our culture, shown through traditional balls, festivals or other celebrations, and must ensure these revelries are kept in good spirits. They work alongside the Arch-Princess in arranging tourneys, sessions of court, theater shows and more.





    The current Laurir Fer’pueran is Ro’ya Nullivari.

    (Amyy_ | Amyy#3796)

    The Laurir Fer’pueran is tasked with penning most documents for the council and Arch-Princess. It is their responsibility to write the court archives, any necessary missives to the nation or foreign delegations, debriefs of meetings and so on at the behest of the Royarch. They ensure that quality publications are produced, representing the Principality accurately.





    The current Laurir Akaleh is Aestenia Aevaris.

    (lillyeveans | maevelin#1083)

    The Laurir Akaleh is the treasurer of Talar’nor and is responsible for raising the funds of the nation and allocating mina appropriately. They head the administrative matters of finance within the nation, ensuring that the economy is bustling and the treasury is full. They work closely with the Laurir Lin to generate funds for the needs of the nation through the taxes collected from our citizenry.





    The current Laurir Lin is Ante’ahern Wynasul.

    (CephalonAir | air#0002)

    The Laurir Lin is the head steward, tasked with the collection of citizen taxes, finding homes for the new residents within the city and the general maintenance of the city itself. They are responsible for electing and dismissing other stewards. The head steward is also granted the authority to evict those who fail to pay tax, and work closely with the Laurir Akaleh to maintain steady tax rates and economic balance.




    The current Laurir Draoi is [OPEN].

    The Laurir Draoi is the head of magic knowledge. They are responsible for ensuring that the image and perception of the mages of Talar’nor is maintained well, and that any magic practices performed within the city are safe and do not do damage to any of the populace or the city itself. They ensure that the laws of magic are followed while also maintaining and encouraging the flow of the expansion of magic-users throughout the nation. Furthermore, the Laurir Draoi also leads the academy where the gift of magic is taught.





    The current Laurir Lye is Thalien Wynasul.

    (RedResult | Redacted#9377)

    The Laurir Lye is responsible for implementing new citizens into the city. They aid in directing them to whatever or whoever they need and ensure they are well received by the populous. They work closely with the Laurir Lin in housing new citizens.  Their responsibilities are to direct people to jobs and other hubs within the city to maintain people’s interests. They work with the rest of the council to direct people to help with their needs.




    Her Excellency, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Matriarch of House Nullivari, Evarir of Fel Varden, 

    Lady Protector, Virar of Eld Roth, Laurir Fer’pueran, Member of the Laurir’heial, 

    Master of Paint, Court Painter of Talar’nor.

  11. IGN: Amyy_

    DISCORD: Amyy#3796


    TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: The End of an Era: A Time of Past.




    A brief explanation: This piece depicts three integral members of the Circle of Stars, of what once was the nation of Celia'nor during its time on Almaris. From left to right: Princess Valyris I, The Lady of the Interior and the Silver Seneschal. 

  12. image.png.8e99ae47f2e76bd8e2e0b0586818ed11.png





    Washing up on shore, the water of our destiny whirls about, our fates intermingled within the salt of the seawater. Constellations, reflecting unto the ocean. Only broken when the waters ripple with chaos, with power. The seas hold power in lives… Thus, Avliewyn will be hosting a festival to celebrate the sea with various ocean-related activities. Join us to see the beauty, the chaos, and perhaps the rewards that the seas have to offer.


    I T I N E R A R Y


    A variety of different games will be within the square of Avliewyn, providing various opportunities for fun, food, and prizes for those who arrive. From geese, strength, and water, those attending will find themselves plenty to do during the festivities


    To end off the event, Avliewyn has teamed up with the Tennallar Talonnii to host boat racing. Go head-to-head and compete for the prize of two potions provided by our very own Ante’ahern Wynasul. Ensure you compete, entry is free!

    [[OOC: Friday May 4th at 3:00 pm EST]]




    Veralya Wynasul, Evarir of the Aurumwoods, Laurir Lye



    [[OOC: Credits to @Amuletic for the post <3]]



  13. Lady Ro'ya Nullivari peered at the missive over her Lord husband's heavy shoulder, a subtle smirk pulling at her maw as her viridescent gaze scanned across the pages. "How we rise." She commented though her meaning were vague. 

  14. aPpJpBL.png



    “Never forget, Never forgive.”



    Published: 3rd of Sun's Smile, Year 126 SA



    House Nullivari, a talonii distinguished and birthed from drive, fortitude and the inherent willpower to survive. They are among the first lords of Celia’nor and are viewed as regal and postured, friends to those deserving, and fiercely loyal agents of the Celian Crown. There is a certain eloquence in which they carry themselves that denotes a sense of pride in the very surname which they bear. Though, while prideful, the Nullivari are often calm, collected and meticulous, with inquisitive, thoughtful natures.








    The Lord Thalon Nullivari currently holds several positions within the Celian government, however the most notable of such being the Laurir Sil and Grandmaster of the Order of the White Gryphon. A solitary being, Thalon Nullivari is often regarded and feared as the most influential and revered member of the Nullivari bloodline. He is the acting Patriarch and Evarir of the Talonii, perceived as a confidant and advisor to all the royal Prince’s and Princess’ of Celia’nor since the birth of the nation. He has solidified himself as not only a major political actor but a ruthless servant of the Celian Crown. Father to Kallias, Kassian, and Éowyn, the Nullivari sports a proud and established bloodline renowned throughout the elven nation. He and his wife Ro’ya Nullivari currently approach the anniversary of their 350th year of matrimony, yet sources speculate it may be longer.


    The daunting Patriarch of the Nullivari is highly regarded for his ancient knowledge and magical prowess in many different otherworldly endeavours. Standing at a staggering height of 7’6” with long silver hair and a hulking form, Thalon towers over his elven kinsmen with an aura that commands respect. With washed and tired golden hues, the patriarch often sports a serious demeanour and a raspy voice which accompanies his imposing figure. Adorned in ornate dark plate armors, more often than not, the Nullivari man has an ominous aura present about him.


    Due to him not being a public figure and operating his involvement in Celia’nor behind closed doors, little is known about the Nullivari Lord in the public eye.


    Thalon Nullivari is established as a vicious and unforgiving man, known for defacing his opponents in the most brutal of ways, he carries about his stern and unwavering attitude in all of his endeavours, never granting compliment nor insult to any he comes across. It is his lack of emotion and immorality which has lent him the reputation as a callous and rancorous Knight of Celia’nor and defender of his Talonii. To cross the man has grave consequences and to approach him with anything but ideals of further power would be met with great disinterest. 






    The Lady Ro’ya Nullivari undertakes many positions within Celia’nor and its government, thus she is particularly busy, often engaged in an array of affairs. As Laurir Kaliri of the High Council and a member of the Circle of Stars, Ro’ya is responsible for the organisation of all events, the management of denizen activity, the engagement of citizens and the cultivation of Celian culture. Princess Valyris I also saw fit to name Ro’ya as Master of Paint within the Celian Court, and her artwork can be seen throughout the Elaneh’celia Palace.


    Ro’ya is haelun to Kallias, Kassian, Eowyn and now, as of a recent marriage within the Talonii, she also considers herself a motherly-figure to Vaela also. She has reared all of her young with great love and devotion, her children being of the utmost importance within her life.


    The formidable Matriarch of the Nullivari Talonii, has often been described by many as devastatingly beautiful, with ice-white hair and sharp, viridescent eyes. She has full lips with defined features and a thin, yet curved build with  impeccable posture, standing at six feet with an air of carefree confidence, perhaps borderline arrogance, about her person. Lady Ro'ya Nullivari has always been proud, swift to anger and slow to forgive. To those who do not know her well, she can often be perceived as rather guarded and stubborn, having built an impenetrable facade; one that is stoic, poised and regal. Ro'ya is particularly honest and direct, unafraid to speak her mind with little to no regard for the interpretations made by others. 






    Lord Kallias Nullivari, the eldest son and child of Thalon and Ro’ya, is the named heir and beneficiary to the Nullivari name, estates and income. Serving with his father as an Acaln’sil of the Order of the White Gryphon, Kallias has gained militaristic values and insight befitting such a position. However, his mother saw fit to educate him, alongside all the Nullivari children, in history and tradition, as well as various cultures and peoples. Kallias is also tasked with the Master of the Hunt position within the Court of Celia’nor, where he orchestrates both noble and common hunting events for the populace to enjoy. 


    Kallias was recently joined in matrimony with Lady Vaela and the pair have since welcomed a son, Vaelyx. He and Vaela have often been described as destined for one another, the pair frequently seen side-by-side when outside of the Nullivari estates. 


    Rather identical to his father, Kallias stands tall with a silver mane and dull golden eyes. He is often described as devilishly handsome, with sharp, brooding features. Despite other members of his kin being infamous for their pride, Kallias is somewhat of a recluse, often choosing to remain observant within the shadows, this perhaps being justification of  his impeccable ability to judge one’s character and their intent. He is primarily seen donning dark-hued clothing containing various shades of grey, void of any and all colour.






    Lady Vaela Nullivari is the most recent addition to the Nullivari Talonii by marriage to Lord Thalon and Lady Ro'ya's firstborn son, Kallias. Upon the day of her union, she was made Lady of the Interior at the behest of Princess Valyris I, though has remained reclusive since the birth of her son, Vaelyx. It is expected she will return to the Princess' court in due time, with much merit and faith put in her eloquence and skill with administration. 


    The mali'aheral is a native of a distant isle known as Avir, a refuge founded two centuries previous by elves fleeing the fall of the Silver City in Axios. Thus, her blood is impeccable and entirely high elven, as evidenced by her statuesque height and lovely appearance. Her lengthy tresses are a platinum blonde, matched with a gaze the colour of a summer sea. Though upon her arrival she often adorned herself in azure-blue, the colours of her own Vaedrar Talonii, the elfess has since adopted the red and black shades of her husband's bloodline. Those who know her personally would say that she is a political animal, capable of great acts both cunning and manipulative. However, outwardly, she is glad to put on an amenable performance and is every inch the well-mannered lady of Celia'nor's noblility. She maintains close bonds and relations with the other members of the Nullivari Talonii, often found exclusively in their company. Many also note that she and her husband, Lord Kallias, are well-matched and often entirely enthralled by one another when out on either their kin's estate or walking the streets of the city.







    Kassian Nullivari is the youngest son and middle-child of Thalon and Ro’ya. Known within the talonii for his expertise in all things supernatural and otherworldly; his council is often offered in grim times.  With a collection reminiscent of a dragon’s own hoard he is often sought after for knowledge on particular artefacts and relics of yore. 


    The second born son to Lord and Lady Nullivari has hair which resembles pure starlight that hangs just past his shoulders. Two pale green eyes,  seemingly once a vivid green, would rest upon a ghostly white visage. Kassian is often seen wielding a variety of ancient armaments which have been collected from various historical periods and he dons the Golden Drake upon his tabard.  Most often he can be found within his talonii’s lands of Eld Roth, toiling away at his studies and searching for new ways to innovate.








    Lady Éowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan, daughter of Thalon and Ro’ya, was the youngest of their children and the last to arrive in the great Nation-State of Celia’nor. She undertook a long journey by foot from the distant Principality of Savoy, guided by the gracious invitation of Arch-Princess Ivarielle. As she approached the grand gates of the city, she beheld the sight of the Arch-Princess herself, and in that moment, pledged a solemn oath to serve her for all time.


    Thus did Éowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan enter the service of the Arch-Princess, taking up her duties with dedication and skill. It was here that she met her beloved husband, Túrin Ibarellan, and together they served in positions of great responsibility, with Éowyn becoming the esteemed Laurir Akaln. Alas, a cruel illness forced Éowyn to withdraw from public life, her husband following soon after to be with his wife, retreating to their ranch where they raised their children, Húrin and Niënor “Ninielle”, and taught them the ways of farming and combat. However, Éowyn’s passion for serving her nation never died, and she recently returned to public life as a member of the Order of the White Gryphon, imparting her wisdom to the knights of the Order as Naeri’sil and guiding them to become magi-knights of great renown.


    The Dame of the Nullivari-Ibarellan, much like her mother before her, is a sight to behold, with her fair and delicate features, striking white hair, and sparkling golden eyes. Yet, she is also a woman of practicality and duty, often donning colourful face paint for social and military events and adorning herself with the emblem of the Canonist faith, a golden Akritian cross. Her upright posture and roughened hands bespoke of her years of labour and hard work, attesting to her reputation as a tireless worker for the good of the people of Starry City.






    Lord Túrin Nullivari-Ibarellan was born to Anaessya and Ilvaryn Ibarellan on a tranquil island off the eastern coast of Haelun’or. A land where the soft whispers of nature permeated the air, and life was simple, as if Malin himself had designed it. Despite the peace that surrounded him, Túrin knew that danger lurked beyond the safety of his home, and thus he joined the island's militia. For one month each year, he stood guard on the shores, watching for the arrival of raiders that never seemed to come.


    As time passed, Túrin's sister, Ivarielle, took up arms and led a rebellion against the Silver City, which eventually led to the founding of Celia'nor. She requested her brother's aid in this undertaking, and though Túrin was not one to seek adventure, he felt compelled to answer the call of his kin. However, fate had other plans for him. The ocean's mighty waves and fierce storms hindered his journey, causing a considerable delay. When he finally arrived in the Starry City, years had passed. Despite his tardiness, Ivarielle bestowed a vineyard and ranch upon her brother, allowing him to continue his peaceful farming life.


    It was in the Starry City where Túrin met the love of his life, Éowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan, and the two swiftly married. But their newfound happiness was short-lived, as Túrin was soon summoned to serve the State, becoming the Laurir Fer'pueran, where he served with honour and distinction for many months. After his wife fell ill, Túrin retired from public life, spending his days teaching his children, Húrin and Niënor "Ninielle," the art of agriculture. However, as fate would have it, Túrin would return to the public eye once again, this time serving with the magi-knights of the Order of the White Gryphon.


    Túrin Nullivari-Ibarellan possesses striking golden eyes and flowing white hair that reflect the grace of his elven heritage. His physique is lithe and agile, reflecting the grace of his elven heritage. Túrin's hair is long and silvery-white, framing his sharp features and falling in cascades down his back. His golden eyes are piercing and intense, revealing a keen intellect and sharp senses honed through years of training and experience. Túrin's attire reflects his skill as a warrior, with fine elven armour and a rapier at his side, gleaming in the light. Despite his deadly skills and stoic demeanour, Túrin's elegance and poise are unmistakable, embodying the grace and beauty of his elven heritage.






    Lord Húrin Nullivari-Ibarellan, firstborn of Éowyn and Túrin, was reared with great care and love, trained from his earliest days in the ways of the land and the vine, as befitting his noble lineage. Under the tutelage of his father, Húrin learned to tend the fields and the grapes with his own two hands, mastering the secrets of agriculture and the delicate art of winemaking. From his mother, he gained a worldly education, studying history and lore, and becoming steeped in the traditions and customs of his people.


    As he grew older, Húrin’s heart turned towards the ways of the sword and the shield, and he was inducted into the newly-formed Order of the White Gryphon, becoming one of its most valiant and respected members. His courage and devotion to the cause of justice were put to the test when he intervened to save a group of humans from being unjustly executed by Diraar officers. Using his skills in diplomacy and conflict resolution, Húrin was able to resolve the situation without resorting to violence, earning him great admiration and respect among his peers and even from those who he saved by offering a prayer to the Creator.


    Yet, Húrin’s greatest destiny lay ahead, as his aunt received a prophetic vision that he was to become the Sword of Ivarielle, a weapon against the traitors and enemies of the State. The Princess Valyris, identifying the truth in this, made him a Laurir Hísilómë and tasked him with rooting out the traitors of the State and defending his people and his homeland, standing firm against all foes who threatened the peace and prosperity of Celia’nor.


    Húrin Nullivari-Ibarellan stands tall and proud with a commanding presence. His silver-white hair falls in a sleek and orderly fashion, framing his chiselled and sharp features. His warm blue eyes hold an intense and determined gaze, revealing a wisdom and strength beyond his years. Though his form is lean and agile, his muscular build speaks of a lifetime of training and battle experience. He bears intricate and ornate armour, fashioned with elven craftsmanship, adorned with symbols and motifs honouring his people's beliefs and traditions. Though he carries the scars of past battles, he wears them with pride, symbols of his triumph over adversity and his devotion to his cause.






    A Nullivari by bond over blood, Valindra earned her acceptance into the family through service dating back to Haelun'or under the leadership of Othelu Orrar. An experienced politician thanks to previous positions held, serving as both the first female elven Orenian Privy Councillor and Okarir'maehr and Sillumir Officer to Haelun'or, she was quick to join the forces of Ivarielle. 


    The Nullivari adoptee has been with Celia'nor since its beginning, fighting in battles against Haelun'or and defending the citizens, even in the camp that once sat where the city lies today. A talented magus with her arcane experience totaling over two centuries, she went on to accept the position of Court Mage in the Celian Courts and served as the leading authority in the Voidal arts, having amassed lifetimes' worth of knowledge. Recently, Valindra returned, though most of her time is still spent countering magical threats to both Celia'nor and Almaris at large, acting upon visions granted to her by the veil to stop Voidal threats before they spiral out of control. Having amassed favour in the courts, she was often lovingly referred to as the Court Gremlin by members of High Celian society. Currently, the Nullivari runs a tavern in the Starlit Princedom, an out-of-the-way establishment known as The Cloak and Swagger


    With sleek silver locks and an almost unnaturally pale complexion, the difference in blood between Valindra and the rest of the Nullivari is obvious to many. Her features, like most 'aheral, are sharp, refined, and regal, giving her almost a constant look of boredom or disapproval. To complement her cool palette, she is often seen sporting attire leaning towards darker hues, boldly accented by silver jewellery, though what tends to catch the eyes of those who meet her are her eyes. Once a dull purple in their natural state, they have been twisted and warped as a result of her oracle-like abilities; her irises seem to have animated galaxies trapped within, centred by a narrowed, almost catlike pupil. The demeanour of the elf had a habit of shifting, leaning towards the more chaotic side. Despite this, her loyalty persists, and she is quick to sober up from her laidback state in the face of adversity, often coming across as icy from the wastes from whence she came in her moments of true focus. Despite being a longtime mage, she tends to look upon her fellow magi and those who seek to become attuned to the void with distrust.







    Zoddryk Nullivari, known by most simply as Zodd, is the incumbent Master of the Forge within Celia’nor, a position that tasks him with the fulfilment of a wide range of craftwork for various aspects of the everyday proceedings within the realm. Simple nails, blades fit for kings and emperors, and a great many things between and beyond are made within his domain, with the particularly fine works usually reserved for special people or occasions.


    Unlike the rest of his kin, he is neither graceful, nor beautiful, instead usually described as a rough-hewn and slightly barbaric-looking individual, broadly-built and of large stature, his pale skin covered in scars of various kinds. Despite his outward appearance being the practical antithesis to the norm within Celia’nor, he still takes care to maintain a simple, clean-cut, look, more focused on practicality than being fashionable, a trend that does not cross over into his gear, which tends to be ornate, yet practical, and exceedingly well taken care of.


    When describing his personality, he is said to be stoic, presenting a cold disposition that leaves little room for interpretation in regard to his current moods. Usually seen with an unchanging lack of an expression, sources claim he preserves showings of emotion for when he earnestly intends them, though his pale golden eyes are seemingly filled with hatred for whatever they were pointed at. When his façade cracks for once, he wears a wide range of expressions, ranging from fatherly smiles and cocky grins to animalistic scowls and, in the rarest of cases, the furious visage of a raging beast.








    Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Matriarch of Nullivari, Lady of Eld Roth, Evarir of Celia’nor, Laurir Kaliri of the High Council, Lady of Festivities, Master of Paint, Court Painter of Celia’nor.


    Lord Thalon Nullivari, Patriarch of Nullivari, Laurir Sil of the High Council, Mar’Sil, Grandmaster of the Order of the Gryphon, Lord of Eld Roth, Evarir of Celia’nor, Royal Advisor, The Justicar of Ash, Champion of Wer Relgas, The Beast, Justicar.


    _Sug - Thalon Nullivari 

    Amyy_ - Ro’ya Nullivari, Sigil Art

    MCVDK - Kallias Nullivari
    MunaZaldrizoti - Vaela Nullivari

    Hotbox_monk - Kassian Nullivari

    JoanOfArc - Eowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan

    Rainedropf - Turin Nullivari-Ibarellan

    Milenkhov - Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan

    Frankdh - Rosalyn Nullivari

    Morbibundity - Valindra Nullivari
    AdmiralLB - Zoddryk Nullivari





    A Year of Festivities.


    Published: 11th of Sun's Smile, 120 SA



    As staffs of slim light spill from the sky above Celia’nor, cleansing the land and banishing the strangling silence of winter, the dawn of Spring is justly welcomed. With the daybreak chorus of serenading minstrels, clear and melodious in their tune, a song of beginnings is woven into a lilting lullaby. 


    Upon this birth of new life, the Principality of Celia’nor celebrates the long-awaited arrival of Spring. A year of festivities have been meticulously prepared and organised for all to enjoy.




    “Spring exists to remind us that everything can begin again.”



    I T I N E R A R Y


    Snow’s Maiden:



    For the opening event of our Spring celebrations - Caerthynna Wynasul shall be hosting a cleansing of the past! Attendees are encouraged to adorn fresh robes, preferably white and will each be given a garland to wear. As Spring focuses on renewal, those participating shall write upon parchment their deepest regrets and most tragic memories before burning these alongside others in a beautiful display of harmonious joy.


    Following this ceremony, we shall move into the tavern for a celebratory night of drinks and games hosted by tavernkeep Sylva Cerusil!


    [[OOC: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd @ 4PM EST]]


    Malin’s Welcome: 



    A production will be held of an extraordinary tale, directed by the unexpected. We invite you all to witness this tale in the mysterious theatre’s lesser-known halls.


    Positions available in the production: Queen, King, Saradine, Fairy, Princess. 


    Please send a bird to Laurir Aearion Tawarenion [[Smol_Bean~#2377]] if you wish to participate in the theatre show.



    [[OOC: THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd @ 4PM EST]]


    The First Seed: 



    Join us within the Celia’nor Festival Grounds during the main event of the week for a variety of activities, designed for the utmost enjoyment of the Celian population. Stalls shall be made available around the grounds  for merchants to sell their goods, if you would like to obtain a stall, send a bird to Lady Ro’ya Nullivari [[Amyy#3796]]. 


    Participate in the Egg n’ Spoon Race for a chance of winning 150 mina. The game is simple - balance an egg upon a spoon and race to the finish line! Or - join in a Scavenger Hunt and search around the festival grounds for eggs, whomever obtains the most shall be awarded 200 mina


    Enjoy beverages served by our Court Sommelier throughout the evening, and to conclude the festivities, there shall be a grandiose display of fireworks.


    [[OOC: FRIDAY, MARCH 24th @ 6PM EST]]


    The Grand Harvest: 



    A very special celebration of not one, but two elves coming of age! The beloved twins, Sylva and Raynir Cerusil shall become fifty years of age come this spring with a joyous day of festivities to mark such a wondrous event!


    [[OOC: SATURDAY, MARCH 25th @ 4PM EST]]






    Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Lady of Eld Roth, Virar of Celia’nor,  Laurir Kaliri of the High Council, Lady of Festivities, Master of Paint, Court Painter of Celia’nor.


    Caerthynna Wynasul, Curator of Crown Jewels, Steward of Celia’nor




    Evarir Veralya Wynasul, and their Talonii @Amuletic

    Evarir Aurelius Haelimah, and their Talonii @aWhyte

    Virar Thalon Nullivari, and their Talonii @_Sug

    Virar Siria Py’lrie, and their Talonii @Allien

    Virar Theoden Akaln’riv, and their Talonii @FredrickTeufel

    Virar Aestenia Aevaris and their Talonii  @lillyeveans

    Laurir Ante’ahern Athri'onn and their Talonii  @Air

    Laurir Senna Cerusil and their Talonii @Sailor

    Lauririi Raziel Amethil @Laeonathan

    Lauririi Aearion Tawarenion @Smol

    Noron Kraal Dralguna and their Talonii @_Hexe_



    Netseth Loa’chil, Prince of Nor’asath and his citizens @ColonelKuehl1

    Lenora Jusmia, of Vortice and her citizens @Bethinwonderland

    Georg I, King of Haenseti-Ruska and his citizens @gusano

    Frederick II, Prince of Sedan and his citizens @outcook

    Agnar Grandaxe, King of Urguan and his citizens @legoUrguan10

    Mika Anarion, The Silver Lubba of Lurin and his citizens @mika1278

    Renilde I, Archduchess of Petra and her citizens @tilly

    Idril Sylvaeri, Princess of Amaethea and her citizens @jjosey

    King Cyris, of Bywater and his citizens @Hearth





    Aces - Ideas, Writing

    Ambee - Ideas, Writing

    Cepheid - Ideas

    Smol_Bean~ - Ideas, Writing


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