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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Gustando

  1. i like the new forums :)

  2. what's this? Forums broken? Seems like the work of those macface hackers......

    1. Honourary


      I think so too........

  3. macface hacker group strikes down lord of the craft singlehandedly 

  4. who are these dumb bandits camping the roads. I've already been banditted like 3-4 times and it's only been 2 days since launch.

  5. #JusticeForChristPunchsteel




  6. @Mickaelhz i recommend this man’s services. 10/10 pixel art 🤤

  7. Remove admin approval 

  8. Durr we’re gonna fix the lag durr!

  9. Just me or is lotc having a meltdown today?

  10. The ultimate threat to this server; the e-girls.

    1. bumblefina


      really i was thinking it was the pedophiles

    2. Gustando


      who says the e-girls can’t be pedophiles?

    3. MongolKhan


      31 minutes ago, TheMissileKnowsWhereItIs said:

      who says the e-girls can’t be pedophiles?

      there was one lol, they’re as bad

  11. “New rp standarts”
    > plays billy bob, a literal deity of potatoes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustando


      i have seen him, yes

    3. AlphaMoist


      Telanir there ain’t even any lore written for billy bob why do you do this to lore team 

    4. monkeypoacher
  12. Just me or is lotc dead atm?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unwillingly


      yh like 80% of the server is in athera

    3. Gustando


      not the ******* athera event you doughnuts, i’m talking in regards to the whole server which you couldn’t access to like a couple hours ago

    4. Unwillingly


      LOOOL aiite then

  13. Is there a way to clear by attachment quota? It’s filled to the brim 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustando
    3. rukio


      Good question

    4. rukio



      1. Click ur name up in the top righthand corner.
      2. nde Content select My Attachments 
      3. click the link that leads to where it was uploaded
      4. hit edit
      5. press the trashcan button on the image
      6. ???
      7. It’ll be gone ?
  14. Do you ever just look at a post of someone applying for a staff position, then scroll to the comments and realise how all the +1’s are meaningless?

    1. Bhased


      You aren't the first to make this realisation, nor will you be the last to bring it up

    2. jdesarno


      I’m pretty sure all the +1’s are their friends and hope to get some brownie points when/if the said person applying becomes staff. 

    3. Demotheus


      Anything in any direction should ha e a good reason beyond "they're a nice person!!!!" or something. 

  15. I miss charles the bald’s disstracks and rap songs..........

    1. Heero


      yung_guck is better in every way tho


    2. z3m0s


      My favourite magic plugin.

  16. Wagwan

    1. Banned



      sand men sinned for the final time!1!1 

    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      you've been watching top boy i'm sure 

  17. Daily reminder Archons OP

  18. Wood fired pizza? How will pizza get a job now?

    1. SaltAlt


      Than k Car’s son

  19. God tofuus snap the server back to existance

  20. R.I.P Haelun'Or

  21. Fix my mineman server pls


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